Hydrogen and Oxygen: Questions & Answers

  • Thread starter Arsonade
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In summary: This one is about substances that are bad at conducting heat, something along the lines of rubber but takes a long time to heat up.
  • #1
Hydrogen and oxygen

hi, I've been torturing my chem teacher recently with questions i have that she has no idea about lol :devil: but i would really like to know, i think I am just going to list the qeuestions, i really don't know the answers or where to find them so if you could show me how or where you found out that would be cool

1. What is the rate of production of Hydrogen and oxygen from H2O? does it depend of the amount of voltage used in the process? if so, how?

2. what is the maximum pressure of the production of Hydrogen and oxygen, fo example, if i covered a bottle with a baloon, as hydrogen and oxygen are produced, they fill the balloon and as the baloon strached, pressurem inside the balloon increces, is there a point where that pressure actually stops the hydrogen and oxygen from being produced? again, does it depend on voltage used?and if so how?

3. how much force is produced by a certain amount of hydrogen/oxygen /spark explosion per gram of hydrogen and oxygen, I am looking for an equesion here.

4. (this one isn't really about hydrogen and oxygen but i can't figrue it out) what is a malable substance that cunducts heat badly? somthing along the lines of rubber but takes a long time to heat up

I think that's all, if you could explain the answers to me id appreciate it, this is basically for a model jet engine

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  • #2
1) It actually depends on the current, because current is the rate at which charge is moved. If you know current, you can find moles of electrons moved per second, and you can find the rate of the reaction.

If you look up the actual redox potentials for the reactions that occur, you need a certain minimum voltage but that is it.
  • #3
MaximumTaco said:
1) It actually depends on the current, because current is the rate at which charge is moved. If you know current, you can find moles of electrons moved per second, and you can find the rate of the reaction.

If you look up the actual redox potentials for the reactions that occur, you need a certain minimum voltage but that is it.

so if i soposivly go over taht minumum voltage, let's say by 50000 volts, nothing different should happen? how do i measure currnt and what exactly is it?

  • #4
I'll answer the first question for now.

1. What is the rate of production of Hydrogen and oxygen from H2O? does it depend of the amount of voltage used in the process? if so, how?

The rate of production depends on the temperature among other things, it is related to the free energy of formation (opposite sign) at the specific temperature, you can speed up the rate "by adding work" that is inducing voltage (try researching over the internet the electrolysis of water, this process if frequently used to generate a ionic current, facilitating other reactions). In your text you should find a diagram (in the electrolysis chapter) outlining the relationship between free energy and voltage (although this is not directly pertinent to your question, it helps to understand this aspect). Overall, inducing a voltage, which you may see from the nernst equation, changes the ratio of products/reactants at equilibrium...meaning that the relative rates of the forward and reverse reactions have changed, in favor of the formation of hydrogen and oxygen (I'm pretty sure of this), in this case (since accordance to free energy, the formation of water is favored, unless under deviant temperatures).
  • #5
2. what is the maximum pressure of the production of Hydrogen and oxygen, fo example, if i covered a bottle with a baloon, as hydrogen and oxygen are produced, they fill the balloon and as the baloon strached, pressurem inside the balloon increces, is there a point where that pressure actually stops the hydrogen and oxygen from being produced? again, does it depend on voltage used?and if so how?

Efficiency is important for this question, and I'm quite sure you don't have equipment nor the voltage energy needed to cause a balloon to explode. I'm not quite sure about the quantitative details, nevertheless, if it does not explode, other reactions, facilitated by the free energy will occur in favor of this reaction, since you have effectually provided enough activation energy for other reactions to occur; this negates activation energy as a limiting factor.

3. how much force is produced by a certain amount of hydrogen/oxygen /spark explosion per gram of hydrogen and oxygen, I am looking for an equesion here.

It's not a matter of force is you don't provide the intricate details of the situation...the shape of the object on which the energy is being exerted, etc

4. (this one isn't really about hydrogen and oxygen but i can't figrue it out) what is a malable substance that cunducts heat badly? somthing along the lines of rubber but takes a long time to heat up

You'll need to explain this further, in detail, to someone who is experienced in model jet engines, a chemist probably will not be able to help you adequately in this area. In fact, if you wish to pursue this endeavor, find a professional, you'll get a lot more done.

Again, you have asked very vague questions, regarding theoretical aspects, you need to work on being specific.
  • #6
Yes, GCT is right about finding a more qualified person about this, especially an engineer, as he/she would be more helpful than a chemist as the question involves fluid mechanics, etc, which seems more familiar to engineers.
  • #7
Arsonade said:
(snip)1. What is the rate of production of Hydrogen and oxygen from H2O? does it depend of the amount of voltage used in the process? if so, how?

MT gave you what you need to know --- you are limited by current density for various electrode materials and conditions, but the bottom line is current.

2. what is the maximum pressure of the production of Hydrogen and oxygen, fo example, if i covered a bottle with a baloon, as hydrogen and oxygen are produced, they fill the balloon and as the baloon strached, pressurem inside the balloon increces, is there a point where that pressure actually stops the hydrogen and oxygen from being produced? again, does it depend on voltage used?and if so how?

Not bad for HS --- yes, the cell potential depends on the pressures (activities) of the gases being produced (or consumed if you run it as a fuel cell). I ain't going to give you a course in electrochemistry --- from here you hit "Nernst equation" in the encyclopedia, or Google, or whatever you like for snooping information. The standard potential is a function only of temperature, but the actual cell potential is a function of standard potential and activities.
3. how much force is produced by a certain amount of hydrogen/oxygen /spark explosion per gram of hydrogen and oxygen, I am looking for an equesion here.

I'm going to assume you mean "energy" rather than force --- free energy of formation of water (vapor) is around 400 kJ/mol, little more for liquid. The "force" you get depends on how you go about handling the reaction.
4. (this one isn't really about hydrogen and oxygen but i can't figrue it out) what is a malable substance that cunducts heat badly? somthing along the lines of rubber but takes a long time to heat up

Modelling clay, play dough, bread dough --- you might try restating what you're trying to do --- poor heat conductor, or high heat capacity, or both?

  • #8
wow, i just realized how little i know about chem thanks, ig uess lol, ok well let's see, ill go backwards, what i meen by poor heat counductor is, well say you were wearing this thing, it would be mallable, and the heat would have to be veryhigh for a while before you fealt the heat. ok so #3 now, I am assuming that when hydrogen and oxygen gas are ignited there is an explosion, or flame or whitchever, if I am wrong about this i have a lot of work to do, but what I am asking it the amount of force produced, how much bang for my buck so to speak, if i had it inside of an internal coumustion engine, gasolene produces X amount of forse, hydrogen (and oxygen) produce Y amount of force, this is what I am getting at, some way to compare explosions and the forse produced by them. #2, i still have no propper way of phrasing this but i will give an example, i boil water in a beaker, the apor goes into a tube and drips into an open beaker, if i hold my hand over that open beaker, i notice the water stops boiling, physical or chemical change occouring it is still production of a gas and is there a certain pressure where that gas cannot be produced? what other info would be needed to answer this, I am looking for equations mostly. #1, s wait a second, rate of production depends on tempurature? so it shoudl be produced the same speed at vlts as 5000000 volts? providing temperature is the same? i really can't look at the equations now, ill try though. ok well this has given me a lot to reserch during my 3 AM caffene high so I am going to go for it, gracias


P.S. i thin I am going to show this post to my chem teach, hi Miss. Gambi!
  • #9
ok I've been reserchin and haven't found anything, at least, not wat i need to know
a link a link! i need a link!


Related to Hydrogen and Oxygen: Questions & Answers

1. What is the chemical formula for water?

The chemical formula for water is H2O, which represents two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom.

2. How are hydrogen and oxygen atoms bonded in water?

In water, the two hydrogen atoms are covalently bonded to the oxygen atom. This means that they share electrons in order to form a stable molecule.

3. What is the difference between hydrogen and oxygen gas?

Hydrogen gas (H2) is a colorless, odorless, and highly flammable gas, while oxygen gas (O2) is a colorless, odorless, and highly reactive gas. Oxygen is essential for combustion and respiration, while hydrogen is mainly used as a fuel source.

4. How is water formed from hydrogen and oxygen?

Water is formed when two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combine through a chemical reaction. This reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases energy in the form of heat.

5. What are the properties of hydrogen and oxygen?

Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. It is highly flammable and has a low boiling point. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe. It is essential for life and is highly reactive.

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