Hydrogen flammability with elevation?

  • Thread starter zmorris
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In summary, hydrogen is still flammable at high altitudes, but the range of mixture ratios for which it will burn is quite narrow.
  • #1
Hi All, I've googled everywhere trying to find out if the combustion/flammability of hydrogen is reduced at all for low pressure at high altitudes. There is data for hydrogen at high pressures, but I've been unable to find any data for low pressures.

For example, if a hydrogen balloon stays above 100,000 feet (10 mbar), is there a risk of explosion?

I have a hunch that it's still flammable, because the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is going to be fairly constant.

If you know of data for other gasses like methane, hydrogen would probably be similar.

I'm just asking because helium is becoming rare/expensive as a lifting gas. I realize that leakage is also a problem.

Thanks for your help,

Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2

From measurements we know that when the ambient pressure and/or temperature goes up(down), the laminar flame speed of the mixture goes up(down) and the flammability range increases(decreases).

When pressure and temperature go down, there is a point where the flame speed is zero for any mixture ratio, so it will not burn.
For hydrogen-air, this happens at approximately 1.3 mbar (at room temperature) (Thomson and Enloe,Combustion and Flame, 1966). For most hydrocarbon mixtures, this value is higher (Arnaldos et al. Chem. Engin. Sci. 56, 2001 ). So hydrogen is among the most dangerous mixtures in terms of flammability limits.

When the temperature goes down as well, the flammability limit range decreases as well, from 300 K to 250K the lower flammability limit changes from 4.13 volume% to 4.88 volume% (Karim et al. Cryogenics 24, 1984).

So I think that yes, at 100,000 ft you can still have a flammable mixture, but the range of mixture ratios for which hydrogen-air will burn will be quite narrow.
  • #3
That was my question as well, I hope somebody knowledgeable will answer it. My guess is there is no risk.
At 100000 feet, ambient pressure is 1/100th atmosphere. The air is so thin there is so little oxygen to support any kind of combustion. Hydrogen is flammable between 4% to 75% concentration. Note the rather low upper limit of 75%. Suppose your pure 100% hydrogen tank is leaking, there is just too little oxygen (1/100) in the vicinity to dilute the concentration down to 75%. The leaked hydrogen will only raise and dissipate upward where there is even less oxygen.
  • #4
peterdaol said:
Hydrogen is flammable between 4% to 75% concentration.

This is most likely for 1 atm, generalization for other pressures is unfounded.

Besides, the conclusion that at high elevations there is not enough oxygen is rather off. Yes, air has much lower pressure, but so does the hydrogen, so during a leak the volume in which the ratio is between the upper and lower explosive limits stays the same. There is much less energy stored in that volume, but that's another thing.
  • #5

I can provide some insight into the flammability of hydrogen at high altitudes. First, it is important to understand that the flammability of a gas is dependent on its concentration in the surrounding air, as well as the availability of oxygen.

At high altitudes, the air is thinner and therefore the concentration of hydrogen in the air would be lower compared to sea level. This means that there is less hydrogen available to burn, reducing the risk of explosion.

However, it is important to note that the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in the air remains constant regardless of altitude. This means that at high altitudes, there is still enough oxygen available to support combustion of hydrogen.

In terms of data, there have been studies conducted on the flammability of hydrogen at high altitudes. One study published in the Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries found that the flammability limits of hydrogen at altitudes above 50,000 feet were similar to those at sea level.

As for other gases like methane, the same principle applies – the concentration of the gas in the air decreases at higher altitudes, but there is still enough oxygen available for combustion to occur.

In conclusion, while the risk of explosion due to hydrogen combustion may be reduced at high altitudes, it is still a flammable gas and precautions should be taken to ensure safe handling and usage. I hope this information is helpful in your research and decision-making.

Related to Hydrogen flammability with elevation?

1. What is the flammability range of hydrogen with elevation?

The flammability range of hydrogen with elevation is dependent on the concentration of hydrogen in the air. At sea level, the flammability range is between 4% and 74% hydrogen in air. However, as elevation increases, the concentration of oxygen decreases, resulting in a narrower flammability range. This means that at higher elevations, the concentration of hydrogen needed for ignition is lower.

2. Is hydrogen more flammable at higher elevations?

Yes, hydrogen is more flammable at higher elevations. This is because the concentration of oxygen decreases with elevation, making the flammability range of hydrogen narrower. This means that a lower concentration of hydrogen is needed for ignition at higher elevations compared to sea level.

3. What factors affect the flammability of hydrogen with elevation?

The main factor that affects the flammability of hydrogen with elevation is the concentration of oxygen in the air. Other factors that may contribute to the flammability include temperature, pressure, and the presence of other flammable gases.

4. Can the flammability of hydrogen change with changes in elevation?

Yes, the flammability of hydrogen can change with changes in elevation. As mentioned before, the concentration of oxygen in the air is a major factor in the flammability of hydrogen. Therefore, as elevation changes and the concentration of oxygen decreases, the flammability range of hydrogen also changes.

5. What precautions should be taken when working with hydrogen at high elevations?

When working with hydrogen at high elevations, it is important to be aware of the lower concentration of oxygen and the narrower flammability range. This means that a smaller amount of hydrogen can ignite at high elevations compared to sea level. It is important to follow proper safety procedures and use appropriate equipment when handling hydrogen at high elevations.

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