Hydrogen - perturbation theory question

Thus the new states have energies of ##E= \frac{1}{2}\hbar\omega_0## and ##E= \frac{3}{2}\hbar\omega_0##, respectively.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Part (a): Explain origin of each term in Hamiltonian. What does n, l, m mean?

Part (b): Identify which matrix elements are non-zero

Part (c): Applying small perturbation, find non-zero matrix elements

Part (d): Find combinations of n=2 states and calculate change in energies. Sketch energies before and after perturbation.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Part (a)

First term is KE, second term is PE.

n: energy levels, l: eigenvalues of L2, m: eigenvalues of Lz.

For n =2, 0 ≤ l ≤ 1 and m ≤|l|.

Part (b)

Electric dipole selection rules:

##\Delta l = \pm 1## and ##\Delta m = 0, \pm 1## for l' and m'.

Thus non-zero elements are: ##<2,0,0|z|2,1,0>## and ##<2,1,0|z|2,0,0>##, ##<2,0,0|z|2,1,1>## and ##<2,1,1|z|2,0,0>## and finally ##<2,1,-1|z|2,0,0>##.

You can see that l' on the bra vectors differ by l in the ket by ##\pm1##.


The perturbation is ##eEz##.

I have found that ##<2,0,0|z|2,1,0> = <2,1,0|z|2,0,0> = -3a_z##.

But, the rest give zero values, simply by observing the factor in ##e^{i\phi} d\phi##.

[tex]<2,0,0|z|2,1,1> = \frac{1}{8a_z^4} \frac{-1}{\pi \sqrt{8}} \int_0^{\infty}r^4\left(1 - \frac{r}{2a_z}\right)e^{-\frac{r}{a_z}} dr \int_0^{\pi} sin^2 \theta cos \theta d\theta \int_0^{2\pi} e^{i\phi} d\phi[/tex]

Which is zero since ##\int_0^{2\pi} e^{i\phi} d\phi = 0##.

Same with finding ##<2,1,-1|z|2,1,1>##.


What do they mean linear combination of n=2 states? By perturbation theory, the first order correction to perturbed state ##|E_2'> = |E_2> + \beta |b>##.

Then by comparing the powers of ##\beta## we get:

[tex]|b> = eE \sum_{m\neq 2} \frac{<E_m|z|E_2>}{E_2 - E_m} |E_m>[/tex]
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  • #2
You need to diagonalize the degenerate subspace. Note that the unperturbed energies among all n=2 states are the same, so there would be terms where the denominator of your last equation is zero!

This problem is solved by diagonalizing the perturbation within the degenerate subspace. You should work through it and see why this is.

Also for part (b), consider that $$[z, Lz] = 0 $$
$$\langle n'\,\ell' m' \mid [z, L_z] \mid n\,\ell\, m \rangle= 0 $$
$$\langle n'\,\ell' m' \mid z L_z - L_z z\mid n\,\ell\, m \rangle= 0 $$
$$(m - m')\langle n'\,\ell' m' \mid z\mid n\,\ell\, m \rangle= 0 $$

What does this say about [itex](m - m')[/itex] and [itex]\langle n'\,\ell' m' \mid z\mid n\,\ell\, m \rangle[/itex] ?
  • #3
MisterX said:
You need to diagonalize the degenerate subspace. Note that the unperturbed energies among all n=2 states are the same, so there would be terms where the denominator of your last equation is zero!

This problem is solved by diagonalizing the perturbation within the degenerate subspace. You should work through it and see why this is.

What do they mean by 'n=2' states? Do they mean states like |2,1,0>, |2,1,1>, |2,1,-1> and |2,0,0>? How do I know which diagonalizes perturbation hamiltonian? If any of the kets diagonalize the hamiltonian it means that it is an eigenket of the hamiltonian ##eEz##?

MisterX said:
Also for part (b), consider that $$[z, Lz] = 0 $$
$$\langle n'\,\ell' m' \mid [z, L_z] \mid n\,\ell\, m \rangle= 0 $$
$$\langle n'\,\ell' m' \mid z L_z - L_z z\mid n\,\ell\, m \rangle= 0 $$
$$(m - m')\langle n'\,\ell' m' \mid z\mid n\,\ell\, m \rangle= 0 $$

What does this say about [itex](m - m')[/itex] and [itex]\langle n'\,\ell' m' \mid z\mid n\,\ell\, m \rangle[/itex] ?

It says that ##m = m'## or ##\langle n'\,\ell' m' \mid z\mid n\,\ell\, m \rangle = 0##.
  • #4
unscientific said:
What do they mean by 'n=2' states? Do they mean states like |2,1,0>, |2,1,1>, |2,1,-1> and |2,0,0>? How do I know which diagonalizes perturbation hamiltonian? If any of the kets diagonalize the hamiltonian it means that it is an eigenket of the hamiltonian ##eEz##?
Yes, you are looking for four combinations of those four kets which are eigenkets of ##e\mathcal{E}z##.
unscientific said:
It says that ##m = m'## or ##\langle n'\,\ell' m' \mid z\mid n\,\ell\, m \rangle = 0##.
Yes, this is correct.
  • #5
MisterX said:
Yes, you are looking for four combinations of those four kets which are eigenkets of ##e\mathcal{E}z##.

Yes, this is correct.

So ##\Delta l = \pm 1## but they must have the same values of m. So the only non-zero value is ##<2,1,0|z|2,0,0>##.

For part (d), how do I know which of the n=2 states are eigenkets of ##eEz##? I know that if anyone of the states are eigenkets, then a linear combination of them are also eigenkets. I guess I have to try out each one.

Suppose ##z|2,0,0> = \lambda|2,0,0>##: How do we show that this is right?
  • #6
I suggest you utilize your answers for part (b)/part (c) to answer that question, and to solve part (d).
  • #7
MisterX said:
I suggest you utilize your answers for part (b)/part (c) to answer that question, and to solve part (d).

Is the only non-zero element ##<2,1,0|2,0,0>## for part (b)?
  • #8
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  • #10
MisterX said:
Yes, you are looking for four combinations of those four kets which are eigenkets of ##e\mathcal{E}z##.

Yes, this is correct.

I think I got it. To diagonalize the perturbation Hamiltonian, we must find its eigenvalue equation. The elements of the eigenvector gives the amplitude of each of the original eigenbasis ##(\phi_{200},\phi_{211}, \phi_{210}, \phi_{21-1})## (defined in that order in the matrix)

It turns out that the only non-zero matrix elements in the Hamiltonian matrix are ##\langle\phi_{200}|z|\phi_{210}\rangle = \langle\phi_{210}|z|\phi_{200}\rangle = -3a_0##

Solving for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the states that were once degenerate but not any longer are:

[tex]|n=2,\pm\rangle = \frac{1}{2}\left(|\psi_{200}\rangle \mp |\psi_{210}\rangle\right)[/tex]

Related to Hydrogen - perturbation theory question

1. What is hydrogen perturbation theory?

Hydrogen perturbation theory is a mathematical approach used to study the energy levels and properties of the hydrogen atom. It involves making small adjustments to the original Hamiltonian (the mathematical operator that describes the energy of a quantum system) to account for additional effects, such as electric or magnetic fields.

2. Why is hydrogen perturbation theory important?

Hydrogen perturbation theory is important because it allows scientists to calculate the energy levels and properties of the hydrogen atom with a high degree of accuracy. This is crucial for understanding and predicting the behavior of atoms in various environments, and for developing new technologies such as lasers and atomic clocks.

3. How is hydrogen perturbation theory applied?

Hydrogen perturbation theory is applied by using mathematical techniques such as matrix algebra and perturbation series expansions to solve the modified Hamiltonian. This allows scientists to calculate the energy levels and properties of the hydrogen atom with increasing levels of accuracy by including higher order perturbations.

4. What are the limitations of hydrogen perturbation theory?

Although hydrogen perturbation theory is a powerful and accurate tool, it does have limitations. It assumes that the perturbations are small and that the original Hamiltonian is known exactly. This is not always the case in real-world systems, and in some cases, more sophisticated mathematical techniques may be needed.

5. What are some real-life applications of hydrogen perturbation theory?

Hydrogen perturbation theory has many real-life applications, including predicting the energy levels of hydrogen atoms in different environments, calculating the emission spectra of stars, and designing atomic clocks. It is also used in the development of technologies such as lasers, which rely on precise energy level calculations for their functioning.

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