Hydrostatics Relation for Seawater Pressure with Temperature Variation

In summary, the conversation discusses an empirical formula for seawater pressure and density with a constant temperature, and how it can be used in the hydrostatics relation to determine pressure as a function of depth. The attempt at solving the problem involves replacing variables and taking the derivative, but the approach is deemed incorrect. The questioner is seeking guidance on how to correctly approach the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An empirical formula relating pressure and density for seawater w/ temperature constant is:
p/pa = (k+1)(d/da)^7-k
pa - pressure condition on the surface
da - density condition on the surface
k - dimensionless constant
Using this formula in the hydrostatics relation, determine the pressure as a function of depth.

Homework Equations

Hydrostatic relation: dp/dz = -dg where d is density

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to replace d w/ P/RT and then T w/ T0-kz to get the equation in terms of z. When I tried to take the derivative it was getting very complicated and I couldn't get it to work. I think I'm just approaching the problem incorrectly. I was wondering exactly how to start this problem. I know in order to take the derivative w/ respect to z there needs to be a z in the equation.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why do you need to differentiate with the hydrostatic relation?
  • #3

I would first start by understanding the variables and their relationships in the given formula. The formula relates pressure and density for seawater with a constant temperature. This means that the temperature is not changing with depth, only the pressure and density are affected. The formula also includes a dimensionless constant, k, which may have a specific value or range of values depending on the characteristics of the seawater being studied.

Next, I would consider the hydrostatics relation, which states that the change in pressure with depth (dp/dz) is equal to the negative of the product of the density (d) and the acceleration due to gravity (g). This relationship holds true for any fluid, including seawater.

Using this information, I would approach the problem by first substituting the given formula for density (d) into the hydrostatics relation. This would give me an equation in terms of pressure (p) and the other variables. Then, I would use the given temperature variation equation, T=T0-kz, to substitute for temperature (T) in the hydrostatics relation, since we are looking for the pressure as a function of depth.

After making these substitutions, I would rearrange the equation to solve for pressure (p) as a function of depth (z). This may involve taking the derivative with respect to z, but it should not be too complicated since the variables are now in terms of z. Finally, I would check my solution by plugging in different values for depth to see if the resulting pressure values make sense.

In summary, the key to solving this problem is understanding the relationships between pressure, density, and temperature in seawater, and using the given equations to manipulate the hydrostatics relation to solve for pressure as a function of depth.

FAQ: Hydrostatics Relation for Seawater Pressure with Temperature Variation

1. What is hydrostatics?

Hydrostatics is a branch of fluid mechanics that deals with the study of fluids at rest and the forces acting on them.

2. How does hydrostatics relate to other branches of fluid mechanics?

Hydrostatics is closely related to other branches of fluid mechanics, such as hydrodynamics, which deals with fluids in motion. Both branches use principles of physics, such as Newton's laws of motion, to understand and analyze the behavior of fluids.

3. What are some real-life applications of hydrostatics?

Hydrostatics has many practical applications, including designing and analyzing dams, bridges, and other structures that interact with water. It is also used in the design and operation of hydraulic systems, such as in car brakes and heavy machinery.

4. What are some key principles of hydrostatics?

Some key principles of hydrostatics include Pascal's principle, which states that pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted equally in all directions, and Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force on an object immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces.

5. How does hydrostatic pressure affect objects submerged in a fluid?

Hydrostatic pressure increases with depth in a fluid, so objects submerged at greater depths experience greater pressure. This pressure can cause objects to float or sink, depending on their density and the density of the fluid. It also plays a role in the stability and movement of objects in a fluid.

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