- #1
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This is a fun TikZ picture to play with.
[LATEXS]\documentclass[convert = false]{standalone}
% Euler for math | Palatino for rm | Helvetica for ss | Courier for tt
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ppl} % rm
\linespread{1.05} % Palatino needs more leading
\usepackage[scaled]{helvet} % ss
\usepackage{courier} % tt
% \usepackage{euler} % math
% a better implementation of the euler package (not in gwTeX)
\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{xcolor}
\coordinate (O) at (0, 0);
\pgfmathsetmacro{\b}{\a / tan(\angle)}
\draw[dashed, latex-] (-4, 0) -- (O) node[font = \tiny, pos = .14, above]
{To the Sun};
\draw[dashed, name path = dashed] (0, -4) -- (0, 2.5);
\draw[-latex] (0, 2.65) -- (0, 3.5) node[font = \tiny, above]
\draw[thick, gray, name path global = circ] (O) circle[radius = 3cm];
\draw (O) circle[radius = \circradius];
\draw (O) -- (-\angle:1.5cm) coordinate (C);
\draw (O) -- ({180 - \angle}:3cm) node[pos = .5, font = \tiny,
rotate = {360 - \angle}, align = center]
{Aspe line of the\\ departure hyperbola};
\draw[red, name path = asym1] (-\angle:1.5cm) -- +(0, 4.5) coordinate (P2)
node[font = \tiny, rotate = -90, pos = .5, above] {Asymptote};
\shadedraw[gray, left color = orange!80!white!30!red!50,
right color = blue!90!green!70!purple!30] (O) circle[radius = .2cm];
\filldraw[black] (-\angle:.35cm) circle[radius = .02cm] node[below,
font = \tiny] {P};
\begin{scope}[rotate = {90 - \angle}, shift = {(0, {-\a - \circradius})},
on background layer]
\draw[red, -latex] plot[domain = 0:3, samples = 100]
({\x}, {\a * sqrt(1 + (\x / \b)^2)}) node[font = \tiny, above, black]
\path[name path global = asym2] ({180 - \angle}:0) --
({180 - \angle}:7);
\path[name intersections = {of = circ and asym2, by = P1}];
\draw[dashed, red] ({180 - \angle}:0) -- (P1);
\draw[on background layer] let
\p0 = (C),
\p1 = (O),
\p2 = (P2),
\n1 = {atan2(\x1 - \x0, \y1 - \y0)},
\n2 = {atan2(\x2 - \x0, \y2 - \y0)},
\n3 = {.75cm},
\n4 = {(\n1 + \n2) / 2}
in (C) +(\n1:\n3) arc[radius = \n3, start angle = \n1, end angle = \n2]
node[font = \tiny] at ([shift = (C.center)] \n4:.5cm) {\(\beta\)};
\path[name path global = perp] (-1, 2.49) -- (5, 2.49);
\path[name intersections = {of = dashed and perp, by = P3}];
\path[name intersections = {of = asym1 and perp, by = P4}];
\draw[latex-latex] (P3) -- (P4) node[pos = .5, fill = white, inner sep = 0,
font = \tiny] {\(\Delta\)};
You can play around with the angle Latex Code:
by changing the number. Everything is built off of this angle so the picture will adjust as you change it.
Additionally, you can play around with these parameters (below):
Latex Code:
\def\circradius{.35} \def\a{1.15}
As you adjust your angle, the hyperbola will be shorten or lengthened depending on your adjustment. You can increase or decrease by adjusting Latex Code:
domain = 0:3
in the code below.
Latex Code:
draw[red, -latex] plot[domain = 0:3, samples = 100] ({\x}, {\a * sqrt(1 + (\x / \b)^2)}) node[font = \tiny, above, black] {\(\mathbf{v}_{\infty}\)};
You only need to adjust the 3. Lower will shorten the hyperbola and higher will lengthen it. If you remove 0 and add the negative symmetric value, you will plot the whole portion of this piece of the hyperbola.
[LATEXS]\documentclass[convert = false]{standalone}
% Euler for math | Palatino for rm | Helvetica for ss | Courier for tt
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ppl} % rm
\linespread{1.05} % Palatino needs more leading
\usepackage[scaled]{helvet} % ss
\usepackage{courier} % tt
% \usepackage{euler} % math
% a better implementation of the euler package (not in gwTeX)
\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{xcolor}
\coordinate (O) at (0, 0);
\pgfmathsetmacro{\b}{\a / tan(\angle)}
\draw[dashed, latex-] (-4, 0) -- (O) node[font = \tiny, pos = .14, above]
{To the Sun};
\draw[dashed, name path = dashed] (0, -4) -- (0, 2.5);
\draw[-latex] (0, 2.65) -- (0, 3.5) node[font = \tiny, above]
\draw[thick, gray, name path global = circ] (O) circle[radius = 3cm];
\draw (O) circle[radius = \circradius];
\draw (O) -- (-\angle:1.5cm) coordinate (C);
\draw (O) -- ({180 - \angle}:3cm) node[pos = .5, font = \tiny,
rotate = {360 - \angle}, align = center]
{Aspe line of the\\ departure hyperbola};
\draw[red, name path = asym1] (-\angle:1.5cm) -- +(0, 4.5) coordinate (P2)
node[font = \tiny, rotate = -90, pos = .5, above] {Asymptote};
\shadedraw[gray, left color = orange!80!white!30!red!50,
right color = blue!90!green!70!purple!30] (O) circle[radius = .2cm];
\filldraw[black] (-\angle:.35cm) circle[radius = .02cm] node[below,
font = \tiny] {P};
\begin{scope}[rotate = {90 - \angle}, shift = {(0, {-\a - \circradius})},
on background layer]
\draw[red, -latex] plot[domain = 0:3, samples = 100]
({\x}, {\a * sqrt(1 + (\x / \b)^2)}) node[font = \tiny, above, black]
\path[name path global = asym2] ({180 - \angle}:0) --
({180 - \angle}:7);
\path[name intersections = {of = circ and asym2, by = P1}];
\draw[dashed, red] ({180 - \angle}:0) -- (P1);
\draw[on background layer] let
\p0 = (C),
\p1 = (O),
\p2 = (P2),
\n1 = {atan2(\x1 - \x0, \y1 - \y0)},
\n2 = {atan2(\x2 - \x0, \y2 - \y0)},
\n3 = {.75cm},
\n4 = {(\n1 + \n2) / 2}
in (C) +(\n1:\n3) arc[radius = \n3, start angle = \n1, end angle = \n2]
node[font = \tiny] at ([shift = (C.center)] \n4:.5cm) {\(\beta\)};
\path[name path global = perp] (-1, 2.49) -- (5, 2.49);
\path[name intersections = {of = dashed and perp, by = P3}];
\path[name intersections = {of = asym1 and perp, by = P4}];
\draw[latex-latex] (P3) -- (P4) node[pos = .5, fill = white, inner sep = 0,
font = \tiny] {\(\Delta\)};
You can play around with the angle Latex Code:
by changing the number. Everything is built off of this angle so the picture will adjust as you change it.
Additionally, you can play around with these parameters (below):
Latex Code:
\def\circradius{.35} \def\a{1.15}
As you adjust your angle, the hyperbola will be shorten or lengthened depending on your adjustment. You can increase or decrease by adjusting Latex Code:
domain = 0:3
in the code below.
Latex Code:
draw[red, -latex] plot[domain = 0:3, samples = 100] ({\x}, {\a * sqrt(1 + (\x / \b)^2)}) node[font = \tiny, above, black] {\(\mathbf{v}_{\infty}\)};
You only need to adjust the 3. Lower will shorten the hyperbola and higher will lengthen it. If you remove 0 and add the negative symmetric value, you will plot the whole portion of this piece of the hyperbola.
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