Hypocritical Board Run by Atheists: Free Speech Denied

  • Thread starter Quantumtheologica1
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the closing of a post titled "Therefore God Exists" while other posts that question God remain open. The speaker accuses the moderators of being hypocrites and not allowing free expression on the topic of God. However, the moderators explain that they do allow discussions on the existence of God as long as they follow the forum's guidelines for logic and evidence-based arguments. They also clarify that their decision to close a thread is not based on their personal beliefs, but on the quality of the argument presented.
  • #1
I see you close a post that's titled, Therefore God Exists, but you leave open posts that question God like, A Limit to Gods Power and Who Created God, why have you not closed these threads also? Hypocrites!

You can use metaphysics on this board to question God just not to point to God, why is that? The people who moniter this board let their own atheist or agnostics beliefs stand in the way of free expression and that is SAD!
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  • #2
I'll leave this up to moderators.
  • #3
Quantumtheologica1 said:
I see you close a post that's titled, Therefore God Exists, but you leave open posts that question God like, A Limit to Gods Power and Who Created God, why have you not closed these threads also? Hypocrites!

You can use metaphysics on this board to question God just not to point to God, why is that? The people who moniter this board let their own atheist or agnostics beliefs stand in the way of free expression and that is SAD!

To say that we prohibit any kind of discussion that argues in favor of the existence of a God is a mischaracterization. We allow any kind of discussion on the topic, either for or against, as long as it follows the guidelines for our philosophy forums.

Note, however, that we do https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=15840 arguments from religious doctrine, or arguments about a God or gods as characterized by any specific religious denomination (whether it be for or against).
  • #4
Quantumtheologica1 said:
The people who moniter this board let their own atheist or agnostics beliefs stand in the way of free expression and that is SAD!

Also, I'd point out that when the staff was deciding whether to continue to allow religious discussions (I think it was about a year ago), a few wanted to get rid of the subject of God altogether because of how nasty some of the "believers" (on both sides of the issue) got, and how truly awful some of the logic in debates were.

I think you might be surprised how many of us are open, or more, to the existence of God. It's just that the format here is philosophy, not religion. Argument both for and against the existence of God is a traditional area of philosophy, but it's debated differently than religion. Here one is expected to use evidence, reason, and logic to make points, as well as to avoid relying on religious dogma or faith statements of one's religion in debate. A typical subject might be, do we need God to explain existence, or if God is omnipotent, then . . . (whatever). :smile:
  • #5
Why in the world did you close the thread, Therefore God Exists? Your answer makes no sense. The guy in the thread didn't promote any religion yet you closed his thread and not the others who question God. WHY?

It's sad, when you don't like the thread you close it or take it off the board like you did two of mine. It's like it's ok to mention God in an abstract way to please the feelings of the moderators, but if you discuss God and metaphysics according to your own conscious and it doesn't agree with the moderators they close you down. HYPOCRITES!
  • #6
If you bothered to read Tom's reply to the original poster, you'd find that it was closed because the argument was founded on poor logic, and thus in clear violation of the philosophy forum guidelines. Tom even explicitly stated "Sorry, but this is exactly the type of poorly formulated argument that our Philosophy Forums Guidelines were enacted to prevent. We will host ontological arguments here, but they at least have to be valid."

We are not interested in hosting arguments based on demonstrably poor logic, whether they're about God or apples. And posting something based on "your own conscious" does not necessarily make for a solid logical argument. This has nothing to do with the belief systems of the moderators, and everything to do with the quality of the logic and/or the religious content of the offending material (your previous threads included). If you don't like our guidelines, you can read and post your ideas from your own conscious elsewhere. Case closed.
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FAQ: Hypocritical Board Run by Atheists: Free Speech Denied

1. What does it mean for a board to be hypocritical?

A board is considered hypocritical when it claims to support a certain principle or value, but its actions do not align with those principles. In the case of a board run by atheists, it would mean that they claim to support free speech but are denying it to others.

2. How can a board be run by atheists if it denies free speech?

The board may have members who identify as atheists, but this does not necessarily mean that all members share the same beliefs or values. It is possible that the decision to deny free speech was made by a majority vote or by individuals who do not represent the entire group.

3. Is it fair to label the board as atheist-run if not all members are atheists?

While it may not be accurate to say that the board is solely run by atheists, if a majority of the members identify as atheists and their beliefs are reflected in the board's decisions, then it can be considered an atheist-run board.

4. Can atheists be hypocritical if they do not believe in a moral code?

Atheism itself is not a belief system and does not dictate a specific moral code. However, it is possible for an individual atheist to have their own set of moral principles and still act in a hypocritical manner.

5. How can the issue of denying free speech be addressed on a board run by atheists?

The best way to address this issue would be to have open and respectful discussions among all members of the board to understand each other's perspectives and come to a compromise that respects the principles of free speech while also addressing any concerns or conflicts within the group.
