I am 47 years old and I trying to learn Mathematics

In summary: Check.For surjectivity, we must show that for any positive rational number ##\dfrac{s}{t}## there is a way to write ##\dfrac{s}{t}=p_na_n+\ldots p_1a_1+p_0a_0## for suitable ##p_0,\ldots,p_n## by our given choice of ##a_n\,.##To do this, we need to show that for any rational number ##s\gt 0## there exists a unique rational number ##t\gt0## such that ##s=t##. This can be done by solving a system of simultaneous equations
  • #1
Marcio reis
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
Yes, ##\mathbb{Z}[X]## is only a group under addition, and you said multiplicative group of positive rational numbers. As ##0## isn't positive, it can only be the multiplicative group. What I meant was, how do you map a polynomial ##p(X)=a_nX^n+a_{n-1}X^{n-1}+\ldots +a_1X+a_0## into a positive rational number?

Btw: Hello and :welcome: !
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  • #4
fresh_42 said:
What isomorphism do you mean?

Z[X] is the additive group and Q is the multiplicative group of all rational numbers without zero.
  • #5
fresh_42 said:
Yes, ##\mathbb{Z}[X]## is only a group under addition, and you said multiplicative group of positive rational numbers. As ##0## isn't positive, it can only be the multiplicative group. What I meant was, how do you map a polynomial ##p(X)=a_nX^n+a_{n-1}X^{n-1}+\ldots +a_1X+a_0## into a positive rational number?

Btw: Hello and :welcome: !
Thanks! It's proved somewhere else that Z[X] and the multiplicative group of positive rational numbers are isomorphics. I was wondering why the negative rational numbers must be excluded.
  • #6
I don't know whether they are isomorphic without seeing the mapping. If there is one, and I still like to see it, then they are isomorphic. The notation should be more detailed like ##\left(\mathbb{Z},+\right)\cong_\varphi\left(\mathbb{Q}^+,\cdot\right)## and ##\varphi(p(X))## should be defined. I assume it is ##\varphi\, : \,p(X) \longmapsto 10^{p(1)}## or so but I do not see surjectivity. Which polynomial belongs to e.g. ##\dfrac{1}{7}\,?##

Another possibility is, that the author uses "isomorphism into" as being a monomorphism and distinguishes it from "isomorphism onto". This happens occasionally but is very confusing in my opinion.

The correct correspondence is:
monomorphism = injective (bad alternative: isomorphism into)
epimorphism = surjective (alternative: mapping onto)
isomorphism = bijective = injective and surjective (bad alternative: isomorphism onto)

So the answer to your question depends on what you have not given us as information.
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  • #7
Note that ##(\mathbb{Q}^{>0},\cdot)## and ##(\mathbb{Q}^{\times},\cdot)## are not isomorphic, since the first group has only one element that squares to the identity (namely ##1##) but the second group has two elements that square to the identity (##\pm 1##). So if ##\mathbb{Z}[X]## is isomorphic to the first group, it cannot be isomorphic to the second group.
  • #8
The groups are certainly isomorphic.
Suppose f is a function from z[X] to Q+. We must have f(0) = 1. (identities of the groups)
Suppose f(1) = a0, then f(2) must be a02, f(-1) must be 1/a0, and f(n) must be a0n.
The same can be said about f(0)=1, F(X)=a1, F(2X) =a12 etc, so you get all powers of a1
Now all of those powers must be different numbers, or you'll get strange polynomial identies like a0 = a1 X
What condition must the sequence a0, a1, a2, ... satisfy that all of the powers are different. There is a fairly simple example.
  • #9
willem2 said:
The groups are certainly isomorphic.
It doesn't become right by repetition!
Suppose f is a function from z[X] to Q+. We must have f(0) = 1. (identities of the groups)
Suppose f(1) = a0, then f(2) must be a02, f(-1) must be 1/a0, and f(n) must be a0n.
The same can be said about f(0)=1, F(X)=a1, F(2X) =a12 etc, so you get all powers of a1
Now all of those powers must be different numbers, or you'll get strange polynomial identies like a0 = a1 X
You defined ##f\, : \,\mathbb{Z}[x]\longrightarrow \mathbb{Q}^+## by ##f(1)=a_0## which automatically gives us by ##f(z)=f(1+(z-1))=f(1)f(z-1)=a_0f(z-1)## all other values of constant polynomials. Next you defined - I assume - ##f(x^n)=a_n##. In short we have for ##p(x)=p_nx^n+\ldots +p_0## a function ##f(p)=p_na_n+\ldots p_1a_1+p_0a_0##.

Now we have to check the following properties:
  1. Is ##f## well-defined?
  2. Is ##f## a homomorphism?
  3. Is ##f## injective?
  4. Is ##f## surjective?
As polynomials are given by the sequence ##(p_0,\ldots,p_n)## and a sequence ##(a_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}## is chosen in advance to set up the function, there will be no two different images for ##f(p)## possible.
1. Check.

Since we defined ##f## by the rule ##f(p-q)=f(p)f(q)^{-1}## we automatically have a homomorphism per construction.
2. Check.

For injectivity, we must show, that ##f(p)=f(q)## implies ##p=q##. So given ##f(p)=p_na_n+\ldots p_1a_1+p_0a_0=q_ma_m+\ldots q_1a_1+q_0a_0=f(q)##, how do you guarantee that ##n=m## and ##p_j=q_j## for all ##j=0,\ldots, n\,?##

For surjectivity, we must show that for any positive rational number ##\dfrac{s}{t}## there is a way to write ##\dfrac{s}{t}=p_na_n+\ldots p_1a_1+p_0a_0## for suitable ##p_0,\ldots,p_n## by our given choice of ##a_n\,.##How do you find those ##p_j\,?##
What condition must the sequence a0, a1, a2, ... satisfy that all of the powers are different. There is a fairly simple example.
My suggestion is to choose ##a_n## to be the inverse of ##n-##th prime number: ##a_0=\dfrac{1}{2},a_1=\dfrac{1}{3},a_2=\dfrac{1}{5},a_3=\dfrac{1}{7},\ldots ##. Can you now check point 3. and 4.?
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  • #10
fresh_42 said:
For surjectivity, we must show that for any positive rational number stst\dfrac{s}{t} there is a way to write st=pnan+…p1a1+p0a0st=pnan+…p1a1+p0a0\dfrac{s}{t}=p_na_n+\ldots p_1a_1+p_0a_0 for suitable p0,…,pnp0,…,pnp_0,\ldots,p_n by our given choice of an.an.a_n\,.How do you find those pj?
Well I'd left that as an exercise for the reader.
Every positive rational number can be written in a unique way as a product of powers of prime numbers. (including negative powers). The polynomials corresponding to [itex] \Pi{p_i}^{a_i} [/itex] is [itex] a_0 + a_1 X + a_2 X^2 + \ldots [/itex]
(where the pi are the primes starting with p0 = 2.
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  • #11
willem2 said:
Well I'd left that as an exercise for the reader.
Sorry, my fault, I confused you with the OP.
  • #12
willem2 said:
Well I'd left that as an exercise for the reader.
Every positive rational number can be written in a unique way as a product of powers of prime numbers. (including negative powers). The polynomials corresponding to [itex] \Pi{p_i}^{a_i} [/itex] is [itex] a_0 + a_1 X + a_2 X^2 + \ldots [/itex]
(where the pi are the primes starting with p0 = 2.
How do you get the negative coefficients?
  • #13
WWGD said:
How do you get the negative coefficients?
The ai can be negative. 1/pia corresponds to -a Xi-1
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  • #14
WWGD said:
How do you get the negative coefficients?
Ah, yes, mixed up the ##\mathbb Z## and ##\mathbb Q ##, my bad.

Related to I am 47 years old and I trying to learn Mathematics

1. How difficult is it to learn mathematics at the age of 47?

Learning mathematics at any age can be challenging, but it is certainly possible to learn at 47 years old. With dedication, perseverance, and proper guidance, anyone can learn mathematics at any age.

2. What are the benefits of learning mathematics at 47 years old?

Learning mathematics at 47 years old can have numerous benefits, such as improving critical thinking skills, enhancing problem-solving abilities, and increasing overall cognitive function. It can also open up new career opportunities and provide a sense of personal accomplishment.

3. Can I still catch up on the mathematics concepts I missed in my earlier years?

Yes, it is possible to catch up on mathematics concepts that you may have missed in your earlier years. With determination and the right resources, you can fill any knowledge gaps and build a strong foundation in mathematics.

4. How long will it take me to learn mathematics at 47 years old?

The time it takes to learn mathematics at 47 years old can vary depending on your individual learning pace and the level of mathematics you wish to achieve. With consistent practice and effort, you can make significant progress in a few months to a year.

5. What resources are available for learning mathematics at 47 years old?

There are various resources available for learning mathematics at 47 years old, such as online courses, textbooks, tutors, and educational websites. It is essential to find a resource that suits your learning style and pace to maximize your learning potential.

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