I am interested in disinterested knowledge

  • Thread starter coberst
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of disinterested knowledge, which is knowledge that is sought after for its own sake rather than for any practical purpose. It is compared to instrumental knowledge, which is used for production and consumption. The importance of pursuing disinterested knowledge is emphasized as a means of self-expression and self-discovery. It is also seen as a catalyst for creativity and a way to expand our understanding of the world. The conversation also touches on the history and evolution of individual consciousness and the value of hobbies and intellectual pursuits.
  • #1
I am interested in disinterested knowledge

Disinterested knowledge is the energy bunny. It generates the energy for exploration and for overcoming some of the inhibitions consciousness places on the unconscious.

Disinterested knowledge is an intrinsic value. Disinterested knowledge is not a means but an end. It is knowledge I seek because I desire to know it. I mean the term 'disinterested knowledge' as similar to 'pure research', as compared to 'applied research'. Pure research seeks to know truth unconnected to any specific application.

Studying disinterested knowledge is like taking off a month every year to visit a strange new land. Curiosity is reinvigorated and new meaning is created.

Knowledge is like a jigsaw puzzle. We have created many puzzles in coping with reality and when we receive a new piece of knowledge that does not fit our present puzzles we forgetaboutit (Italian word for ‘forget about it’). However, if through disinterested knowledge we have created new puzzles within which the new knowledge might fit we might find a whole new meaning in life.

Our mind is constantly working for us and when we do not give it a worthwhile project, i.e. a new puzzle, it will just waste away in boredom or worry.

Instrumental knowledge is interested knowledge. Instrumental knowledge is the life blood of a value system that places the maximizing of production and consumption as “Number One”.

Disinterested knowledge is the un-knowledge, it is the non-instrumental knowledge. Disinterested knowledge is an alien and clumsy word in a society that places maximum value on production and consumption. Disinterested knowledge is not a catalyst of production and consumption but it is the catalyst of creativity. Disinterested knowledge is the mixing bowl of creativity.

Creativity is the synthesis of the known into a model of the unknown. The value of the unknown is yet to be determined. Creativity requires a comfort with the unknown.

Disinterested knowledge is a means to defragment your brain.

Have you ever studied disinterested knowledge?

Do you think it is important to love to learn?
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  • #2
I'm not sure if this is what Disinterested knowledge means, but it makes me think of knowledge that no one is interested in. If that's the case, you can't ever be interested in it. Once interested, it ceases to be "Disinterested knowledge". So, does it even exist? Lol.
  • #3
nickto21 said:
I'm not sure if this is what Disinterested knowledge means, but it makes me think of knowledge that no one is interested in. If that's the case, you can't ever be interested in it. Once interested, it ceases to be "Disinterested knowledge". So, does it even exist? Lol.

LOL that's true.
  • #4
nickto21 said:
I'm not sure if this is what Disinterested knowledge means, but it makes me think of knowledge that no one is interested in. If that's the case, you can't ever be interested in it. Once interested, it ceases to be "Disinterested knowledge". So, does it even exist? Lol.

Disinterested knowledge is the energy bunny. It generates the energy for exploration and for overcoming some of the inhibitions consciousness places on the unconscious.

Disinterested knowledge is an intrinsic value. Disinterested knowledge is not a means but an end. It is knowledge I seek because I desire to know it. I mean the term 'disinterested knowledge' as similar to 'pure research', as compared to 'applied research'. Pure research seeks to know truth unconnected to any specific application.
  • #5
It is unfortunate that everyone gets tied up in semantic quibbles. What is important is the search for new knowledge.

If we wonder off the beaten path we can discover what we have not ‘seen’ before. If we only study that which enhances our present state then we will never know what we don’t know.

Hobbies are ways in which many individuals express their individuality. Those matters that excite an individual interest and curiosity are those very things that allow the individual him or her to self-understanding and also for others to understand them. Interests define individuality and help to provide meaning to life. We all look for some ideology, philosophy or religion to provide meaning to life.

When examining psychosis the psychiatrist advises either the establishment of an interpersonal evolvement or for finding interests and perhaps new patterns of thought.

None of us have discovered our full potentialities or have fully explored in depth those we have discovered. Self-development and self-expression are relatively new ideas in human history. The arts are one means for this self-expression. The artist may find drawing or constructing sculptures as a means for self-discovery. The self-learner may find essay writing of equal importance. Consciousness of individuality was first become a possibility in the middle Ages. The Renaissance and further the Reformation enhanced the development of individual identification.

As technology developed there grew a further enhancement of the perception of the individual. It was in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1674 that the word “self” took on the present modern meaning of “a permanent subject of successive and varying states of consciousness”. “Self” as an instance of compounds with other words appeared over this period of time. Self-knowledge (1613), self-examination (1647). Self-interest (1649).

The word “individual” moved from the indivisible and collective to the divisible and distinctive. In this we see the development of an understanding of self-consciousness thus illustrating the dramatic change taking place in our developing understanding of the self as a distinct subject not just a cipher in a community. This was part of the Renaissance.

I recommend that each of us develop the hobby of an intellectual life. We could add to our regular routine the development of an invigorating intellectual life wherein we sought disinterested knowledge; knowledge that is not for the purpose of some immediate need but something that stirs our curiosity, which we seek to understand for the simple reason that we feel a need to understand a particular domain of knowledge.

I think that the world is full of things that have interest for me only because I wish to know and hopefully understand. Disinterested knowledge is non utilitarian knowledge that I acquire in the quest for self-understanding. Seeking knowledge based upon curiosity is, I think, an excellent means for self-actualization.

I think that the world is full of things that have interest for me only because I wish to know and hopefully understand. Disinterested knowledge is non utilitarian knowledge that I acquire in the quest for self-understanding. Seeking knowledge based upon curiosity is, I think, an excellent means for self-actualization.

Its good for self-actualization by self-learning. It opens up new horizons for intellectual development. It is to add spice and meaning to life.

Bingo! That is exactly what I mean. Follow your curiosity. To help in this quest I suggest that you acquire a "Friends of the Library" card from a local college. With this card, which will be a fee of about $25 per year, you will have access to all the books you might want when following your curiosity.

I am a retired engineer and have been doing math for years. Only recently have I begun to understand math. I have also been studying cognitive science and this has opened a whole new world of understanding. It is a real shame that our educational system has left us so intellectually handicapped and with such negative attitudes toward learning.

FAQ: I am interested in disinterested knowledge

1. What is disinterested knowledge?

Disinterested knowledge refers to the pursuit of knowledge without any personal bias or self-interest. It involves approaching a topic or subject with an open mind and without any preconceived notions or motivations.

2. Why is disinterested knowledge important?

Disinterested knowledge is important because it allows for a more objective and unbiased understanding of a topic or subject. It helps to eliminate personal biases and allows for a more accurate and reliable interpretation of information.

3. How is disinterested knowledge different from interested knowledge?

Disinterested knowledge is different from interested knowledge in that it is not influenced by personal biases or motivations. Interested knowledge, on the other hand, is driven by personal interests and may be subject to bias and limited perspectives.

4. How can one achieve disinterested knowledge?

To achieve disinterested knowledge, one must approach a topic or subject with an open mind and a willingness to consider all perspectives and evidence. It also involves critically evaluating information and being aware of personal biases and motivations.

5. What are the benefits of pursuing disinterested knowledge?

The benefits of pursuing disinterested knowledge include a more objective and accurate understanding of a topic or subject, the ability to critically evaluate information, and the potential to make more informed and well-rounded decisions.

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