I am not a teacher or even student of physics but I am translating a

In summary, the speaker is not familiar with physics but is translating a physics paper and needs help understanding the term "m-dependency". They are considering using "dependence on m" instead and are seeking clarification and advice from others.
  • #1
I am not a teacher or even student of physics but I am translating a physics paper into English and I need some help. I have a sentence that may translate as follows:

"Newton introduced m-dependency upon taking into consideration, within the context of his second law, the experimental fact that all objects close to the Earth’s surface fall with the same gravitational acceleration."

Does the term "m-dependency" make sense in this context? The literal translation would be "dependence with m" and in previous sentences there is a definition of m as the mass of a planet.

Should I use "m-dependency" or "dependence on/with m"?

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

What does m-dependency mean? Dependence on some mass m?
I would try to split that sentence into two smaller ones.
  • #3

@mfb, the OP said the paper defined m as the mass of the planet.

I would translate it as "dependence on m". If you want to use a new techincal term like "m-dependency", you need to define what it means.
  • #4

Thank you. I will use dependence on m.
  • #5

I can provide some clarification on this term. In this context, "m-dependency" likely refers to the dependence on the mass (m) of an object in relation to its acceleration due to gravity. This is a commonly used term in physics when discussing Newton's second law, which states that the force acting on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration (F=ma).

In terms of translation, "m-dependency" or "dependence on/with m" can both be used. However, it may be more accurate to use "dependence on/with mass" to avoid any potential confusion or ambiguity. Ultimately, the most important thing is to accurately convey the meaning of the original sentence in your translation.

I hope this helps and good luck with your translation!

FAQ: I am not a teacher or even student of physics but I am translating a

What is the purpose of translating a physics text?

The purpose of translating a physics text is to make the information and concepts accessible to a wider audience who may not be familiar with the original language. It allows for the dissemination of knowledge and promotes cross-cultural understanding.

What qualifications do you need to accurately translate a physics text?

To accurately translate a physics text, one should have a strong understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as a background in physics. A degree in translation or physics would be beneficial, but it is also important to have experience and familiarity with scientific terminology.

How do you ensure the accuracy of your translation?

To ensure the accuracy of a translation, it is important to carefully read and understand the original text, conduct research on any unfamiliar concepts or terms, and consult with other experts in the field. It is also helpful to have someone proficient in both languages review the translation for any errors or discrepancies.

What challenges do you face when translating a physics text?

One of the main challenges when translating a physics text is accurately conveying complex scientific concepts and theories in a different language. It can also be difficult to find equivalent terms and maintain consistency throughout the translation. Additionally, cultural differences may also impact the understanding of certain concepts.

What are the benefits of translating a physics text?

Translating a physics text can help bridge the gap between different languages and promote global collaboration and understanding. It also allows for the dissemination of valuable scientific knowledge to a wider audience, potentially leading to further advancements in the field. It can also be a valuable learning opportunity for the translator to expand their knowledge and skills in both languages and subjects.
