I cannot believe MS get away with IE.

  • Thread starter Saoist
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the issues the speaker is having with malware on their system after using Internet Explorer. They have attempted to use various programs to remove the malware, but have been unsuccessful. They have decided to reformat their system, but are concerned about losing their files. They have rigged a dual boot with a spare hard drive to retrieve their files, but are having trouble accessing them due to permissions. The conversation also mentions using Knoppix and Suse 9.1 Live to try and resolve the issue, but have run into problems with their LAN and mounting drives. They eventually solved the issue by transferring files over LAN and formatting.
  • #1
so i use opera normally, because its nice, simple, fast, and relatively spyware/malware/popup free. however one time i had to use IE today, and in 4 mins (i timed it for popups) i had a goddamn rash of malware on my system which i can't get off. when u log in, it rockets the cpu usage right up to 100%. i managed to get ad-aware installed, and it said it removed the buggers, but it obv. hasnt because the bloody "Free bingo money" icons or whatever are still on the desktop.

now I've decided the best way to solve this is to reformat. however, i havnt backed up my files recently. :| so I've rigged a dual boot with a spare 5-gig HD, so i could boot off of that, and retrieve my files from the original drive.

HOWEVER it won't let me do this, because when i goto C:/Documents and Settings/[Username]/[Username's Documents] it won't let me in, because I'm not on that account, not even on that installation of Windows. SO what I'm asking is, is there anyway to get those files, without logging onto the original (f*cked by malware) installation, even if it involves entering passwords etc? its not like I've lost my password, i just can't get at the files on the original installation because it grinds to a halt right on starting up.

long, wordy post. phew. {prematurely} thanks for any help. IE is a pisstake, its like Bush making social commentary.
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  • #2
Knoppix: http://www.knoppix.org/

Download, Burn, Boot CD

It should automatically mount the windows partition and put an icon on the desktop. You'll be able to get any data off the drive and upload it wherever.
  • #3
Just because the icons are still there doesn't mean the program is. Try using the original drive and run the program from the icon. If the program fails to run simply delete the icons and never use IE again. Also try using spybot along with ad-aware to do a more thorough job of removing the crap that gets through IE.

If you're worried about running the program simply disconnect from the net first... :wink:
  • #4
the point is, on the original installation, i can hardly open the task manager, that's how quick it rockets to 100%. i can delete the icons, but something is still there. on the 2nd installation I've installed spybot search and destroy, adaware, and spywaredocter, and scanned the original drive, and it found a lot of crap, obv, but when i restarted with the original installation, it was still slow as hell.
  • #5
I'd suggest checking each of your running processes out using google (just type the name in and you get a half dozen sites telling you what it is). If any of them is known spyware, end the process and make sure it won't start up via MSConfig.
  • #6
I'd love to do that, but if i end a process, sometimes it'll pop up on the list again (obv. a virus), and i have about 4 secs before it maxes out the CPU. i don't have time to get to msconfig, let alone do anything with it. I've dled and tried knoppix...it can get to my local drives, but not connect to my lan (so i can back up files to sis's pc), and I've Suse 9.1 Live, and it can connect to my LAN, but can't see my drives! and theyre in ntfs, so a bugger to mount with linux of any flavour.

duardo, if you're experienced with knoppix, tell me why it won't see my LAN. :)
  • #7
Did you mount the drives when you booted up Suse Live CD?
  • #8
no idea how...looked on google "mount ntfs drives suse 9.1" but what the results suggested, didna work.

i've sorted it out now...randomly the pc let me use it properly on safe mode with networking (didnt before), so i transferred my files over lan to other pc, and formatted.

that said, how do you mount drives with suse 9.1? it'd be good to know.
  • #9
I don't know why it doesn't see your network. What type of network do you have? If the Suse Live cd is working then this is how you mount the partition manually:

mkdir /mnt/windows
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows -t ntfs -r

/dev/hda1 = Primary Drive, 1st Parition. Depending on where you decided to to the partition this may change. If windows is the only operating system on your drive, then this is the place where linux will find windows.

Related to I cannot believe MS get away with IE.

1. Why is Microsoft able to get away with using Internet Explorer?

Microsoft has been able to use Internet Explorer as its default browser for many years because they were the dominant operating system in the market. This gave them an advantage and allowed them to integrate Internet Explorer into their system, making it difficult for users to switch to other browsers.

2. Is it legal for Microsoft to have Internet Explorer as its default browser?

Yes, it is legal for Microsoft to have Internet Explorer as its default browser. In 2001, Microsoft was sued by the United States Department of Justice for violating antitrust laws, which included their use of Internet Explorer. However, the case was eventually settled and Microsoft was allowed to continue using Internet Explorer as its default browser.

3. What impact does Microsoft's use of Internet Explorer have on other browsers?

Microsoft's use of Internet Explorer has had a significant impact on other browsers. As it was the default browser for many years, it had a large market share and made it difficult for other browsers to compete. However, with the rise of new browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer's market share has decreased.

4. Why do many people dislike Internet Explorer?

Many people dislike Internet Explorer because it has had a long history of compatibility issues and security vulnerabilities. It also has a slower performance compared to other browsers. Additionally, its dominance in the market has led to a lack of innovation and updates, making it less appealing to users.

5. Can Microsoft be forced to change its use of Internet Explorer?

While there have been attempts to force Microsoft to change its use of Internet Explorer, such as the antitrust lawsuit in 2001, it is ultimately up to the company to make any changes. With the rise of other browsers and the increasing demand for better performance and security, Microsoft has made efforts to improve Internet Explorer and has also introduced their new browser, Microsoft Edge, as a replacement.

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