I determining if the quality's of this mole are cancerous

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In summary, the individual has a mole on their chest that has been growing and has a crack through the middle with black dots on top. They are able to remove dead skin flakes from the mole using tweezers. They are seeking help and advice about their mole, but it is emphasized that seeking medical attention from a dermatologist is necessary. The conversation also mentions the potential of the mole being a melanoma and suggests using curcumin as a possible treatment. Overall, it is stressed that any changes in moles should be immediately checked by a doctor for potential skin cancer.
  • #1
I've had this mole on my chest for as long as I can remember, and it continues to grow, it's around 6mm in diameter, and is more of a Kidney Bean shape, than that of a circle. it has a crack through the middle horizontally, with some little black dots on the top of it. And I can also scratch dead skin flakes out of it, like they're not laying on it like dry skin, they are actually inside of it, and I can pull them out with tweezers. Please help. ASAP
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Go to your doctor. The internet is not a replacement for medical care.
  • #3
It doesn't sound like something you should attempt to treat without a dermatologist's aid. Go see one. If it turns out to be a Melanoma, don't panic, as there is recent research supporting the ability of Curcumin (the yellow part of mustard and curry powder) to induce apoptosis in Melanoma. You might want to visit this link and print out a hardcopy for your dermatologist to review: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16007726
  • #4
All moles that change shape, color, or size, should be referred to a doctor within a reasonable time. Skin cancer is much easier and sucessfuly treated when caught early and treatment is initiated immediatly.
  • #5
Any time you have a question about the possible nature of a mole, or any growth, it is imperative that you see your GP, or ideally a dermatologist. Don't panic, but don't ask online: SEE A DOCTOR.

FAQ: I determining if the quality's of this mole are cancerous

What is a mole?

A mole is a small, dark spot on the skin that is usually benign (not cancerous). It is a cluster of pigmented cells that are usually harmless.

What are the signs of a cancerous mole?

The most common signs of a cancerous mole include asymmetry, irregular borders, multiple colors, and a diameter larger than 6 millimeters. If a mole exhibits any of these characteristics, it should be examined by a doctor.

How is a mole examined for cancer?

A doctor will typically perform a visual examination of the mole and may also use a dermatoscope, a tool that magnifies the skin. If the mole is suspicious, a biopsy may be performed to test for cancer cells.

What are the risk factors for developing a cancerous mole?

The main risk factor for developing a cancerous mole is excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun or tanning beds. Other risk factors include having a family history of skin cancer, having a large number of moles, and having fair skin.

Can a non-cancerous mole turn into a cancerous one?

While most moles are harmless, it is possible for a non-cancerous mole to develop into a cancerous one. This is why it is important to monitor any changes in the size, shape, or color of your moles and to get them checked by a doctor if they appear suspicious.

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