I feel like i have trouble with Math....

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  • Thread starter Motorsports-X
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In summary, the conversation revolves around the speaker's love for math and their struggle to truly understand the underlying concepts and proofs behind mathematical equations. They have no problem mimicking the teacher and manipulating formulas, but feel like they haven't truly learned anything beyond basic calculations. They want to go back to school as a math major and learn the foundations before pursuing advanced studies in simulations and physics. They mention resources such as NOVA and MathIsPower4U to help them understand the proofs of mathematics and become more than just a parrot plugging in formulas. The conversation ends with a discussion on how mathematics is an art and understanding it is a personal journey.
  • #1
So, I don't really know if I can explain this the right way...

I use math every day. mainly basic type stuff. Lots of geometry, some trig, huge amounts of ratios... nothing outside the relm of high school stuff. (I do engineering for injection molding)

i really enjoy math, and I have no problem "mimicking the teacher". By that, I have no problem rememebering order of ops, how to manipulate forumlas, move numbers around, etc. But honestly ... I don't feel like in all my math learnings, That I actually learned anything. (other than how to move numbers around in formulas)

Now I only made it to trig 2, so maybe its just that I didn't get get far enough into, but I almost felt like i was struggling because, while, I could do the calculations, I didnt "feel" like I knew what the numbers i was manipulating related to. Does that make sense?

To me, its almost like this... We have done a great job quanitifying gravity. We can tell you how far/fast a ball falls... but what math "explains" why gravity works the way it does? (i know this is more physics related, but just an example) it "feels," to me, like there is another side to math that I am just missing... quantitative, vs qualitative maybe? Anyway, I want to go back to school as a math major.. i want to learn everything i can about the base, before i do graduate studies in advanced simulations and physics... but I want to make sure the issue I am having with math now, will resolve itself, and "open up" to me so to speak.maybe its just me...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Are you wondering why Math explains the world around us so well or is it that you math education stopped at high school math?

While I majored in physics I struggled to ask the question on why math works so well but felt stupid asking it.

NOVA had a show on that answered the question for me and maybe it will for you:

from NOVA at:


If its that your math education is weak then take a look at the videos on MathIsPower4U:


The sequence of videos can get you upto first year college math ie Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations from high school Algebra.
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Likes ProfuselyQuarky
  • #3
because your brain must not like it so you may be good at it but your brain isn´t truly paying attention
  • #4
sorry about my spelling
  • #5
jedishrfu said:
Are you wondering why Math explains the world around us so well or is it that you math education stopped at high school math?

While I majored in physics I struggled to ask the question on why math works so well but felt stupid asking it.

NOVA had a show on that answered the question for me and maybe it will for you:

from NOVA at:


If its that your math education is weak then take a look at the videos on MathIsPower4U:


The sequence of videos can get you upto first year college math ie Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations from high school Algebra.

I don't think I am bad at math.. sure the things i use infrequently I might have to get a quick refresher in once in a while, but As far as getting accurate and precise answers, I have no problem there. It just feels to me like, all I'm doing is quantifying things, and not really laying out the underlying cause of "why"

For example... my Trig teacher taught the law of sines, how to do the work, and i aced the test... it was only after i went on youtube, and found the proof of the law of sines, that i fully understood what i was doing and why the law of sines worked. because of that, i feel like i have a much better grip on that particular instance of trig. SO I guess what I'm looking for, is where do I go to learn more about the "proofs" of mathematics, so I don't have to act like a parrot and just plug in formulas all day. Or does that come as you progress through the higher level math classes
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Likes jedishrfu
  • #6
Motorsports-X said:
i really enjoy math, and I have no problem "mimicking the teacher". By that, I have no problem rememebering order of ops, how to manipulate forumlas, move numbers around, etc. But honestly ... I don't feel like in all my math learnings, That I actually learned anything. (other than how to move numbers around in formulas)

Mathematics is more than this, particularly as you work on more advanced math and harder problems. Mathematics is an art. I love a statement by CERN physicist Christophe Grojean,

"Equations may be universal, but the way we understand them and combine them with other results is very personal."
  • #7
Okay, I understand now. I ran into this also when trying to recover some old math. I started to question why something worked.

Specifically, it was in vector analysis with dot and cross products and that led me back to the sin/cos for angle addition proofs that you mentioned which then got me to appreciate how a geometrical diagram was used to tease out the components and then derive the law. Once I had that down, I had a foundation and then the other laws came from algebraic operations.

Another was understanding the curl of a vector and finally I saw this description of a rotor spinning in a stream that it then made sense to me.


What this means is that you are now getting a real understanding of math in a way not possible when you were younger and more impatient to do other things.

FAQ: I feel like i have trouble with Math....

1. Why do I struggle with Math?

There can be many reasons why someone may have trouble with Math. It could be due to a lack of understanding of fundamental concepts, a learning disability, or simply not putting in enough effort to practice and improve.

2. How can I improve my Math skills?

Improving Math skills takes time and effort. Some helpful tips include practicing regularly, seeking guidance from a tutor or teacher, breaking down problems into smaller, more manageable tasks, and finding real-life applications for Math concepts.

3. Is it normal to struggle with Math?

Yes, it is absolutely normal to struggle with Math. It is a complex subject that requires a lot of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Don't get discouraged if you are struggling, as with practice and dedication, you can improve.

4. How can I overcome my fear of Math?

Fear of Math is a common issue, and it can be overcome. One helpful tip is to approach Math with a positive attitude and remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes. Seek help when needed, and try to find ways to make Math more enjoyable, such as using visual aids or studying with friends.

5. Are there any resources I can use to improve my Math skills?

Yes, there are many resources available to help improve Math skills. These include online tutorials, practice problems, educational websites, and tutoring services. Your school or local library may also have textbooks and other materials that can be helpful.

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