I hate chemistry Hate it Hate it Hate it

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
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In summary: I know you did fine. The problem is that in this case, the instructor is the 'customer' --- not you, the student. That is, if the teacher is comfortable with the text, they'll teach from it better, and all of their students will get better grades, and the chairperson will see that the students do well, and keep the instructor around next year, too. So, as long as the teacher is somewhat adaptable, the text is good enough. In summary, the conversation is about multiple individuals expressing their dislike and struggles with chemistry. Some question whether their dislike is due to their lack of understanding or vice versa. Others share their personal experiences with chemistry and suggest different approaches or
  • #36
What exactly are you guys working on? I love my chem class at college, and I failed it in HS.
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #37
Physical Chemistry, you said it all ;)
  • #38
My boss tells me this great story from his chem classes back in college. There was this one girl in the class who could never get any of her labs to come out correctly. All of her labs were a complete disaster, in fact, and she barely passed the course.
25 years later guess what she's doing...
she's a chemist! :smile:
True story.
  • #39
Math Is Hard said:
I think people either love or hate chem. I just happen to be in the latter category.

I guess I'm not a "people" then. :cry:

I wasn't really doing backflips in Chem class, but I didn't loath it either. Now, I appreciate chemistry and use is occasionally, but I don't have a passion for it, the way I have a passion for math or physics.

Also, (and partially since most of my Chem is self-taught) I'm guessing the reason for the widespread loathing is more related to the way Chem is taught, rather than the methods involved in the subject itself.

And most folks don't seem to think of the Sciences are a collection of methods, but rather, a collection of facts. That is one reason for the general dislike of science.
  • #40
chemistry :zzz: :zzz: I'm with MIH.

My high school chemistry teacher was the pits.
  • #41
Evo said:
chemistry :zzz: :zzz: I'm with MIH.

My high school chemistry teacher was the pits.
I'm with (as they say in Green Bay, Wisconsin) "da bot' o' ya"! :smile:
We probably had the same teacher, Sis. Was it Mr. Hill? He was the DREDGES! Gave me a D, the chump. So, I dropped him like a hot potato, I did! :smile:

I couldn't get past a C in college Chem/Physics (BOOOOORING!) but I did get B's and A's in Radiation Physics. It was interesting and at least made sense - plus I knew it was something I'd actually use! :wink:
  • #42
Math Is Hard said:
My boss tells me this great story from his chem classes back in college. There was this one girl in the class who could never get any of her labs to come out correctly. All of her labs were a complete disaster, in fact, and she barely passed the course.
25 years later guess what she's doing...
she's a chemist! :smile:
True story.
Ivan has a great story about a guy in his chem class... It seemed he was having difficulty titrating a solution using his stop-cock. After fussing with it for quite sometime and becoming rather frustrated, he began stomping around the lab shouting that he couldn't finish his experiment because his "cock was leaking"! :smile: :smile: :smile:
(Gordon was a real whacked out kind of guy... :rolleyes: :biggrin: :biggrin:)

The instructor was in hysterics. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #43
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! hoo hoo hooo! oh, too funny! waaahhaaa :smile: :cry: :smile: <- laughing so hard I'm crying!
  • #44
Hey Math, this is OT but I wanted to make an interesting addition to Tsu's comments.

Jeff [not Gordon :biggrin:] was an older student who returned to school after a career in music. I had known Jeff for about a year but I didn't know anything about this until I went to his house to provide some tutoring. When I walked into his house, the first things that I noticed were the five gold albums hanging on the living room wall! Not only did he write much of the stuff the made the 5th Dimension popular, way back when, you may also remember the song "We'll Never Have to Say Goodbye again"? Jeff wrote that as well and it was his biggest hit.

Throughout this career, he figures that he blew about a million $ on drugs, hotels, limos, planes, and parties. Even so, about thirteen years after that song hit the market he was still making 3-4000$ per month from the royalties. As for Tsu's comment, Jeff also did some stand-up comedy [we still have one of his routines on a 45]. In fact, in the 70's he was doing fairly well when this nutjob friend of his name Lorne Michaels called with this stupid idea for a new comedy show - later called Saturday Night Live. Jeff turned down the offer to be an original cast member.

Edit: one other strange twist in this story of wannabe celebrity friends. Tsu used to work with a Radiation Physicist who wrote the song Lady; done by Kenny Rogers. Who would of thought...?
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  • #45
Ivan Seeking said:
Hey Math, this is OT but I wanted to make an interesting addition to Tsu's comments.

Jeff [not Gordon :biggrin:] was an older student who returned to school after a career in music. I had known Jeff for about a year but I didn't know anything about this until I went to his house to provide some tutoring. When I walked into his house, the first things that I noticed were the five gold albums hanging on the living room wall! Not only did he write much of the stuff the made the 5th Dimension popular, way back when, you may also remember the song "We'll Never Have to Say Goodbye again"? Jeff wrote that as well and it was his biggest hit.

Throughout this career, he figures that he blew about a million $ on drugs, hotels, limos, planes, and parties. Even so, about thirteen years after that song hit the market he was still making 3-4000$ per month from the royalties. As for Tsu's comment, Jeff also did some stand-up comedy [we still have one of his routines on a 45]. In fact, in the 70's he was doing fairly well when this nutjob friend of his name Lorne Michaels called with this stupid idea for a new comedy show - later called Saturday Night Live. Jeff turned down the offer to be an original cast member.

Edit: one other strange twist in this story of wannabe celebrity friends. Tsu used to work with a Radiation Physicist who wrote the song Lady; done by Kenny Rogers. Who would of thought...?

How bizarre! I remember when that song came out when I was about 13 or so. I bought it on a 45 (BTW: should we explain to the kids what a 45 is? they are probably confused as hell! :confused: :biggrin: )after calling all the radio stations in town trying to figure out who sang the song. I would never have guessed it was written by a radiation physicist.

I am surprised Jeff would want to leave music. Did he hate chemistry, too? Did he run screaming back to his music career?
  • #46
No, Jeff's career in music was pretty much over by the time I met him. AFAIK, he is now a Chiropractor. His wife was a Biochemist. He still had a Silver mine in...New Mexico?... and planned to move near to his property there when he finished school.

We lost touch when Tsu and I left LA.

Oh man, I just remembered this too. Paul Williams was once his room mate. Jeff told me that William had stolen much of what made him famous. Jeff came home one day and Williams, and all of his work were gone.

Anyway, he was tremendously interesting and a real treat to work with. He always kept us in stitches. His mind was like a joke machine stuck in auto.
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  • #47
What the heck, I think Jeff and Tim deserves a tribute.

Jeff Comanor; a true talent and a Comic Genius - allllllllllllmost.

Tim Kassen: Cool Physicist

Okay, sorry about that. btw, Chemistry is fun!
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  • #48
I just did a little checking. There are hits! :biggrin:


The "California Soul" of 5D, April 20, 2000
Reviewer: "stoned-soul" (www.sufferingsappho.com) - See all my reviews

..there are great songs contributed by Jeff Comanor ("The Sailboat Song" features Ron Townson in a graceful solo), Ashford & Simpson ("California Soul"), and even Jimmy Webb pops in for the decidedly groovy "The Eleventh Song."
Same Jeff?

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  • #49
I agree. Chemistry is just physic's queer cousin... :wink: