I hate computers job can i be an Electrical Engineer

In summary: MATLAB or SIMULINK, etc. but I still do function as a maintenance engineer for my company without any problems thus far. maybe later on if the job requires i'll develop software skills myself thru observation and practice. good luck.I am an electrical engineer (on the software/algorithms side of things). I work with electrical engineers in the following fields: software, RF, ASIC design, board design, test engineers, application engineers, and even managers. Every one of them has to do some programming as part of the job. Of these, the board and RF guys probably do the least programming, but they still do some as the need arises
  • #1
I hate computer work i don't like to do programing or any kind of job related to this
can i be an Electrical Engineer?
I like physics and calculus so much.
Please tell me what fields i can work in with details
Thank you so much
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
amr2_2009 said:
I hate computer work i don't like to do programing or any kind of job related to this can i be an Electrical Engineer?
I like physics and calculus so much.
Please tell me what fields i can work in with details
Thank you so much

Maybe, but you'd better develop a tolerance to at least a little programming / work on the computer. Whether it's simulations, or MATLAB, or programming of devices / drivers, it's tough to get by (at least during your education) without ANY programming or computer-related work.

That said, I do know of many who are electrical engineers who only use computers for writing reports, crunching numbers in Excel, sending e-mails or looking stuff up on the web.
  • #3
Hi there,

I believe what MATABdude is saying. You will not become a good engineer because you know a lot about programming. Good engineering always comes from the brain of someone. Therefore, some motivation, a lot of hard work, and an aptitude for concept may bring further than any good programming skills.
  • #4
fatra2 said:
Hi there,

I believe what MATABdude is saying. You will not become a good engineer because you know a lot about programming. Good engineering always comes from the brain of someone. Therefore, some motivation, a lot of hard work, and an aptitude for concept may bring further than any good programming skills.

I agree with that... necessary skills can automatically be learned thru hands-on experience and routine work one is involved with. I'm an electrical engineer and i do not possesses knowledge of MATLAB or SIMULINK, etc. but I still do function as a maintenance engineer for my company without any problems thus far. Maybe later on if the job requires i'll develop software skills myself thru observation and practice. Good luck.
  • #5
amr2_2009 said:
I hate computer work i don't like to do programing or any kind of job related to this
can i be an Electrical Engineer?
I like physics and calculus so much.
Please tell me what fields i can work in with details
Thank you so much

I am an electrical engineer (on the software/algorithms side of things). I work with electrical engineers in the following fields: software, RF, ASIC design, board design, test engineers, application engineers, and even managers. Every one of them has to do some programming as part of the job. Of these, the board and RF guys probably do the least programming, but they still do some as the need arises, if only to do some rudimentary testing of their stuff before it gets into our hands.

I would imagine that it's the rare engineer (indeed, the rare technical or scientific worker of any kind these days) who can get away without doing any programming at all.
  • #6
Sounds like you need to be a metrologist, or a calibration technician. Some of us do programming but it is not an official part of the job training. You do however need to know math, advanced electronics, and how to use computers.
  • #7
You won't get very far in engineering, physics, or math without tolerating computer work. Different disciplines within each of those fields require different amounts of programming, but any career is going to require you to at least use software.
  • #8
Hi there,

I can only agree with all the comments above. The use of computers are predominant in a scientific job. Therefore, you definitely need to get accustom to it.

There is a difference, though, between being accustom to computers, as being a normal/good user, and being creating program, software, or codes for simulations.

I still believe that a good scientist, with little knowledge of computers, can get further, than a joe blow, who knows how to program lines and lines of codes. Don't forget that computers can only do what they are told. Therefore, without proper knowledge of the background science, computers are just a nice box to pile books on.

  • #9
You probably could be an engineer.

Although you hate working with computers, you must have a logical brain and be good at problem solving to have got the job and kept it.

It is very different to use an application than it is to create it.
So, you might use Excel and probably enjoy it, but it must have been a nightmare to write the program in the first place. You become the customer instead of the manufacturer.

The problem would be that you would have to go back to study and probably survive without an income for a number of years.
  • #10
i think i know where he is coming from with the programming hate. i always liked "programming" in matlab, but could never see the point in wasting time with something like visual basic or anything else much that involves user interface or futzing around with strings and databases. one is problem solving, and the other just seems like an endless stream of pointlessness.
  • #11
Many years ago when I started college, I decided to major in physics. There were about 20 physics majors in my class. After two years, about 1/3 could not stand the labs, and switched to math. About 1/3 could not handle the math and switched to engineering. So this left me and several of my buddies to get a physics degree. I did take one EE lab, on electronics amplifier circuits. I learned to take transconductance curves of pentodes etc. But the transistor was invented and nobody used pentodes anymore.
  • #12
How would you like to do Robotics?

That is a more interesting type of computing where you see a mechanical result of your programming.
There might be post graduate robotics courses available if you wanted to move into that field.

You would have plenty of opportunities to use Physics and even Calculus and your programming experience would give you a huge advantage.
  • #13
Give programming another chance. It can be a right buzz can programming. Tis a nice feeling when a program runs OK and you get the desired answers...

Related to I hate computers job can i be an Electrical Engineer

1. Can I become an Electrical Engineer if I hate working with computers?

Yes, it is possible to be an Electrical Engineer even if you dislike working with computers. While computers are an integral part of the job, there are many other aspects to being an Electrical Engineer that do not involve working with computers. It is important to understand that computer skills are still necessary and will be required in some aspects of the job, but they are not the only focus.

2. What skills do I need to become an Electrical Engineer?

To become an Electrical Engineer, you will need a strong foundation in math and science, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills. You will also need to be detail-oriented, have good communication skills, and be able to work independently as well as in a team. Some computer skills are also required, but they can be learned and improved upon with practice.

3. How much computer work is involved in being an Electrical Engineer?

The amount of computer work involved in being an Electrical Engineer can vary depending on the specific job or project. However, as technology continues to advance, computer skills are becoming more important in the field. Electrical Engineers use computers for tasks such as designing, simulating, and analyzing circuits, as well as for data analysis and documentation.

4. Can I avoid working with computers altogether as an Electrical Engineer?

No, it is not possible to avoid working with computers altogether as an Electrical Engineer. While there are some tasks that can be done without using a computer, such as hands-on work with circuits and equipment, computer skills are an essential part of the job. However, if you have a strong aversion to computers, you may want to consider a different field.

5. Are there any alternative roles in the field of Electrical Engineering that don't involve computers?

While most roles in Electrical Engineering do involve some use of computers, there are some alternative roles that may have less computer work involved. These roles may include working in research and development, teaching, or technical writing. However, it is important to note that computer skills are still necessary for these roles, and they may still involve some computer work.

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