I have empiracle evidence for life after death.

In summary: Please, please, PLEASE, make it a priority to find out what the word empirical means before the next time you use it again.
  • #1
Originally posted by treat2
Christian creationists put the Earth's age and the age of the Universe between 6-10,000 years old, with 6,000 being the most popularly stated number.

The stars in the Universe (except for our Sun) are MILLIONS AND BILLIONS of LIGHT YEARS away from us. How we can possibly be able to either see or

just scientifically detect ANY stars?

Please explain how this obvious contradition is scientifically possible with reference to any empirical evidence.

- I postulate. The intersection/geometry must have .5 in it's empiracle evidence. Or 1/2. It follows action is followed by reaction.

Now since we want empiracle evidence. There it is.

Now I apply Christ to this rule. Not God. Christ.

How many people are you ? 1. Christ says treat everybody like you. Like # 1.

Christ said his father verified him. His father is .5 and Christ is .5 So both are the same.

Newton's third law has .5 in a form of it's empiracle evidence.

So Christ followed Newton's third law.
Since .5 is in empiracle evidence.

- The intersection/geometry the Government had was action, and Christ's was reaction. Reason. Given.
- It follows that .5 = Action = Government = God the father. Reason. Christ's confession.
- So when the Government folds Christ. He still confesses God. Reason. Christs confession.
- There is a complementary and corresponding intersection/geometry in life. Reason.We all live and die. We all are healthy or unhealthy.
The complementary reaction of the living is we all laugh at unhealthy or healthy things. There's variety.
- Jesus experienced the negative complementary acute angle. Death. Reason. Given.
- Now the death is equal with life. Reason. Complementary acute angles are equal.
- So he just needed the right action and he would be positive or living again. Reason. Aliens. Cosmic aliens might know how to make acute angles equal under any

circumstance or state. The negative experience would be made positive again. "Dead man walks after sleeping for 3 Jewish days."Now that's news worthy.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Once more, a postulate is not empirical evidence.

Please, please, PLEASE, make it a priority to find out what the word empirical means before the next time you use it again.
  • #3
Originally posted by b11ngoo
- I postulate. The intersection/geometry must have .5 in it's empiracle evidence. Or 1/2. It follows action is followed by reaction.

Now since we want empiracle evidence. There it is.
  • #4
Well now

Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, so Jesus is east and the Father is north. And the Holy Ghost "descended like a dove" so the Holy Ghost is up. That's the three good, moral dimensions. But time, see, it comes "like a thief in the night." So time is Satan, and that's the fourth dimension.

It's all encoded in the diagonal elements of the metric tensor:

+ + + -

If you see an author using

- - - +

you know right off the bat that he is a Satanist.
  • #5
Originally posted by b11ngoo
I postulate. The intersection/geometry must have .5 in it's empiracle evidence. Or 1/2. It follows action is followed by reaction.

I like your posts. They're ... silly ...
  • #6
I posted a full statement. My statement was misunderstood. I understand the statement perceived to be different from what I posted.

FAQ: I have empiracle evidence for life after death.

1. What is empirical evidence for life after death?

Empirical evidence for life after death refers to any evidence that can be observed and measured through scientific methods, such as experiments and observations. This can include near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, and accounts from people who claim to have communicated with the dead.

2. Is there any scientific proof of life after death?

Currently, there is no definitive scientific proof of life after death. While there have been numerous studies and experiments conducted on near-death experiences and consciousness after death, there is no consensus among scientists on the existence of an afterlife.

3. How do scientists explain near-death experiences?

Scientists have proposed various explanations for near-death experiences, including physiological and psychological factors. Some researchers theorize that these experiences could be a result of the brain releasing certain chemicals or oxygen deprivation. Others suggest that they could be a manifestation of the mind's attempt to cope with the fear of death.

4. Can near-death experiences be faked?

Yes, it is possible for individuals to fake near-death experiences for personal gain or attention. Some people may also have vivid dreams or hallucinations that they mistake for a near-death experience. However, this does not discount the validity of all near-death experiences, as some may be genuine.

5. How do cultural and religious beliefs affect the perception of life after death?

Cultural and religious beliefs can greatly influence an individual's perception of life after death. For example, some religions have specific beliefs about the afterlife, such as reincarnation or a heaven and hell. This can shape an individual's interpretation of a near-death experience or their belief in an afterlife.

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