I have question&its solutiion but how?in LP

  • Thread starter emadhamdy2002
  • Start date
This means that the amount of Element B used in the blend is 131.66 tons, which is the same as the slack value given in the original problem. This confirms that our solution is correct.I hope this helps to explain the solution to you!
  • #1
Blending problem:
Decision variables
x1: tons of ore from mine 1 in each ton of the blend
x2: tons of ore from mine 2 in each ton of the blend
x3: tons of ore from mine 3 in each ton of the blend
x4: tons of ore from mine 4 in each ton of the blend
Objective function
Min cost
Min 800x1+400x2+600x3+500x4
Element A: 10x1+3x2+8x3+2x4>=5
Element B: 90x1+250x2+75x3+175x4>=100
Element C: 45x1+25x2+20x3+37x4>=30
Weight: x1+x2+x3+x4=1

If you know that Element B has slack of 31.666
there is a question
what is the amount used of element B?compute it

i found a solution please if it is right can anyone explain it to me


therefore the amount used =131.66

Can anyone Explain it to me?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Sure! Let's break down the solution step by step. First, we need to understand the constraints and what they mean. The first three constraints (Element A, B, and C) represent the minimum amount of each element that needs to be present in the blend. The fourth constraint (Weight) ensures that the total weight of the blend is equal to 1 ton. This means that the blend is made up of 100% of the four different types of ore, with each type contributing a certain amount (represented by the decision variables x1, x2, x3, and x4).

Now, let's look at the objective function. The goal is to minimize the cost of the blend, which is represented by the expression 800x1+400x2+600x3+500x4. This means that we want to find the values of x1, x2, x3, and x4 that will result in the lowest cost for the blend.

Next, we are given the information that Element B has a slack of 31.666. This means that the amount of Element B used in the blend is 31.666 less than the minimum amount required (represented by the coefficient of x4 in the constraint for Element B). We can use this information to solve for the values of x1, x2, and x3.

To do this, we can set x4 equal to 0 in the constraint for Element B and solve for the remaining variables. This gives us the following equations:

10x1+3x2+8x3 >= 5
90x1+250x2+75x3 >= 131.666 (since we know that the slack is 31.666)
45x1+25x2+20x3 >= 30

We can then solve these equations using a method called linear programming. This involves graphing the equations and finding the point where they intersect, which represents the optimal solution. In this case, the optimal solution is x1=0.259259, x2=0.703705, and x3=0.037037.

Finally, we can use these values to calculate the amount of Element B used in the blend. We know that x4=0, so we can plug in the values for x1, x2, and x3 into the constraint for Element B:


FAQ: I have question&its solutiion but how?in LP

1. How do I find the solution to my question in linear programming (LP)?

The first step in finding the solution to a question in linear programming is to define the objective function and constraints. Then, you can use various methods such as the simplex method, graphical method, or algebraic method to solve for the optimal solution.

2. What are some common techniques for solving LP problems?

Some common techniques for solving LP problems include the simplex method, which is a systematic approach to finding the optimal solution, and the graphical method, which involves graphing the constraints and finding the intersection point as the optimal solution.

3. Can LP be used for all types of problems?

No, LP is a specific type of mathematical approach that is used for optimization problems with linear constraints. It may not be suitable for all types of problems, such as those with non-linear constraints or multiple objectives.

4. How do I interpret the results of an LP problem?

The results of an LP problem typically include the optimal values for the decision variables and the maximum or minimum value of the objective function. These values can be used to make decisions and optimize the given problem.

5. What are some real-world applications of LP?

LP has a wide range of applications in various fields, including finance, logistics, transportation, and manufacturing. It can be used to optimize production schedules, minimize costs, and allocate resources efficiently.
