I have two concerns about the chide IDE

  • Thread starter Eclair_de_XII
  • Start date
In summary,The main concern I have right now is that whenever I open something up in chide, the letters look like boxes with numbers; the line numbers are like this, as well. I'm not sure what is going on, here.Looks like a problem with character sets, although I'm surprised its affecting every character including line numbers. Is your system language set to something with non-Roman numerals e.g. Arabic?I have never come across chide before: it doesn't look well maintained and I cannot think of a good reason to use it.For serious use I recommend Visual Studio Code. For basic use just taking the first steps then you could look at
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I installed chide, and have two problems:

1. The text I input into the editor appears as garbled-up boxes of numbers.
2. Every time I close a session, a gmon.out file is created. I don't want my file-system littered with these files.

Incidentally, I am also open to alternatives to C interpreters and editors, preferably, those that are simple and lightweight.
The main concern I have right now is that whenever I open something up in chide, the letters look like boxes with numbers; the line numbers are like this, as well. I'm not sure what is going on, here. The second concern I have is that a file called `gmon.out' is created after exiting every chide session I open. I think this is undesirable, and would like to know how to stop this behavior. I understand that it is an important file, but at the same time, I don't approve of having files like this being created in my current working directory every time I open and close chide.

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  • #2
Eclair_de_XII said:
1. The text I input into the editor appears as garbled-up boxes of numbers.
The main concern I have right now is that whenever I open something up in chide, the letters look like boxes with numbers; the line numbers are like this, as well. I'm not sure what is going on, here.
Looks like a problem with character sets, although I'm surprised its affecting every character including line numbers. Is your system language set to something with non-Roman numerals e.g. Arabic?

Eclair_de_XII said:
Incidentally, I am also open to alternatives to C interpreters and editors, preferably, those that are simple and lightweight.
I have never come across chide before: it doesn't look well maintained and I cannot think of a good reason to use it.

For serious use I recommend Visual Studio Code. For basic use just taking the first steps then you could look at something online like repl.it or programiz.
  • #3
pbuk said:
Is your system language set to something with non-Roman numerals e.g. Arabic?
It's set to American English. I'm also running Linux Mint, but I'm unsure if it is relevant to the problem.

pbuk said:
For basic use just taking the first steps then you could look at something online like repl.it or programiz.
Thanks for the recommendations. But I should have specified that I was looking for offline editors.
  • #4
In the end, I decided to just go with vim with the .vimrc settings:

set nocp
set expandtab
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=0
map <F5> :!myfile=%; if [ "${myfile: -4}" == ".tex" ]; then etex $myfile && xreader ${myfile/.tex/.dvi}; elif [ "${myfile: -3}" == ".py" ]; then python3 $myfile; elif [ "${myfile: -2}" == ".c" ]; then gcc -o "${myfile:: -2}" $myfile && ./"${myfile:: -2}"; fi;

FAQ: I have two concerns about the chide IDE

What is the chide IDE?

The chide IDE is a software application used for coding and development. It provides a user-friendly interface for writing, testing, and debugging code.

Is the chide IDE free to use?

Yes, the chide IDE is completely free to use. It is an open-source project, meaning anyone can access and use it.

What programming languages does the chide IDE support?

The chide IDE supports multiple programming languages, including Python, Java, C++, and more. It also has plugins available for additional language support.

Can I use the chide IDE on any operating system?

Yes, the chide IDE is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. It is a cross-platform application.

Is the chide IDE suitable for beginners?

Yes, the chide IDE has a user-friendly interface and offers features such as code completion and error highlighting, making it a great choice for beginners learning to code.
