I heard small rocks falling inside one of the walls

In summary: Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.In summary, someone heard small rocks falling from the wall several times. They are probably mice or a rodent. The noise is most likely due to the mice climbing up the wall. If you live in an old building, you may have rodents.
  • #1
I live in an apartment, and today I heard what seemed small rocks falling in one of the walls (it's a wall that goes through the center of the building), several times. Is this normal?
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  • #2
I bet it's mice, or some sort of rodent, in the walls.
  • #3
lisab said:
I bet it's mice, or some sort of rodent, in the walls.

I live in the 4th floor, how would they come up here inside the walls?
  • #4
Tosh5457 said:
I live in the 4th floor, how would they come up here inside the walls?

Mice climb. So do rats, for that matter.
  • #5
Tosh5457 said:
I live in the 4th floor, how would they come up here inside the walls?

Mice can easily climb several stories, they're excellent climbers. They nest in walls, in the space between the studs. They'll chew "doors" through wood and gypsum.
  • #6
Mice, definitely :smile: Look through your apartment for holes (even the tiniest ones) and stuff it with steel wool to prevent mice from entering. I had a mice who attempted to chew on the steel wool, which according to the squeaking scared the life out of it. One time the mouse did manage to pull the wool out of the way, but after sticking it back in it stayed away.
  • #7
maybe someone is trying to escape.
  • #8
Mice are amazing climbers and amazing jumpers. I once saw a mouse jump 18 inches straight up. I caught it in a humane trap, then transferred it to an empty garbage bucket and put an old window screen on top. It jumped straight up, caught onto the screen and walked around upside down looking for a way out.
  • #9
Maybe someone was on the floor above you drilling a hole in the wall and bits of drywall were falling down. Or drilling several holes (explains the several times it occurred). If nobody lives above you, then I would definitely check for the tell-tale signs of mice.
  • #10
Sounds like mice...
  • #11
If you get a burst of this sort of noise round about dawn and dusk, and occasionally at night, it's almost certainly mice which are noturnal unless they get disturbed by something during the daytime.

If this is a rented apartment, your landlord will probably want to call in a professional to get rid of them. They will try to eat anything, including the insulation of electrical wiring etc.
  • #12
  • #13
  • #14
How old is your building?

If old enough, it is more likely to be chunks of lath and plaster.
  • #15
It could be alligators. Sometimes they crawl out of your toilet. Something to think about while you sit.
  • #16
  • #17
collinsmark said:

Who is this guy ?
  • #18
phylotree said:
Who is this guy ?

I'm not in the loop either. So I looked the URL of the pic, which got me to Google "ancient aliens guy". Now I wish I hadn't.
  • #19
It only happened 1 more time since I made the topic, if it was a mouse he probably fell down :biggrin:

collinsmark said:

Oh that guy... It's funny to see the meme, but to watch that pseudo-scientific-conspiracy-theory show it's not fun at all According to them Jesus is an alien, saints are aliens, we're probably aliens, pyramids were built by aliens :\

Related to I heard small rocks falling inside one of the walls

1. What could be causing the sound of small rocks falling inside a wall?

There are a few possible explanations for this sound. It could be caused by loose debris or construction materials inside the wall, which can shift and fall as the building settles. It is also possible that small animals, such as rodents or insects, have made their way into the wall and are causing the noise. Lastly, the sound could be coming from pipes or ductwork that run through the wall and are experiencing some kind of blockage or damage.

2. Is it dangerous to have small rocks falling inside a wall?

In most cases, the sound of small rocks falling inside a wall is not dangerous. However, it is important to determine the cause of the sound and address any potential issues. If the sound is coming from loose debris or construction materials, it is best to have a professional inspect and repair the wall to prevent any potential hazards. If the sound is caused by animals or blocked pipes, it is important to address these issues to prevent any damage to the building.

3. How can I find out where the sound is coming from?

To determine the source of the sound, you can try tapping on different areas of the wall to see if the sound becomes louder or changes. You can also try to listen for the sound in different rooms or areas of the building to narrow down the location. If you are unable to determine the source yourself, it is best to consult a professional for further assistance.

4. Can the sound of small rocks falling inside a wall be fixed?

The answer to this question depends on the cause of the sound. If it is caused by loose debris or construction materials, a professional can repair the wall to prevent further movement and noise. If the sound is caused by animals or blocked pipes, addressing these underlying issues should stop the noise. However, if the sound is due to a structural issue with the building, it may require more extensive repairs to fix.

5. Is it normal for a wall to make the sound of small rocks falling?

No, it is not normal for a wall to make this kind of sound. Walls should be solid and not have any loose materials or debris inside. If you hear this sound, it is important to investigate and address the issue to prevent any potential damage or hazards. It is always best to consult a professional for proper diagnosis and repair of the issue.

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