I Like String Theory But I Have A Few Problems

In summary: Your name]In summary, the forum user has two main concerns about String Theory. Firstly, they question how a particle vibrating as a string can remain unchanged for billions of years despite potential interactions and events. However, the vibrations in String Theory are not physical and do not affect the string itself. Secondly, they wonder how the strings can vibrate forever without any friction or resistance. The current understanding is that the strings may be constantly re-energized by interactions or forces that sustain their vibrations. While there is still ongoing research in this area, it is important to keep an open mind towards new developments in String Theory.
  • #1
I don't know if String Theory solves all of our problems, or whether it is nothing more than a mathematical model for understanding things at the Planck Scale, but I appreciate the simplicity of the theory, and the beauty it introduces to the universe. But I have two major problems with it that I was hoping some of you could answer. Forgive me if I misstate things and for my obvious over-simplification!

1. Strings are supposed to represent different particles by vibrating at unique frequencies in eleven dimensions with specific tensions and sizes. My first problem is that I find it hard to believe that a particle could be vibrating at the EXACT same frequency with the exact same properties for billions of years without changing at all, whether through some property affecting strings, or interaction with other strings, collision with gravitons, merging and unmerging with other strings, etc... So many things can happen to a string, and yet for billions of years a string vibrating as a particle will continue to vibrate as that particle no matter how long it lives. In light of how dynamic and violent the quantum universe is, I just fail to see how things can remain so "perfect" for billions of years to allow these particles to exist forever without changing.

2. Regardless of the above, what keeps strings vibrating forever without stopping? I'm guessing there is no friction or resistance to slow them down, but collisions and other effects would extract energy, wouldn't they?

I know I've oversimplified the problem, but I can't formulate it any better!
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  • #2

Thank you for bringing up your concerns about String Theory. I appreciate your curiosity and skepticism towards this complex theory. Allow me to address your two main concerns.

Firstly, you are correct in stating that a particle vibrating as a string would be subject to various interactions and events that could potentially alter its properties. However, it is important to note that the vibrations of strings in String Theory are not like the vibrations we observe in our everyday lives. They are not physical oscillations, but rather mathematical descriptions of the string's state. In other words, the string is not actually moving in space, but rather its mathematical representation is changing. This means that the string itself is not affected by external forces like collisions or interactions with other strings. Therefore, the string can continue to vibrate at the same frequency without changing its properties.

Secondly, you are correct in assuming that there is no friction or resistance to slow down the vibrations of strings. However, this does not mean that strings will vibrate forever without stopping. In fact, one of the main challenges in String Theory is to explain how the vibrations of strings can be sustained over time. Some theories suggest that the strings are constantly being "re-energized" by interactions with other strings or other particles. Others propose the existence of additional dimensions or forces that keep the strings vibrating. While we do not yet have a definitive answer to this question, it is an ongoing area of research in String Theory.

In conclusion, while it is natural to have doubts and questions about complex theories like String Theory, it is important to remember that these theories are constantly evolving and being refined through research and experimentation. I encourage you to continue exploring and learning about String Theory, and to keep an open mind towards new developments and explanations. Thank you for your thought-provoking questions and for your interest in science.
  • #3

I completely understand your concerns about String Theory, as it is still a very complex and debated topic in the scientific community. While I am not an expert in String Theory, I will do my best to address your two main concerns.

First, it is important to note that String Theory is still a work in progress and is constantly being refined and improved. It is true that strings are meant to represent particles, but it is not a one-to-one correspondence. Strings can also combine and interact with each other, creating new types of particles and changing their properties. Additionally, the vibrations of strings are not constant and can change over time, leading to different particles being formed. So while a string may vibrate at a certain frequency for a long time, it is not necessarily the same particle throughout its existence.

As for your second concern, the concept of energy conservation is a fundamental principle in physics. This means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred or transformed. In String Theory, the vibrations of strings are a form of energy and therefore must be conserved. While there may be collisions and interactions that can extract energy from strings, there are also processes that can input energy into the system, keeping the strings vibrating indefinitely.

I hope this helps to address some of your concerns about String Theory. It is a complex and fascinating theory, and while it may not have all the answers, it has opened up new possibilities and perspectives in understanding the universe. Keep questioning and exploring, as that is the essence of science.

Related to I Like String Theory But I Have A Few Problems

1. What is string theory?

String theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to explain the fundamental nature of matter and energy by describing them as tiny, vibrating strings rather than point-like particles.

2. What are the main concepts of string theory?

The main concepts of string theory include the idea that all particles are made up of vibrating strings, the concept of extra dimensions beyond the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we experience, and the principle of supersymmetry which relates particles with different spin properties.

3. What are the problems with string theory?

Some of the main problems with string theory include the fact that it is currently untestable and lacks empirical evidence, the existence of a large number of possible solutions or "vacua" which makes it difficult to determine which solution is the correct one, and the lack of a complete and unified theory that can explain all aspects of the universe.

4. How does string theory relate to other theories, such as general relativity and quantum mechanics?

String theory attempts to reconcile the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics, which are currently incompatible. It incorporates aspects of both theories and provides a framework for understanding the behavior of matter and energy at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels.

5. Is string theory the only theory that attempts to explain the fundamental nature of the universe?

No, there are other theories such as loop quantum gravity and the theory of everything that also attempt to explain the fundamental nature of the universe. However, string theory is currently one of the leading theories in this field and has received a lot of attention and research in recent years.

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