I need some assistance in solving a riddle.

In summary, a poster on a forum is seeking help in solving a riddle hidden within a video game, with images and clues related to atoms and subatomic particles. The conversation includes discussions on various concepts such as electric fields, radiation, mass-energy relation, quantum mechanics, and statistical nature of fundamental laws. There is also speculation on the meaning of the images, with possible references to Pascal's triangle, Tesla coils, and the double-slit experiment. The conversation ends with a humorous exchange referencing famous scientists and their theories.
  • #1

First time poster and I believe that the people on this forum may have a greater chance of solving this riddle or making sense of we have so far.


I am more than happy to go into the background of all of this, but in short, this is related to a riddle that is hidden within a video game. The creator of the riddle has been posting these images, along with a number of complex clues within the game itself and I am reaching out to the forum members here to see if you can add any value or otherwise assist in piecing this all together.

This is just for fun and I am reaching out here because the more we investigate this, it seems to be related to atoms and more specifically sub atomic particles. None of us working on solving this are particularly qualified so just thought I would ask for help here.

So far we have determined that they are:

1. Electron or perhaps a reaction of sorts?
2. Atom
5. Energy Multiplier Module
9. MRI (of the brain)
11. Feynman Diagram - of sub atomic particle
12. Euler equation
13. Periodic table of elements
14. Gravity
15. Atomic Bomb explosion
16. Planck constant
18. Finite Continued fraction

I believe there are more images but I am not sure how many. I believe all the images relate to one another, perhaps in the form of a story, a common theme, and they may just be the key to unlocking more of this puzzle.

Any assistance is appreciated. Hope you don't mind me posting this here and I very much value any information you can share with us.

The game is called Trials Evolution and this is all based off discussions on their forums, however I won't post a link here as I am sure a bot will remove it pretty quickly when I am new to these forums.

Look forward to hearing back from anyone?


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  • #2
Here's the concepts that spring to mind for me:
(counting horizontally)

1. electric field
2. planets (could be planetary model of atom)
3. radiation (or colors)
4. cavity radiation
5. mass-energy relation (a bad representation of)
6. Cherenkov radiation
9. brain
10. vagina - but most random squiggles look like vaginas to me
- maybe an eye or an animal cell or something like that.
11. feynman diagram - they are not subatomic though. The e is an electron.
Notice that time runs horizontally ... so we have a positron and an electron annihilating to make a photon - that does not go very far before it pair-produces some other particle ... the key is that spiral off the end.

12. euler equation
13. atoms
14. gravity
15. nuclear energy
16. energy of a photon
17. interference fringes
18. quantum mechanics (discrete energy levels)
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
6. Cherenkov radiation

Im only just starting to go through your comments but I think this is spot on. Great find. :)
  • #4
Number 17 looks like Pascal's triangle to me, but the numbers do not seem to work out. Unfortunately they are hard to decipher.
  • #5
Cthugha said:
Number 17 looks like Pascal's triangle to me, but the numbers do not seem to work out. Unfortunately they are hard to decipher.

Someone else just pointed this out.. I think it is Pascals Triangle though. The numbers 8008 and 11440 are shown in the triangle and 8008 1140 in the image.. there are other similar numbers but agree, not a perfect match.. I think he just altered the numbers slightly to ensure it was not a simple google search.

Thanks for the reply.
  • #6
Is it known, whether the "balls" in pictures 1,2,3 and 7 always represent the same thing?

If not, picture 1 looks like a schematic Tesla coil to me.
  • #7
Cthugha said:
Is it known, whether the "balls" in pictures 1,2,3 and 7 always represent the same thing?

If not, picture 1 looks like a schematic Tesla coil to me.

We don't know this.. but based on gut feel I suspect that as they are drawn exactly the same, they would prepresent the same thing. If you were to draw an artists inperpretation of a Tesla Coil you would draw it differently I suspect.
  • #8
Cthugha said:
Number 17 looks like Pascal's triangle to me, but the numbers do not seem to work out. Unfortunately they are hard to decipher.
Oh those are numbers... I was squinting and squinting... yeah - pascales triangle or binomial coefficients. Statistics -> uncertainty -> statistical nature of fundamental laws?

Cthugha said:
Is it known, whether the "balls" in pictures 1,2,3 and 7 always represent the same thing?

If not, picture 1 looks like a schematic Tesla coil to me.
Viewed from above? Could also be the inside of a plasma globe or a closeup of a very bloodshot eyeball. Certainly suggests electrical discharges to me though.
  • #9
18 does look like badly drawn continued fractions.
  • #10
DrClaude said:
18 does look like badly drawn continued fractions.

haha the 'artist' is a video game developer and not an artist so I will cut him some slack. :)
  • #11
Tesla, Bohr and Pauli went out to the Cavity Rad pub. They ordered an Eggnog and two Mohitos.
-"Hey, isn't that Cherenkov sitting there?"
-"Don't bother, he thinks he's on a higher level now. He don't hang with us no more."
-"He thinks he's a brainiac that one."
-"What, him? He's got, like, a single gray cell in there, and spends most of his time trying to keep it from annihilating."
-"Aye, he's so rigid in his opinions not even Euler could turn him around."
-"I hear he's with some shady elements nowadays. Dropping people from heights and blowing stuff up."
-"Well, that sure shines some light on what happened to Pascal and his triangles. I say better avoid him"
-"Indeed. Discretion is the better part of valour."

... I got nothing.
  • #12
FatShady said:
haha the 'artist' is a video game developer and not an artist so I will cut him some slack. :)
This looks more like someone who has a so-so grasp of physics/mathematics, but is a fine artist.
  • #13
Third one could be a photon..

The Sixth one could be an incomplete 2d representation of youngs double slit
experiment (highly doubt it; a representation without interference? ??).

After reading cherenkov radiation I
feel silly.

Thank you.
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  • #14
You mean #18 like:

$$a_0+\frac{1}{a_1+\frac{1}{a_2+\cdots \frac{1}{a_n}}}$$

I think you're right: a continued fraction.

@FieldvForce: welcome to PF - how do you get a photon off that?
  • #15
Simon Bridge said:
Here's the concepts that spring to mind for me:
(counting horizontally)

1. electric field
2. planets (could be planetary model of atom)
3. radiation (or colors)
4. cavity radiation
5. mass-energy relation (a bad representation of)
6. Cherenkov radiation
9. brain
10. vagina - but most random squiggles look like vaginas to me
- maybe an eye or an animal cell or something like that.
11. feynman diagram - they are not subatomic though. The e is an electron.
Notice that time runs horizontally ... so we have a positron and an electron annihilating to make a photon - that does not go very far before it pair-produces some other particle ... the key is that spiral off the end.

12. euler equation
13. atoms
14. gravity
15. nuclear energy
16. energy of a photon
17. interference fringes
18. quantum mechanics (discrete energy levels)

Some guesses at the others:

7) Hole migration in a semi-conductor
8) Some kind of representation of a potential well.
10) Cell sub-division.
  • #16
Thanks for the welcome.

As to your question, the first picture looked like it might be representing an electron the second an atom, I thought the third was a photon because I presumed the artist wanted to introduce photoelectric effect, drawing an orb with rays comming out of it, possibly loosely representing wave-particle duality.
  • #17
#10 looks like a single celled organism. Perhaps it is a clue for DNA, or evolution.
  • #18
MikeGomez said:
#10 looks like a single celled organism. Perhaps it is a clue for DNA, or evolution.
Or string theory?
  • #19
Everything is a clue for string theory :)
  • #20
10 is probably an eukaryotic cell undergoing karyokinesis.
  • #21
1) Ampere
2) Bohr
3) Curie
4) D
5) Einstein
6) Fermat
7) Galilei
8) Huygens
9) Ioffe
10) Jenner (I'm not fully happy with this one)
11) Kendall
12) Lagrange
13) Mendelev
14) Newton
15) Oppenheimer
16) Plank
17) Qurra
18) Rogers

Jenner seems tenuous, but the image, must be of a cell and Jenner is the only biologist beginning with J that I can think of, but all the others are physicists or mathemeticians.

I can't get D. I'd like it to be De Broglie, Dirac or Democritus, but can't see why the symbol would denote either. Tenuously, it could be related to a path intergral for Dirac. The only thing that I recall close to that symbol is a RF cavity. Maybe as an outside guess it can be an ion trap or a CRT and we can make Dehmelt work. Maybe even Da Vinci. The whole puzzle, indicates that the artist is a fan of Da Vinci.
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  • #22
quoting Simon " Everything is a clue for string theory" , that was actually kinda funny :D:D:D
  • #23
Looks like Dicke had something to do with microwave equipment. Found at reference 3 here.
  • #24
craigi said:
1) Ampere
2) Bohr
3) Curie
4) D
5) Einstein
6) Fermat
7) Galilei
8) Huygens
9) Ioffe
10) Jenner (I'm not fully happy with this one)
11) Kendall
12) Lagrange
13) Mendelev
14) Newton
15) Oppenheimer
16) Plank
17) Qurra
18) Rogers

Jenner seems tenuous, but the image, must be of a cell and Jenner is the only biologist beginning with J that I can think of, but all the others are physicists or mathemeticians.

I can't get D. I'd like it to be De Broglie, Dirac or Democritus, but can't see why the symbol would denote either. Tenuously, it could be related to a path intergral for Dirac. The only thing that I recall close to that symbol is a RF cavity. Maybe as an outside guess it can be an ion trap or a CRT and we can make Dehmelt work. Maybe even Da Vinci. The whole puzzle, indicates that the artist is a fan of Da Vinci.

Best answer! Amost fully solved.
  • #25
craigi said:
Some guesses at the others:

7) Hole migration in a semi-conductor
8) Some kind of representation of a potential well.
10) Cell sub-division.

You are a legend! Thanks for your forum post mate, really appreciated that and great insight.
  • #26
craigi said:
Maybe even Da Vinci. The whole puzzle, indicates that the artist is a fan of Da Vinci.

Funny you mention that. I worked with the developer to explain the last riddle in 2011/2012 and Da Vince played a big part.

If you are curious, search for the 'Trials HD Riddle' on YouTube. It has about 80,000 views and I made that to explain the riddle in the prior game.
  • #27
1) Ampere
2) Bohr
3) Curie
4) D
5) Einstein
6) Fermat
7) Galilei
8) Huygens
9) Ioffe
10) Joliot-Curie
11) Kendall
12) Lagrange
13) Mendelev
14) Newton
15) Oppenheimer
16) Plank
17) Qurra
18) Rogers

Doh. For some reason I was sure it was cellular fission, but that image can equally depict nuclear fission, which solves J.

Just need to work out what the D means.
  • #28
Da Vinci Catapult?


  • davincicatapult.jpg
    14.5 KB · Views: 462

Related to I need some assistance in solving a riddle.

1. How do I solve a riddle?

To solve a riddle, you should start by carefully reading and understanding the riddle. Look for any clues or hints that may help you in solving it. Then, use logical reasoning and critical thinking to come up with possible solutions. You can also try brainstorming or asking others for their input.

2. What techniques can I use to solve a riddle?

Some techniques that can help you solve a riddle include breaking it down into smaller parts, looking for patterns or wordplay, and using lateral thinking to come up with creative solutions. You can also try using deductive reasoning to eliminate incorrect answers.

3. What should I do if I can't solve a riddle?

If you are having trouble solving a riddle, take a break and come back to it later with a fresh perspective. You can also try discussing it with others or looking for hints or explanations online. If all else fails, it's okay to give up and move on to another riddle.

4. Can riddles help improve critical thinking skills?

Yes, solving riddles can improve critical thinking skills as they require you to think creatively, use logic and reasoning, and make connections between different pieces of information. Regularly practicing riddles can also enhance problem-solving abilities and improve cognitive flexibility.

5. Are there any benefits to solving riddles?

Yes, there are many benefits to solving riddles. It can improve memory, concentration, and cognitive abilities. It can also be a fun and challenging activity that can help improve mood and reduce stress. Additionally, solving riddles can improve problem-solving skills that can be useful in many aspects of life.

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