I really writing college essays

In summary, the conversation was about a student in their senior year making decisions about college. They listed their top choices for schools to attend and their backup options. They expressed concern about not receiving help with their college essays and asked for advice. The advice given included avoiding cliches and using an appropriate tone and grammar. It was also advised not to rely on anecdotes or mention controversial topics in the essay. Instead, the student was encouraged to be unique and stand out from other applicants.
  • #1
It is about that time in senior year where all my biggest decisions are about to be made. Yea, I'm filling out college applications. Here are my current MAIN choices in ranking of how badly I want to attend:

EDIT: I'm majoring in Physics if that matters

1. University of Washington in Seattle
2. Purdue University
3. New York University
4. University of Pennsylvania
5. Georgia Tech
6. University of Pittsburg

and these are backup schools - the ones I'll apply to just in case ALL of the above deny me. No particular ranking here, because all of them are schools that I rrreeeaallllyyy don't want to go to:

1. University of Tennessee Knoxville
2. Tennessee Tech University
3. Pace University

All of the above had 80+ percent acceptance ratings.Now, I have not had ANY help with college essays. My counselors say they'll go around classrooms and help students out in January, but I think that's arbitrary and stupid, because most of my college applications are due months before then.

So - could I get any advice?

What do these college essays look for, what can I do to not be generic, etc?

Please and thanks
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  • #2
If it sounds cliche, it probably is.

Using an abundance of big words makes you sound insincere and coached.

Grammar is very important. Nail it; sound professional, but not stuffy.

A little wry humor doesn't hurt, but don't overdo it.

Everyone has an inspiring story, or a sob story. Use anecdotes sparingly and don't rely on them, unless you're prompted.

Don't drone. If you have a point to make, it can probably be said in fewer, more concise words. These people read dozens of essays during admissions season, and if you put them to sleep with unnecessary verbage, that can have an adverse effect.

Don't mention politics or religion unless prompted. If you're a conservative, you're guaranteed to have your essay read by liberals, and vice versa (it is a fact). If you're religious, Richard Dawkins himself will hold the gavel (or Dinesh D'Souza for the opposite case). This can, but might not, have dire consequences. It's really not worth the risk.

Pretty much just read what everyone else writes, then do the exact opposite.

Related to I really writing college essays

1. What makes a good college essay?

A good college essay is one that effectively tells your unique story and showcases your personality, passions, and goals. It should also be well-written, organized, and free of grammar and spelling errors.

2. How important are college essays in the admissions process?

College essays are an important aspect of the admissions process as they give admissions officers a more personal and in-depth look at who you are beyond your grades and test scores. They can also help set you apart from other applicants.

3. Can I get help with writing my college essay?

Yes, you can seek guidance and feedback from teachers, counselors, or professional essay coaches. However, it is important to ensure that the essay is ultimately your own work and reflects your own voice and thoughts.

4. What should I avoid writing about in my college essay?

You should avoid writing about controversial or sensitive topics, such as politics or religion, unless it directly ties into your personal experiences and growth. It is also important to avoid writing about cliché or overused topics, such as winning a sports game or a mission trip.

5. How can I make my college essay stand out?

To make your college essay stand out, try to write about a unique and meaningful experience or aspect of your life. Use descriptive details and vivid language to bring your story to life. Additionally, make sure to revise and edit your essay thoroughly to ensure it is well-written and error-free.

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