I still have trouble with Dummy Variables

  • Thread starter Saladsamurai
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In summary: But just looking at the functionTb(x,x')It's a function that depends on two variables, x and x'. It's like if you integrate sin(v), v becomes a dummy variable, but just given the function sin(v) v is not a dummy variable.In summary, the conversation explains the usage of dummy variables in equations involving integrals. In the first equation, the dummy variable x' is used to integrate the function over a specific interval, while in the second equation, x' is not a dummy variable and the function itself depends on both x and x'. This can be seen as similar to integrating a function like sin(x) where the variable x becomes a
  • #1
I am reading a paper and I am coming across some usage of a dummy variable and it is becoming increasingly clear that I never really understood how to use these things. I will demonstrate once usage that I do understand and one that I do not. Let me also introduce the basic physics behind the equation since it might be of some help.

We have a closed chamber in the form of a sphere. It is filled with a fuel and oxidizer. A spark ignites the gaseous mixture at the exact center of the chamber. We assume that the resultant flame propagates spherically outwards until it hits the wall of the chamber. We also assume that the flame is is of negligible thickness. If we "freeze" the flame at some instant in time, it will divide the chamber into 2 parts: An "inner" sphere of burned gas and an "outer" sphere of unburned gas.

We will denote x to be the mass fraction of burned gas: x=mb/M, where M is the total mass M = mb + mu. Also, v is called the specific volume of the burned or unburned gas. It is defined as the volume per unit mass (inverse of density).

Here is the first equation that I DO understand (I think):

If we denote V as the total volume of gas (which is conserved) we have

[itex]V/M = \int_0^xv_b\,dx' +\int_x^1v_u\,dx' \qquad(1)[/tex]

So in the above equation (1), x' is the dummy variable. For some value of x we integrate the first term over x' from 0 to x and the second term over x' from x to 1. I get it.

Here is the second equation I am a little lost on:

The average temperature of the burned gas is given as

[tex]\bar{T}_b = \frac{1}{x}\int_0^xT_b(x',x)\,dx' \qquad(2)[/tex]

Now in (2), I have conviced myself that this is similar to (1) in that we "fix" some value of x, but then I do not understand why there is an x' inside the argument of the function? It makes sense in the dx' since we are integrating over in interval and at each infinitesimal sub-interval we are "substituting in" for dx'. But in Tb(x', x) it looks like it takes x' as an argument.

~Any comments or thoughts on this?
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  • #2
Tb has two inputs, x and x'. One is being integrated over, one is not. When calculating the integral x will just be treated as a constant. For example, if Tb=[tex]x'e^{x}[/tex]

Then we have [tex]\int_0^x x'e^{x} dx' = e^{x} \int_0^x x'dx'[/tex] because x is treated as a constant inside the integral. In general of course it won't be so easy to get rid of the x's in the integral
  • #3
Tb has two inputs, x and x'. One is being integrated over, one is not. When calculating the integral x will just be treated as a constant. For example, if Tb=[tex]x'e^{x}[/tex]

Then we have [tex]\int_0^x x'e^{x} dx' = e^{x} \int_0^x x'dx'[/tex] because x is treated as a constant inside the integral. In general of course it won't be so easy to get rid of the x's in the integral
  • #4
Office_Shredder said:
Tb has two inputs, x and x'. One is being integrated over, one is not. When calculating the integral x will just be treated as a constant. For example, if Tb=[tex]x'e^{x}[/tex]

Then we have [tex]\int_0^x x'e^{x} dx' = e^{x} \int_0^x x'dx'[/tex] because x is treated as a constant inside the integral. In general of course it won't be so easy to get rid of the x's in the integral

I think that makes sense to me. I guess it was the fact that the actual function T(x',x) was not given. Though now that I think of it, if we put integration aside and speak only of the function Tb=[itex]x'e^{x}[/itex], as you stated, then what does the 'dummy' variable x' mean without the context of an integration? I am trying to keep in mind the physical meaning of the function. Tb is the temperature of the burned gas when some fraction x of the gas has burned. But what does the x' represent now? Perhaps it is meaningless without an integration? That is, perhaps the function Tb itself has an integral? Perhaps something to the effect of Tb(x',x) = [itex]\int_{x_o}^x f(x')dx'[/itex].

Just an idea. Thoughts?
  • #5
Your proposed function doesn't actually depend on x' as a function, so it's unlikely. x' is a dummy variable in the integral, but should not be a dummy variable in Tb itself, unless you have something weird going on
  • #6
Office_Shredder said:
Your proposed function doesn't actually depend on x' as a function, so it's unlikely. x' is a dummy variable in the integral, but should not be a dummy variable in Tb itself, unless you have something weird going on

Meh. I will never understand this. If I may back up a little: We were initially given that:

[tex]\bar{T}_b = \frac{1}{x}\int_0^xT_b(x',x)\,dx' \qquad(2)[/tex]

Which says to take the function [itex]T_b(x',x)[/itex] and integrate it over x'. So you are telling me that you think that in this case, x' is NOT a dummy variable?
  • #7
x' is a dummy variable in the integral. But just looking at the function


It's a function that depends on two variables, x and x'. It's like if you integrate sin(v), v becomes a dummy variable, but just given the function sin(v) v is not a dummy variable

Related to I still have trouble with Dummy Variables

1. What are dummy variables in statistics?

Dummy variables are binary variables that are used to represent categorical data in statistical analysis. They are typically coded as 0 or 1 to indicate the presence or absence of a particular category.

2. Why do we use dummy variables?

We use dummy variables to represent categorical data in statistical models, as most statistical software cannot handle categorical data in its raw form. By creating dummy variables, we can include categorical variables in our analysis and interpret their effects on the outcome variable.

3. How do we interpret coefficients of dummy variables?

The coefficient of a dummy variable represents the difference in the outcome variable between the reference category (coded as 0) and the dummy category (coded as 1). For example, if we have a dummy variable for gender with male as the reference category, a coefficient of 0.5 would indicate that females have, on average, a 0.5 unit higher value on the outcome variable compared to males.

4. Can we have more than one dummy variable for a single categorical variable?

Yes, we can have multiple dummy variables for a single categorical variable, as long as they are not perfectly correlated. This is known as dummy variable trap, which occurs when one dummy variable can be predicted from the others. To avoid this, we typically drop one of the dummy variables before fitting the model.

5. Are there any assumptions for using dummy variables in statistical analysis?

Yes, there are a few assumptions that should be met when using dummy variables in statistical analysis. These include independence, linearity of the relationship between the predictor and outcome variables, and equal variances (homoscedasticity) of the residuals. Violation of these assumptions can affect the accuracy and interpretability of the results.

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