I understand that the key to parametrization is to realize that the

In summary, the Implicit Function Theorem states that you can locally solve some of the variables for the remaining ones and view them as parameters. It is a helpful tool when trying to parametrize a curve, surface, or region. There is no general rule for finding the best parametrization, and it depends on the object being parametrized.
  • #1
I understand that the key to parametrization is to realize that the goal of this method is to describe the location of all points on a geometric object, a curve, a surface, or a region. However, I am looking for a general rule for parameterization. How would one know which parametrization to use except for the obvious cases?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

If the curve, surface, or, more generally, manifold, is given by a set of equations, you can, locally, near a point, solve some of the variables för the remaining ones, so that the latter ones can be viewed as parameters. This is the content of the Implicit Function Theorem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_function_theorem

But this may only work locally, and parametrization will not always be the simplest or most useful one. For example, if the unit circle is given by the equation x^2 + y^2 = 1, then this method will give x as the parameter and y = +-sqrt(1-x^2), with different signs for the upper and the lower semicircle. The parametrization x=cos(t), y=sin(t), is much nicer but cannot be found with this method.

There is no general method for finding the "best" parametrization.
  • #3

What are the most common parameterization? If you are given a geometric object how would you decide which parametrization to use?
  • #4

glebovg said:
What are the most common parameterization? If you are given a geometric object how would you decide which parametrization to use?
There is no general rule. It depends upon the geometric object you want to parametrize. It must be decided in each case separately. Sorry, but there are no shortcuts. :smile:
  • #5

For example, if you wanted to describe a torus or the Möbius strip parametrically, where would you start?
  • #6

You would start by thinking about it and describing its shape. A torus is easy- it's a set of circles whose center lie on a circle. So you would take one parameter a the angle, [itex]\theta[/tex] gives a specific point on the circle that all the the cross sections have their center on and take the other, [itex]\phi[/itex] as an angle in that cross section. Each of x, y, and z can be expressed as functions of those two parameters.

Another way to do that is to think of the torus as a rectangle of paper where "opposite sides" have been pasted together. If one side of the torus is much longer than the other, pasting together the long sides gives a cylinder. Pasting together the ends of the cylinder gives a torus. Each point on that rectangle can be given (x, y) coordinates and then the folding and pasting map those into (x, y, z) coordinates for the torus. That can also be used for the Klein bottle except that after pasting together the long sides we paste the short sides together in "reversed" order. That is, if our original rectangle had vertices at (2, 1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1), and (2,-1), pasting the long sides would paste (-2, 1) to (-2, -1) and (2, 1) to (2, -1). For the cylinder, you paste the short sides together so that (-2, 1) maps to (2, 1) and (-2, -1) to (-2, 1). For the Klein bottle, instead, you paste the shorts sides together so that (-2, 1) matches with (2, -1) and (-2,-1) to (2, 1) (impossible to do in Euclidean three dimensional space).

FAQ: I understand that the key to parametrization is to realize that the

1. What is parametrization?

Parametrization is a process used in mathematics and physics to represent a system or equation in terms of one or more parameters. This allows for a more flexible and general solution to problems that would otherwise be difficult to solve.

2. How does parametrization relate to understanding?

The key to parametrization is realizing that it allows for a deeper understanding of a system or equation by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable parts. By assigning parameters, we can manipulate and analyze the system in different ways to gain insight and make predictions.

3. Can you give an example of parametrization?

One example of parametrization is in physics, where we use parameters such as time, distance, and velocity to describe the motion of an object. By assigning values to these parameters, we can create equations that accurately predict the position and velocity of the object at any given time.

4. What are the benefits of using parametrization?

Parametrization allows for a more general and flexible approach to problem-solving, as it breaks down complex systems into simpler parts. It also allows for a deeper understanding of the system and the ability to make predictions and analyze different scenarios.

5. Are there any limitations to parametrization?

While parametrization is a useful tool, it may not always be applicable or appropriate for every problem. In some cases, it may not be possible to represent a system or equation using parameters, or the process of parametrization may complicate the problem further. It is important to carefully consider the use of parametrization in each situation.

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