I want a career with computers but I'm not sure what?

In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's dilemma between pursuing a career in software engineering or computer repair. They express a strong interest in both fields and their abilities in fixing computers. However, they also share concerns about job stability, salary, and balancing work with family life. The conversation also touches on the potential of starting a computer repair business and the option of network management as an alternative to programming. In conclusion, the speaker is advised to try learning a programming language and solving problems to determine if they have a passion for it before making a decision.
  • #1
I'm torn between software engineering and computer repair.
Both are great to me.
Like if my friend comes to me and says my computer is running really slow can you fix it?
I love that. I love being the one to go to and I love fixing computers. Even if it took a week to fix that's a zero stress job for me. I'd do it for free. Money is just a bonus.

But I also am really interested in actual computer science.
I love knowing how computers work inside and out. I've had countless ideas for programs I would write if I actually knew how. I know programming is math intensive and that doesn't bother me at all.
But now there's a few thoughts that hold me back. I plan on having a family in the future. So of course I want a salary that will support all of us. I know a software engineer makes around 55K entry level.
But I don't even know if a computer technician is an actual career or if the salary can compete with that.
And I also don't know about software engineering because I've never done anything hands on with programming.
So I feel like I might have some fantasy of it that's totally blown out of proportion and when I'm actually in the field I won't like it.
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
You could start your own computer repair business, run it out of your home, write off taxes that are ambiguously both business and personal. You will be able to take breaks when you want to play with your kids, mostly of your own accord.
  • #3
You won't make much money at computer repair, and it's tough because hardware constantly changes. Software engineering is a dicey profession, right now, due to outsourcing. Jobs in the business world exploit young programmers by expecting them to work very long hours (but the pay is good). Jobs often don't last more than 2-4 years; once a project is defunded, layoffs often happen. Finally, software engineering is a complex field that requires intense attention to detail, and thus, it really is not for everyone. Before making a decision to go that route, you should try learning to program. Only go into software if you LOVE programming.
  • #4
All this assumes you go to a good school for your education:

Another option you may want to look into is network management/admin. Enterprise level stuff. Setup/maintain computer networks for an intermediate to large scale business. Setting up routers/switches/dhcp/dns/ad-ds servers for your business, running cables, etc. This usually also includes desktop support. You have to learn the theory behind how networks work, the different protocols, security, etc. It's a HUGE plus if you know both Linux & Windows.
The pay is really good, better than programmers in general IMO and offers better job security. But it can be harder to get that first break as most businesses are very reluctant to hire someone straight out of school, they want people that already have experience.

Like harborsparrow said, there's not that much money in computer repair. It was my first job and in most cases, you're looking at 30-40k if you are working for a business like geek squad or something. It's a good starter job, a stepping stone, something to get your feet wet and get a bit of experience but unless you run your own store, I do not believe there's too much money there.
Programming is a love/hate thing. There's no middle ground. You will either love it, or you will want to kill yourself. It is a LOT of hard work, the field is continually changing. You have to know a lot. Programming concepts usually apply across languages (depends on the language) but the syntax can be very different. You need to know C#/JAVA languages as a minimum and the relevant database (MySQL, MSSQL) But the big bucks are in Oracle. Extremely hard to break into, costs a pretty penny to get the certifications but you can easily make 6 figures with some experience and the job security is great.
  • #5
If I were you I would learn a bit of an entry level language(off the top of my head java would be the least intimidating and you could easily transition to c# or c++). From here try to solve problems to see if you are good enough to do it professionally. Some great ones can be found at the website projecteuler.

You can learn java online here:


You could download netbeans to compile(run) your programs or use this website:

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FAQ: I want a career with computers but I'm not sure what?

What kind of education do I need to have a career with computers?

To have a career with computers, you typically need at least a bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field. Some employers may require a master's degree or specific certifications, so it's important to research your desired career path and the specific education requirements.

What types of jobs are available in the computer field?

The computer field offers a wide range of job opportunities, including software developer, computer systems analyst, web developer, database administrator, and network engineer. There are also roles in cybersecurity, data science, and artificial intelligence that are in high demand.

Do I need to have programming experience to work with computers?

While programming experience can be helpful in certain roles, it is not always necessary to have a career with computers. Many computer-related jobs require skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication, which can be developed through different experiences and education.

What skills do I need to have a successful career in computers?

In addition to technical skills, successful careers in computers also require strong soft skills such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, and analytical thinking. It's important to continually develop both technical and soft skills to stay competitive in the field.

How can I determine which specific field of computers is right for me?

Researching and gaining hands-on experience in different areas of the computer field can help you determine which specific field is right for you. Internships, online courses, and networking with professionals in different fields can also provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.

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