I want to become an astronomer but im studying computer engineering

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of becoming an astronomer after studying computer engineering. The expert recommends studying physics or astronomy as an undergraduate, but also suggests volunteering and joining an amateur astronomy club. It is mentioned that amateur astronomers play an important role in science, and the conversation also touches on the topic of salary for astronomers and physicists.
  • #1
AOS Royal
ok. I am going to learn computer engineering in university. i am pretty involved it and IT savvy for that matter. but i have had this ambition, ever since i was a kid, i wanted to be a astronomer. it still is my dream. every time i watch an documentary on space, i am deeply indulged and i instantly fall in space with its vastness and quiet magnificence. my question is, can i become an astronomer after studying computer engineering? or too late for me to change my destined 'career'? pls help me!
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  • #2
First, you need to write English properly, and not text-speak like "pls". Apart from this being part of the forum rules, which you agreed to when you joined, people will judge you by your writing.

Second, it is far, far easier to become an astronomer if you study physics or astronomy as an undergrad. If you study something else, you will need to catch up, and will be uncompetitive until you do.
  • #3
What a coincidence, I'm a physicist that's looking to become a computer programmer. How bout we trade places?

No seriously, if you're thinking about a future where you procreate and provide for a family, I'd forget about astronomy. Some people do make it happen, but they are the exceptions, not the rule. Anyone who says otherwise is trying to get cheap 'grad student' labor.

If you're really passionate about it. You can reach out to some professors and offer to volunteer doing computer stuff for them. If you're lucky they may ask you to assist with developing code for data analysis.
  • #4
Other than that 'pls' can u find any other mistakes? I don't get how u can judge me over the internet for using 'pls'. Infact, that post was sent from my phone...
  • #5
Thanks for ur advice! U made me think about the salary topic. On a side note, how much does an average astronomer or physicist make a month?
  • #6
AOS Royal said:
Other than that 'pls' can u find any other mistakes?

Oh, the irony.
  • #7
I really don't get threads like this. If you want to become an astronomer, then study physics! What's the point of studying computer engineering?
  • #8
AOS Royal said:
Thanks for ur advice! U made me think about the salary topic. On a side note, how much does an average astronomer or physicist make a month?


An average astronomer or physicist works as computer programmer. So they earn their money as programmers. Yes - you can become an amateur astronomer after studying computer engineering but not professional one. But don't worry - your chances as professional astronomer are as great as someone's with physics/astronomy degree. But you can:

1. Study computer engineering and do a minor in physics/astronomy.

2. Join amateur astronomy club.

3. Start doing astro stuff.

Amateur astronomers are very important part of science. They discovered many new celestial objects.

micromass said:
What's the point of studying computer engineering?

He can save himself from begging HR to hire him for engineering position with BSc in physics.
  • #9
Thank you!

FAQ: I want to become an astronomer but im studying computer engineering

What is the difference between studying astronomy and computer engineering?

Astronomy is the study of celestial objects and phenomena in the universe, while computer engineering involves designing and developing computer systems and software. While there may be some overlap in the use of technology in both fields, the focus and subject matter are different.

Can I pursue a career in astronomy with a degree in computer engineering?

Yes, you can still pursue a career in astronomy with a degree in computer engineering. Many astronomers use computer technology to analyze and process data from telescopes and other instruments. Additionally, a strong foundation in mathematics and programming can be beneficial in the field of astronomy.

Do I need to have a background in astronomy to become an astronomer?

No, a background in astronomy is not required to become an astronomer. While it can be helpful to have some knowledge about the subject, most astronomers receive their training through formal education and on-the-job experience.

What skills are important for both astronomy and computer engineering?

Both astronomy and computer engineering require strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Additionally, proficiency in mathematics, attention to detail, and the ability to work with complex data are important in both fields. Good communication skills are also essential for presenting research findings and collaborating with others.

Can I combine my interests in astronomy and computer engineering?

Yes, you can certainly combine your interests in astronomy and computer engineering. In fact, many astronomers use advanced computer systems and software to assist in their research. You could also consider pursuing a career in astronomical instrumentation, which involves designing and developing instruments for use in astronomy.

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