I want to succeed in a career in science, but i am not a math genius

In summary: But I stuck with it and eventually got my degree in that program. I think if you love the subject, are determined, and put in the effort, then you will be able to do well in any math-heavy course. Indeed, I believe I started in a program somewhat similar to you (though certainly not at 16, kudos to you). I was originally in a program that was called "Computational Science / Non-specialized" because I didn't know what science I liked. So I took phys, chemistry and Earth sciences (and later bio). Anywho, I loved the *idea* of doing physics but I found the math to be a huge hurdle. I ended up switching
  • #1
I am adequate at math, but I really don't like it. I love astronomy, physics, and other sciences. Would biology be a good career for me? I really appreciate some suggestions. I am pretty much average when it comes to recording data.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Depends on what you like, your skills and what you enjoy can change at any moment. You may grow to love math and become good at it while simultaneously learning to hate physics and astronomy. How old are you?
  • #3
Pengwuino said:
Depends on what you like, your skills and what you enjoy can change at any moment. You may grow to love math and become good at it while simultaneously learning to hate physics and astronomy. How old are you?

I am 17
  • #4
DARTZ said:
I am adequate at math, but I really don't like it. I love astronomy, physics, and other sciences. Would biology be a good career for me? I really appreciate some suggestions. I am pretty much average when it comes to recording data.

Physics is REALLY math heavy. So if you are convinced you don't like math then you want something like bio. However, math, like everything, is a lot more about effort then most people will let on. If you are willing to put the effort in and are actually capable of being INTERESTED in math then that math-o-phobia could be very conquerable. Highschool math is very good at destroying any spark of interest. Math really can be VERY interesting.
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  • #5
What do you mean by being average at "recording data"? Do you not like doing experiments? If you don't like maths, are not good at it, and are not good at doing experiments then perhaps you should think of a career outside *actual* science. Do you like writing? Maybe science journalism? Do you like teaching? Then you could teach science, and keep experimental demonstrations to a minimum! Do you like programming? Then do a computer science degree and earn millions working for Microsoft...
  • #6
I totally agree about math proficiency being about work ethic more than natural aptitude. I am a huge fan of the "perspiration theory". Also I believe in working example problems by rote. Some mistakenly assume "that stifles your problems solving skills". Actually just the opposite is true. When you work 100s of example problems per week by rote it makes you into a problem solving monster, aptitude or no aptitude. Learning math is very much like learning a language. The densest people I know are very proficient in at least one language. Math is mostly about technique and training. I hear people all the time say "I'm am so bad at math". I always respond by telling them "well, how the hell did you learn the English language? Math is a language. Do it everyday and you'll speak it like the Masters.
maverick_starstrider said:
Physics is REALLY math heavy. So if you are convinced you don't like math then you want something like bio. However, math, like everything, is a lot more about effort then most people will let on. If you are willing to put the effort in and are actually capable of being INTERESTED in math then that math-o-phobia could be very conquerable. Highschool math is very good at destroying any spark of interest. Math really can be VERY interesting.
  • #7
I have the same problem, I'm 16 and going into college, I'm doing Physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics but its not all bout whether you like the subject that is required for the subject you are passionate bout, its how determined you are to succeed and achieve your dream in what you want, see maths as a challenge not a downside to it.
  • #8
XShazieX said:
I have the same problem, I'm 16 and going into college, I'm doing Physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics but its not all bout whether you like the subject that is required for the subject you are passionate bout, its how determined you are to succeed and achieve your dream in what you want, see maths as a challenge not a downside to it.

Indeed, I believe I started in a program somewhat similar to you (though certainly not at 16, kudos to you). I was originally in a program that was called "Computational Science / Non-specialized" because I didn't know what science I liked. So I took phys, chemistry and Earth sciences (and later bio). Anywho, I loved the *idea* of doing physics but I found the math to be a huge hurdle. I ended up switching into "/ Physics Specialization" in my second year only to get my *** kicked by physics courses , due mostly to the math (in my defense, I also didn't have the proper pre-req's for some of the courses since I had switched streams). I didn't fail anything but I did very poorly. For me I found the "learn vector calc as you learn E&M" approach to be very difficult. My learning style is such that when I learn a new concept I basically try to break it, I take it off that pedestle and look for flaws, if I can't find any I accept it. It was very difficult to do that for the math AND the physics that required the same identical math simultaneously. So what did I do? I started to self-study the math before hand from books that were not "math for physicists" but "math for mathies" (with the exception of boas which is an awesome book). I took AMATH (applied math) courses in complex analysis and differential geometry and such BEFORE I went into the courses that needed them. And I found it was a world of difference. Once the math was second nature the physics just fell into place.
  • #9
Mathematics is alive in all of the sciences and is used both intensively and extensively in the physical sciences. At the same time, learning the Mathematics BEFORE you need it for courses will mean that you can focus more on understanding the sciences than on trying to simultaneously learn both the science and the required Mathematics for it.

DARTZ, you just need more development time. Study many things and you will find which are you best talents. This may take two years for you to fully understand.
  • #10
there are many math webs that makes learning math easier.
check math forums as well and 24yahoo (dot) com

Good luck
  • #11
If you're only 17, you may grow to love math. I love math but didn't at your age... I thought math was useless and pretty boring. I was good at it. I got A's throughout high school (and I was a terrible student, yet still got A's in math). If you told me that some day I'd like it I would have laughed at you... And then in 12th grade I got to calculus and loved it. The next year in college I took multivarable calculus and differential equations and loved it even more. Now I'm taking set theory and linear algebra and I love them... So at your age, you really haven't taken any real math (well I'm just guessing... I don't know your true credentials... I suppose you could have done some self-studying and learned advanced math)... All you've probably taken are the boring basics... Try some upper division mathematics and then find out if you like it...
  • #12
I failed almost all the math classes I took in high school, but once I got to uni I really buckled down and spent a lot of time really learning the subject. I spent a lot of time reading the history of mathematics and philosophy of mathematics. I have tutored a few people in calculus who were great in math in high school but can't do it in uni. There is a massive difference between high school math (which is basically arthimatic) and studying mathematics as a system.

If you put in the time, do lots of research on your own and truly love it then you can definately be good at mathematics and you will actually get better at it as you progress in school.

FAQ: I want to succeed in a career in science, but i am not a math genius

What are the most important skills for a successful career in science?

The most important skills for a successful career in science are critical thinking, problem-solving, attention to detail, communication, and a strong work ethic. While math skills are important in some areas of science, there are many other skills that are just as crucial for success.

Do I have to be a math genius to have a career in science?

No, you do not have to be a math genius to have a successful career in science. While math skills are important in certain fields of science, there are many other areas where math is not as heavily relied upon. Additionally, there are resources and support available to help you improve your math skills if needed.

What can I do if I struggle with math but still want to pursue a career in science?

If you struggle with math, you can still pursue a career in science by focusing on areas of science that do not heavily rely on math, such as biology, ecology, or environmental science. You can also seek out resources, such as tutoring or online courses, to help improve your math skills.

Can I still be successful in science if I am not naturally good at math?

Yes, you can still be successful in science even if you are not naturally good at math. With hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn and improve, you can excel in your chosen field of science even if math is not your strongest subject.

Are there other important skills besides math that I should focus on for a career in science?

Yes, there are many important skills besides math that you should focus on for a career in science. These include critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, attention to detail, and a strong work ethic. It is important to have a well-rounded skill set to be successful in science.

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