I want to visualise this vector expression

In summary, the vector r, starting at the origin, terminates at and specifies the point in space (x, y, z). A surface is swept out by the tip of r if $ (\vec{r} −\vec{a}) · \vec{a} = 0 $. $\vec{a}$ is a constant vector and is not affected by r.
  • #1
The vector r, starting at the origin, terminates at and specifies the point in space (x, y, z). A surface is swept out by the tip of r if $ (\vec{r} −\vec{a}) · \vec{a} = 0 $. $\vec{a}$ is a constant vector...

1) I tried $ (r - a).a = 0, \therefore r.a = a^2$, but still can't 'see' what shape that might produce. Somewhat uncertainly, I reasoned that this looks like r is proportional to a constant which would give a plane? But r is varying, so that's not quite right ...?
Also, I am used to the dot product being a projection, so r varying, but projected onto a ...would really like some help to think this through (end of course revision)

2) Please also suggest graphical software I could sketch this with - if it can be done with mathematica, how would I do that? I always struggle with mathematica with general expressions instead of values...

Much appreciated
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  • #2
Hi ognik,

The equation $(\vec{r}-\vec{a})\cdot \vec{a} = 0$ gives a plane perpendicular to $\vec{a}$ and passing through $a$ (by $a$ I mean $\vec{a}$ viewed as a point in three-space).

If $\vec{r} = \langle x,y,z\rangle$ and $\vec{a} = \langle a_1, a_2, a_3\rangle$, then $\vec{r} - \vec{a} = \langle x - a_1, y - a_2, z - a_3\rangle$. So then $$0 = (\vec{r} - \vec{a})\cdot \vec{a} = (x - a_1)a_1 + (y - a_2)a_2 + (z - a_3)a_3,$$
or $$a_1 x + a_2 y + a_3 z = d,$$ where $$d = a_1^2 + a_2^2 + a_3^2.$$ Perhaps in this form you can tell more easily that this is an equation for a plane.

With a TI 89 Calculator you could graph the equation for given values of $a_1, a_2, a_3$.
  • #3
nice explanation, thanks Euge. I don't have a graphical calculator, is there any online software that might do this?
  • #5
Hi ognik,

You can use a 3D grapher here, or on the Google search bar, write something like "plot z = y - x" and enter -- you will get an animated graph of the function.
  • #6
Thanks guys, I was hoping to plot both the constant vector a and the relative plane together. I am still learning Wolfram - I see we can plot several function with Plot3D

I assume (tell me if wrong) I can only do this for known coefficients, not in the general form, so choosing an arbitrary \vec{a} = {1,2,3} I set a_1,_2_3 and d , rewrote the plane eqtn in terms of z and plotted the plane with

Plot3D[{Subscript[a, 1]/Subscript[a, 3] x + Subscript[a, 2]/Subscript[a, 3] y - d}, {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}] ... which works.

Now I want to add the vector a into the above, need some help pls - I tried using [Line[{0, 0, 0, Null}, {Subscript[a, 1], Subscript[a, 2], Subscript[a, 3]}] - but can't figure out how to combine it into Plot3D - keeps on asking for more arguments, but its just a line segment with no variables?
  • #7
Just to close this, Gianluca Gorni did this really cool solution:

Manipulate[With[{a = {a1, a2, a3}, r = {x, y, z}},
Show[ContourPlot3D[(r - a).a == 0,
{x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, {z, -2, 2}],
Graphics3D[{PointSize[Large], Arrow[{{0, 0, 0}, a}], Point[a]}]]],
{a1, -1, 1}, {a2, -1, 1}, {a3, -1, 1}]

Related to I want to visualise this vector expression

1. How do I create a visual representation of a vector expression?

The best way to create a visual representation of a vector expression is to use vector graphics software such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. These programs allow you to draw and manipulate vectors, making it easy to create a visual representation of any vector expression.

2. What are some common techniques for visualising vector expressions?

Some common techniques for visualising vector expressions include using vector diagrams, arrow notation, and geometric representations such as graphs or charts. These techniques can help make the vector expression easier to understand and interpret visually.

3. Is it necessary to use mathematical equations to visualise vector expressions?

No, it is not necessary to use mathematical equations to visualise vector expressions. While equations can be helpful in understanding the properties of vectors, visual representations can often provide a more intuitive understanding of the expression.

4. Can I use color to represent different components of a vector expression?

Yes, color can be a useful tool for representing different components of a vector expression. For example, you can use different colors to distinguish between the magnitude and direction of a vector or to represent different vectors in a system.

5. Are there any online resources or tools for visualising vector expressions?

Yes, there are many online resources and tools available for visualising vector expressions. Some popular options include Geogebra, Desmos, and Wolfram Alpha. These tools allow you to input a vector expression and generate a visual representation for easy understanding and analysis.
