IB Extended Essay Astrophysics Help

In summary: I could describe the qualitative results qualitatively, but I could also do a more quantitative experiment to test my hypothesis.
  • #1
Moss Pauly
Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right section for this. I am going to be writing an extended essay in physics for the International Baccalaureate and am in the process of trying to decide upon a topic. In an earlier post I was wandering about quantum theory general relativity and string though I came to the conclusion that the above might become overly complicated for the task at hand. I have moved on and decided thought that it might be a sensible thought to do something in astrophysics due to my supervisor having a PhD in that area. I am still trying to come up with an idea and have been tossing up ideas to do with Black holes and Pulsar stars. The task is to write a very focused 4000 word essay it can be and experiment, theoretical or data analysis essay. Perhaps something to do with the incredible small black holes that appear for an instant in the LHC?

So I am trying to come up with a research question/ topic idea and am having trouble any help would be greatly appreciated. Very open to other topic suggestions as well!

Below is an example of one given the International Baccalaureate Organisation.


Black hole at the centre of the Milky Way

Research question
Is it possible to determine the presence of a black hole at the centre of the Milky Way?

A data-based approach is taken. From the astronomical observations of a star following a Keplerian orbit around a compact radio source, the mass of a supermassive black hole is determined. The level of uncertainty is appreciated.


Again Any help is greatly appreciated.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
As I recall, the IB program usually wants an experiment to go along with what your topic is. In that case, you may want to uses the principle of something cutting edge. For example, if you wanted to talk about atomic interferometry and the sagnac effect (just an example as this might be too advanced) you could talk about the sagnac effect in depth and run an experiment on the optical analog.
  • #3
The following is the International Baccalaureates description on the science categories.
"Treatment of the topic
Every extended essay in physics will involve some research into the background or theory of the topic selected. However, extended essays in physics may then vary. Students may choose any of the following approaches.

Experimental: design and implementation of an experiment, then personal collection and analysis of the data.
Data-based: location and extraction of raw or processed data, not collected directly by the student, which is then further refined and analysed.
Theoretical: development of a quantitative or semi-quantitative description of some physical phenomenon, exercise of the model, predictions about its behaviour and limitations.
Survey: formulation of a cohesive, ordered, analytical and supported (qualitative and quantitative) discussion of the topic.
Combination: some combination of the approaches listed above."

Do you think it would be possible to write a reasonable focused essay on the research question of "How can the existence of black holes be proven or not?"
  • #4
I did my EE on Physics as well way back when I was in IB. Okay, maybe not that long ago.

You're way over-thinking. This is not a PhD dissertation, this is still high school physics. So with that in mind, look for some simple physical phenomenon that can be easily experimented on and be able to be described qualitatively. You don't get extra marks for having an impressive topic but will lose marks if you can't test your hypothesis with your own experimental data. And don't look for mathematically intensive physics since the marker will be mostly looking at your approach to your hypothesis through experiment and interpretation, not if you can solve a second order PDE. For example, I did an experiment on the elasticity of rubber bands under varying temperatures.
  • #5
Hello Moss,

Thank you for reaching out for assistance with your IB Extended Essay in astrophysics. It sounds like you have already narrowed down your topic to black holes and pulsar stars, which are both fascinating areas of research in astrophysics. As you mentioned, working with your supervisor who has a PhD in astrophysics can be very beneficial in guiding your research and providing guidance on potential topics.

One potential research question could be, "What is the relationship between the mass of a black hole and the properties of its surrounding environment?" This question allows for exploration of the effects of a black hole's mass on its surrounding stars, gas, and dust, and how these interactions can be observed and measured.

Alternatively, you could also explore the formation and evolution of pulsar stars and their relationship to supernovae events. This could involve looking at data from observed pulsar stars and their properties, as well as theoretical models of supernova explosions and their potential to form pulsars.

In terms of your idea for studying mini black holes at the LHC, this could also be a very interesting topic to explore. You could potentially investigate the potential for these mini black holes to form and the implications for our understanding of black hole formation and physics.

Overall, my advice would be to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that allows for an in-depth investigation within the scope of your essay. It's also important to consider the availability of data and resources for your chosen topic.

I wish you the best of luck with your research and writing process. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,


Related to IB Extended Essay Astrophysics Help

1. What is the IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics?

The IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics is a 4,000-word research paper that students in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program must complete as part of their diploma requirements. It allows students to explore a topic of interest in depth and demonstrate their skills in research, analysis, and critical thinking.

2. How do I choose a topic for my IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics?

Choosing a topic for your IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics can be challenging, but it is important to choose a topic that you are genuinely interested in and have some background knowledge about. You can also consult with your supervisor or do some preliminary research to narrow down your options.

3. What are the criteria for grading the IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics?

The IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics is graded on a scale of 0-34 points, with 24 points being the minimum passing score. The essay is assessed on four criteria: research question, methodology, analysis and interpretation, and conclusion and evaluation. Each criterion is graded on a scale of 0-6 points, and the total score is determined by adding the scores for each criterion.

4. How do I structure my IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics?

The structure of your IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics should follow a standard essay format with an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should provide background information on your topic and state your research question. The body should include your research, analysis, and evaluation. The conclusion should summarize your findings and answer your research question.

5. What resources can I use for my IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics?

There are various resources that you can use for your IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics, including books, scientific journals, and online databases. Your school or local library may also have resources available. It is important to carefully evaluate the credibility and reliability of your sources before using them in your essay.

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