IB Physics Mechanics help? : Bus on an incline

In summary, the bus has a power output of 200,000W and an efficiency of 35%. The bus has a mass of 8.5 x 10^3 and a rate of increase of GPE of 2575.3N/s. The only forces acting on the bus are air resistance and friction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A bus is traveling at a constant speed of 6.2ms-1 along a section of road that is inclined at an angle of 6.0degrees to the horizontal.

a) the total output power of the engine of the bus is 70kW and the efficiency of the engine is 35%. calculate the power to the engine

b) the mass of the bus is 8.5 x 10^3. determine the rate of increase of GPE of the bus
c) using your answer to b and the data in a, estimate the magnitude of the resistive forces acting on the bus
d) determine the magnitude of the net force opposing the motion of the bus at the instant at which the engine stops
e) discuss, with reference to the air resistance, the change in the net force as the bus slows down
2. The attempt at a solution
a) 70 000 / 0.35 = 200 000W
b) vertical distance: 6.2sin6 = 0.648
8.5 * 10^3 * 9.81 * 0.648 = 54 033 Js-1
c) 70 000 - 54 033 = 15967
15967/6.2 = 2575.3N
is this right ?
d) some suggestions would be useful for this one!
e) does the air resistance decrease proportionally to equal the thrust so that the net force decreases too?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
melovephysics said:
is this right ?
d) some suggestions would be useful for this one!
Looks good so far.
What forces act on the bus if the engine is suddenly turned off?
  • #3
haruspex said:
Looks good so far.
What forces act on the bus if the engine is suddenly turned off?
the only force would be air resistance? so would the net force be the force due to air resistance only and, therefore, it decelerates to a stop?
  • #4
melovephysics said:
the only force would be air resistance? so would the net force be the force due to air resistance only and, therefore, it decelerates to a stop?
It is still on the slope, no? And still moving.
  • #5
so there would also be frictional force as well as air resistance. but surely not thrust because the engine is off
in the other directions, there would be weight and normal contact force
  • #6
melovephysics said:
so there would also be frictional force as well as air resistance. but surely not thrust because the engine is off
in the other directions, there would be weight and normal contact force
Right, so which of those have at least some component opposing motion of the bus?
(Alternatively, which forces are different from when the engine was running?)
  • #7
just friction and air resistance.
so the net force would be in the opposite direction to motion?
  • #8
melovephysics said:
just friction and air resistance.
What about the slope?
As I hinted, it is easier to answer the question by considering what change to the forces resulted from turning off the engine.

FAQ: IB Physics Mechanics help? : Bus on an incline

1. What is the formula for calculating the force of gravity on a bus on an incline?

The formula for calculating the force of gravity on an object on an incline is Fg = mg(sinθ), where Fg is the force of gravity, m is the mass of the object, and θ is the angle of the incline.

2. How does the angle of incline affect the force of gravity on a bus?

The force of gravity on a bus increases as the angle of incline increases. This is because the steeper the incline, the more force is needed to counteract the force of gravity and keep the bus from rolling down the incline.

3. How does the weight distribution of the bus affect its motion on an incline?

The weight distribution of the bus affects its motion on an incline because it determines the center of mass of the bus. If the center of mass is closer to the front of the bus, it will have a tendency to roll down the incline. However, if the center of mass is closer to the back of the bus, it will have a tendency to stay stationary or even roll up the incline.

4. Is the force of friction acting on the bus on an incline?

Yes, the force of friction is acting on the bus on an incline. This force is responsible for opposing the motion of the bus and preventing it from sliding down the incline.

5. How do you calculate the net force on a bus on an incline?

To calculate the net force on a bus on an incline, you need to consider all the forces acting on the bus, including the force of gravity, the force of friction, and any other external forces. You can then use Newton's second law, Fnet = ma, to determine the net force, where Fnet is the net force, m is the mass of the bus, and a is the acceleration of the bus.
