IBDP physics - new spec and SL/HL combined classes

  • Thread starter rsk
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Hi all
It's a few years since I've taught IB (I've been teaching A-levels recently) but I am returning to it for this school year.

I'm not yet at school but am hoping to spend some time getting organised.

Firstly, I know that the IB physics spec is changing this year. I've asked the school for the updated spec but haven't received it yet. If anyone out there has had a good look at it and can let me know if it's likely to change any of my plans for the first few weeks of term, I'd be grateful for any info!

Secondly, I will have a mixed group, both SL and HL students together. The HL students will also have extra classes with me, without the SL group. I know that this is not uncommon, and it's (usually) a matter of getting through enough material early on to then be able to move on to the HL material, but since it's a while since I've done this, I wondered if anyone had any ideas about how to manage this in the first few weeks?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2

Hi there,

Welcome back to teaching IB Physics! It's great to hear that you are taking the time to get organized before the school year starts.

Regarding the new spec, I would recommend reaching out to the IB organization directly for any updated materials. They are usually very responsive and can provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information. In the meantime, you can also review the changes on their website or reach out to other IB teachers for their insights.

As for teaching a combined SL/HL class, it can definitely be a challenge but also a great opportunity for differentiation and personalized learning. One suggestion would be to use a flipped classroom model, where students can review material at their own pace and you can focus on more in-depth discussions and activities in class. You can also consider assigning different tasks or projects for SL and HL students, tailored to their respective levels.

Overall, it's important to communicate with your students and set clear expectations from the beginning. With proper planning and flexibility, I'm sure you will have a successful and rewarding experience teaching the combined class. Best of luck!

FAQ: IBDP physics - new spec and SL/HL combined classes

What are the main changes in the new IBDP Physics specification?

The new IBDP Physics specification introduces updated content to reflect recent scientific advancements, a greater emphasis on practical and inquiry-based learning, and revised internal and external assessment criteria. The curriculum now includes more contemporary topics and integrates technology and real-world applications more thoroughly.

How are SL and HL combined classes managed effectively?

SL and HL combined classes are managed by differentiating instruction to cater to both levels. Teachers typically cover the core topics that are common to both SL and HL first, then provide additional, more challenging material for HL students. This often involves independent or small-group projects, extra problem sets, and differentiated assessments to ensure that HL students are adequately challenged.

What are the assessment differences between SL and HL in the new specification?

In the new specification, both SL and HL students complete similar types of assessments, including internal assessments (IAs) and external exams. However, HL assessments include additional topics and more complex questions. HL students are also required to demonstrate a deeper understanding and application of concepts, which is reflected in the higher level of difficulty in their exams and the extended requirements for their IAs.

What resources are recommended for teaching the new IBDP Physics specification?

Recommended resources for teaching the new IBDP Physics specification include the latest textbooks that align with the updated curriculum, online platforms like Kognity or InThinking, and simulation tools such as PhET Interactive Simulations. Additionally, access to scientific journals, real-world case studies, and collaboration with other IBDP educators can enhance the learning experience.

How can students best prepare for the new IBDP Physics assessments?

Students can best prepare for the new IBDP Physics assessments by regularly reviewing class notes, completing practice problems, and engaging in hands-on experiments to reinforce theoretical concepts. Utilizing past exam papers, seeking feedback on internal assessments, and participating in study groups can also be beneficial. Consistent study habits and seeking help from teachers when needed are key to success.

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