Ice Cube Melting & Anchor Thrown: Water Level Changes Explained

In summary, the water level will stay the same when the ice cube melts because the amount of liquid water displaced by the ice cube is the same as the amount of water created when the ice melts. For the second question, the height of the pond will fall when an anchor is thrown overboard because the weight of the anchor displaces a larger amount of water, causing the water level to decrease. This is based on Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force on an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
  • #1
1. When the ice cube melts, will the water level rise, stay the same or fall? and why?

2. What happens to the height of pond when ancor thrown overboard rise, stay same or fall? Why?

I know that for the first question it's stay the same and for the 2nd question, it's fall; but i don't know why. Can someone help me out please?
Thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
HINT: How much liquid water is displaced in either situation?
  • #4
I would say its the same for both.

FAQ: Ice Cube Melting & Anchor Thrown: Water Level Changes Explained

1. How does melting ice cubes affect water levels?

The melting of ice cubes does not have a significant impact on water levels. This is because the volume of water displaced by the ice cubes when they are frozen is the same as the volume of water created when they melt. Therefore, there is no net change in the water level.

2. Can throwing an anchor into water cause the water level to rise?

No, throwing an anchor into water will not cause the water level to rise. The weight of the anchor will displace a certain volume of water, but this displacement is equal to the weight of the anchor. Therefore, there is no net change in the water level.

3. Why does the water level rise when ice cubes melt in a glass of water?

The water level appears to rise when ice cubes melt in a glass of water because the ice cubes are no longer taking up as much space as they did when they were frozen. This creates the illusion of a rise in water level, but in reality, there is no net change in the water level.

4. What is the relationship between water level and density?

Water level and density are directly related. As the density of water increases, the water level will also increase. This is because denser objects displace more water, causing a rise in water level. This is why ice cubes, which are less dense than liquid water, will float and displace water when they melt.

5. How does the melting of polar ice caps affect global sea levels?

The melting of polar ice caps has a significant impact on global sea levels. As the ice caps melt, they release large amounts of water into the oceans, causing a rise in sea levels. This is a major concern for coastal communities and low-lying areas, as it can lead to flooding and erosion.
