ICosmo: an Interactive Cosmology Package

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In summary, iCosmo is an interactive cosmology package that allows for the computation of distance measures, matter power spectrum, growth factor, and observables for various cosmological probes. It also has the capability to calculate cosmological forecasts with Fisher matrices and can be used in batch mode. The code is written in IDL and is freely available with documentation and an interactive web interface. It is part of the Initiative for Cosmology and can be used for teaching and research purposes.
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arXiv:0810.1285 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: iCosmo: an Interactive Cosmology Package
Authors: Alexandre Refregier (1), Adam Amara (2), Thomas Kitching (3), Anais Rassat (1) ((1) CEA Saclay, (2) ETH Zurich, (3) Univ. Oxford)
Comments: 5 Latex pages including 2 tables and 4 figures. Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics. Public code and further resources available at this http URL
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
iCosmo is a software package to perform interactive cosmological calculations for the low redshift universe. The computation of distance measures, the matter power spectrum, and the growth factor is supported for any values of the cosmological parameters. It also performs the computation of observables for several cosmological probes such as weak gravitational lensing, baryon acoustic oscillations and supernovae. The associated errors for these observables can be derived for customised surveys, or for pre-set values corresponding to current or planned instruments. The code also allows for the calculation of cosmological forecasts with Fisher matrices which can be manipulated to combine different surveys and cosmological probes. The code is written in the IDL language and thus benefits from the convenient interactive features and scientific library available in this language. iCosmo can also be used as an engine to perform cosmological calculations in batch mode, and forms a convenient evolutive platform for the development of further cosmological modules. With its extensive documentation, it may also serve as a useful resource for teaching and for newcomers in the field of cosmology. The iCosmo package is described with various examples and command sequences. The code is freely available with documentation at this http URL, along with an interactive web interface and is part of the Initiative for Cosmology, a common archive for cosmological resources.
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FAQ: ICosmo: an Interactive Cosmology Package

1. What is ICosmo and what does it do?

ICosmo is an interactive cosmology package that allows users to explore and analyze the vast and complex world of cosmology. It provides a user-friendly interface for performing calculations and simulations related to cosmological theories and models.

2. Who can benefit from using ICosmo?

ICosmo can be useful for anyone interested in cosmology, from amateur enthusiasts to professional researchers. It can be a valuable tool for students, educators, and scientists alike in learning and understanding various cosmological concepts.

3. What features does ICosmo offer?

ICosmo offers a variety of features, including the ability to visualize and manipulate cosmological data, perform calculations and simulations, and access a database of cosmological parameters and models. It also has interactive tutorials and resources for learning about cosmology.

4. Is ICosmo user-friendly for beginners?

Yes, ICosmo is designed to be user-friendly for beginners. It has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and perform calculations without prior knowledge or experience in cosmology.

5. Can ICosmo be used for research purposes?

Yes, ICosmo can be a valuable tool for researchers. It allows for customizable calculations and simulations, as well as access to a database of cosmological models and parameters. It can also assist in data analysis and visualization for research projects.
