ID Electrons Above Eta 2.0 in ATLAS

  • Thread starter ChrisVer
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In summary, the ATLAS detector has the ability to detect electromagnetic objects beyond the coverage of the tracking system, up to |η| < 4.9, through the EM Forward calorimeter. This is possible through a technique/algorithm that can identify electrons without tracks, similar to photons. Although accuracy may not be as high as with tracked electrons, it is still possible to study these objects at Lhcb.
  • #1
Gold Member
Is it possible to ID an electron in ATLAS if it did not leave a track in the tracking system?
I think that the coverage of the tracker is : ##| \eta | < 2.0## (TRT) or ##2.5## (SCT)
for example an event of W+jet would result in Missing Transverse Energy alone + jet if the electron was to leave from ##\eta## let's say 4.0 (I'm being extreme)

On the other hand I was told there was a technique/algorithm that is able to ID those electrons too... but I don't think I understand how... what such an electron would give is :
1. no track
2. energy deposit in the CAL system
pretty much like the photon, right?
Physics news on
  • #2
"One of the strengths of the ATLAS detector is its ability to detect electromagnetic objects, even beyond the coverage of the tracking (| η | < 2.5), up to | η | < 4.9 through the EM Forward calorimeter."
Google hit for "atlas very forward electrons"

Forward electrons are harder than electrons with tracks and W is harder than Z, so I would not expect a good accuracy, but it should be possible to see something.
  • #3
One could always study electrons at Lhcb.

If you were interested in forward w+jets, this can also be studied there -

FAQ: ID Electrons Above Eta 2.0 in ATLAS

What is the purpose of the "ID Electrons Above Eta 2.0" study in ATLAS?

The purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior and properties of electrons with high pseudorapidity (above 2.0) in the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. This can provide insights into the fundamental interactions of particles and help to better understand the structure of matter.

How are electrons identified and measured in the ATLAS detector?

Electrons are identified and measured in the ATLAS detector using the Inner Detector (ID) subsystem, which consists of several layers of high-precision tracking detectors. These detectors use silicon microstrip and pixel technology to measure the trajectory and energy of charged particles, including electrons.

What is the significance of electrons with high pseudorapidity in this study?

High pseudorapidity electrons are of particular interest because they can probe the most forward region of the detector, where new physics phenomena may occur and where other particles may not be able to reach. Studying these electrons can provide insights into the dynamics of particle collisions and the properties of the particles involved.

What are some potential applications of the results from this study?

The results from this study can have a wide range of applications, including improving our understanding of the Standard Model of particle physics, searching for new particles and interactions, and testing theoretical predictions. The data collected can also be used to improve the performance of the detector and inform future experiments.

How does this study contribute to our overall understanding of the universe?

Studying high pseudorapidity electrons in the ATLAS detector can help us gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental building blocks of matter and the forces that govern their interactions. This can provide valuable insights into the origins and evolution of the universe and help us answer some of the most fundamental questions in physics.

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