Idea find black holes using grav. lensing

In summary, people have found massive objects using gravitational lensing effects. The objects could be used as a guide to finding black holes.
  • #1
Ok I have this idea and i need you all to bash it so i can see what's wrong with it. Ok imagine a very very large black hole at distances like 10 billion light years, imagine that there could be black holes larger than we can fathom and imagine how many stars would lie behind such an anomaly, so all of these stars's light would be lensed around the black hole, now when that light comes to our eyes we would picture the light to ie.. left or right of the black hole eventhough it lies distinctly behind the black hole, and whether the starts lie more to the middle or not would change the light imaginary image to us ie.. the more directly behind the star the more to the opposite side of the star would the imaginary image be, so if you can see this picture that I am painting imaghine millions and millions of these star being lensed and all this light being superimposed upon one big area, the more stars the larger area they would be superimposed upon, so what you get IN OUR EYES is a HUGE star in the sky, a very bright light, with telescopes we see it and say wow that's huge like size of beeteljuice maybe, but i think that may not be a star at all, just the superimpositon of millions of stars that have all been lensed by a stellar black hole, so what I am saying is the mega stars in the sky very far away could actually be a guiding map to black holes, and mathematically I've played with the equations a lil you can actually dicern the size of the black hole via, light and lensing effects.

bash away, cause i know it's coming, just a silly idea i know but it's had my mind going into a frenzy lately, but i'll humbly accept any critism you have

another things, anyone very well gifted in the study of time know of good threads or want to share some interesting ideas of time?
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  • #2
no idea? sorry to bug all of you.
  • #3
No bug, imagination is a wonderful thing so long as it is educated with some knowledge. In this case the problem will be to obtain a lensed image that is a crisp star-like point of light, normally they are smeared out arcs or whatever.

  • #4
woodysooner said:
bash away, cause i know it's coming, just a silly idea i know but it's had my mind going into a frenzy lately, but i'll humbly accept any critism you have

People are already looking for and have found massive objects using gravitational lensing. You can see some pretty neat pictures of gravitational lensing effects on line (Google for Einstein Cross, for example).

For an example of people finding black holes using gravitational lensing.
  • #5

thanx nate I've never looked or read about that just seemed logical that lensing effects of large stars could also be used with black holes, anymore information anyone has on the subject would be useful such as the math behind it, such as how much lensing maybe can show us the size of the black hole and so on, like i have a question, i would imagine not all black holes would lense the same is it the size that makes it worse or what, does a lil black hole do the same as a stellar black hole since they are both supposed infinite gravity singularities.

FAQ: Idea find black holes using grav. lensing

1. What is gravitational lensing?

Gravitational lensing is a phenomenon in which the light from a distant object is bent and magnified by the gravitational pull of a massive object, such as a black hole. This allows us to observe objects that are otherwise too distant or faint to be seen with traditional telescopes.

2. How can we use gravitational lensing to find black holes?

By observing the distortion of light caused by gravitational lensing, we can determine the presence and location of massive objects, such as black holes. This technique has been used to discover and study numerous black holes in our universe.

3. Why is it important to find black holes using gravitational lensing?

Black holes are one of the most mysterious and fascinating objects in our universe. By using gravitational lensing to find and study black holes, we can gain a better understanding of their properties and their role in shaping the structure and evolution of our universe.

4. How do scientists identify gravitational lensing in images?

Scientists use sophisticated computer algorithms and mathematical models to analyze images and detect the characteristic distortion patterns caused by gravitational lensing. This process helps to distinguish gravitational lensing from other sources of distortion in images.

5. What are the limitations of using gravitational lensing to find black holes?

Gravitational lensing can only be used to detect massive objects, so it is not an effective method for finding smaller black holes. Additionally, the presence of other massive objects or structures in the line of sight can complicate the analysis of gravitational lensing, making it more difficult to accurately identify and locate black holes.

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