Ideal Carnot Engine: Find Time & Power Output

In summary: I'm not sure how to proceed.In summary, the conversation discusses an ideal Carnot engine operating between a heat reservoir and a block of ice, with an external energy source maintaining the reservoir at a constant temperature. The engine is operated in such a way that it extracts heat from the reservoir at a constant rate. The first part discusses finding an expression for the time at which all the ice is melted, and the second part discusses finding an expression for the mechanical power output of the engine as a function of time. The solution involves considering entropy and using equations to determine the time and power output.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An ideal Carnot engine operates between a heat reservoir and a block of ice of mass M. An external energy source maintains the reservoir at a constant temperature [itex]T_{h}[/itex]. At time t=0 the ice is at its melting point [itex]T_{0}[/itex], but it is insulated from everything except the engine, so it is free to change state and temperature. The engine is operated in such a way that it extracts heat from the reservoir at a constant rate [itex]P_{h}[/itex].
(a) Find an expression for the time [itex]t_{1}[/itex] at which all the ice is melted, in terms of the quantities given and any other thermodynamic parameters.
(b) Find an expression for the mechanical power output of the engine as a function of time for times [itex]t > t_{1}[/itex].

Homework Equations

[tex]\frac{dQ_{h}}{dt}=\frac{dQ_{c}}{dt} + \frac{dW}{dt}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

First of all I assumed
[tex]\frac{dQ_{h}}{dt}=\frac{dQ_{c}}{dt}= P_{h}[/tex]

[tex]\int dQ_{h} = P_{h}\int dt = P_{h}t_{1} = ML_{f}[/tex]
[tex]t_{1} = \frac{ML_{f}}{P_{h}}[/tex]

but somehow to answer manages to squeeze out

[tex]t_{1} = \frac{ML_{f}T_{h}}{P_{h}T_{0}}[/tex]

Whats the deal here? That answer doesn't seem to make much sense since it appears to be saying the hotter the heat reservoir, the longer it takes to melt the ice. I would have thought it to be the other way around.

And for part (b) I am not sure where to start.
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  • #2
Where do you get [itex]dW/dt=0[/itex]? Is the engine not producing power? It certainly should be, if it's perfectly efficient and there's a nonzero temperature difference between the two reservoirs.
  • #3
I took it to mean W = constant, so d/dt W = 0
Still not sure how to proceed
  • #4
But W isn't constant, the total work you extract increases every second that the engine operates.

Think entropy: how much comes in from the hot reservoir? How much leaves with work? How much goes to the cold reservoir? How much is created? That's the key to analyzing Carnot engines.
  • #5
I'm not really sure about the entropy of any of them
and maybe
No idea about how much entropy leaves as work.
  • #6
vladimir69 said:
I'm not really sure about the entropy of any of them
and maybe

Great; although you're mixing differential and non-differential terms in the second equation, it's the right idea.

vladimir69 said:
No idea about how much entropy leaves as work.

There is no entropy transfer associated with work.
  • #7
I was just writing random equations not sure how this fits into the overall scheme of things

FAQ: Ideal Carnot Engine: Find Time & Power Output

What is an Ideal Carnot Engine?

An Ideal Carnot Engine is a theoretical heat engine that operates on the Carnot cycle, which is a reversible thermodynamic cycle. It is considered to be the most efficient engine possible, as it operates between two temperature levels and converts all of the heat energy into work.

How do you find the time for an Ideal Carnot Engine?

The time for an Ideal Carnot Engine can be found by dividing the change in entropy (ΔS) by the change in entropy per unit time (dS/dt). This equation can also be written as TQ/dS, where T is the temperature and Q is the heat energy.

What is the power output of an Ideal Carnot Engine?

The power output of an Ideal Carnot Engine is the rate at which work is done. It can be calculated by dividing the change in work (ΔW) by the change in time (Δt). This equation can also be written as Q/T, where Q is the heat energy and T is the temperature.

What factors affect the efficiency of an Ideal Carnot Engine?

The efficiency of an Ideal Carnot Engine is affected by the temperature of the heat source and heat sink. The larger the difference in temperature between the two, the more efficient the engine will be. Additionally, the type of working fluid and the insulation of the engine can also impact its efficiency.

Can an Ideal Carnot Engine be built in real life?

No, an Ideal Carnot Engine cannot be built in real life as it is a theoretical concept that assumes no energy losses. However, real engines can be designed to approach the efficiency of an Ideal Carnot Engine by minimizing energy losses and maximizing temperature differences.
