Ideal conductor vs superconductor

In summary, The main difference between an ideal conductor and a superconductor, aside from the Meissner effect, is that a superconductor has zero resistance and can maintain a current without a potential difference. The practical consequences of the Meissner effect include the ability to do thermodynamics on superconductors and the potential for commercial applications such as levitation. Inducing current in a superconductor requires a current source rather than a voltage source. Additionally, an ideal conductor has resistivity that drops to zero at 0K, but may still have a nonzero resistivity from Umklapp scattering. The discovery of superconductivity was based on the observation of a metal (mercury) closely approximating an ideal conductor due to
  • #1
What is the difference, apart from the Meissner effect?

What are the practical consequences of Meissner effect? How can I, by experiment, deduce whether a material is an ideal conductor or superconductor?

superconductor has zero resistivity. So what happens when we apply a potential difference at the ends of a superconductor? Surely infinite current does not flow, since anyway if current density > critical current density then it would no longer be a superconductor.

How do we induce current in a superconductor?
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  • #2
Do you know any material that is an ideal conductor that is not a superconductor?

A Superconductor has many properties, among them is that is no resistance. So when you apply a current, it will never "die" - even if you remove the source.
  • #3
The most "obvious" difference between a superconductor and an ideal conductor is that the former expels all magnetic fields when it goes through the superconducting transition. A perfect conductor would just "freeze" the field, but in an ideal superconductor (well, in a type I at least) the field is always zero.

But there are many other differences as well. Even in simplified "semiconductor type" models of superconductors you will find that the presence of a gap has many practical consequences that are easy to measure (e.g. how it react to electromagnetic fields).
  • #4
I've heard that superconductors are ideal diamagnets (implying zero DC resistance plus Meissner effect), not ideal conductors (but also there may be a semantics issue in concept idealisation).

Is there some difference in the responses to alternating current?
  • #5
Raze2dust said:
What is the difference, apart from the Meissner effect?

How can I, by experiment, deduce whether a material is an ideal conductor or superconductor?
It would help to start with a definition for an "ideal conductor".

What are the practical consequences of Meissner effect?
Levitation is one, if that ever that may become commercially usaful.

superconductor has zero resistivity. So what happens when we apply a potential difference at the ends of a superconductor? Surely infinite current does not flow, since anyway if current density > critical current density then it would no longer be a superconductor.

How do we induce current in a superconductor?
It takes an infinite amount of energy to set up a non-zero voltage drop across a SC. So SCs are driven by current sources rather than voltage sources.
  • #6
An 'ideal conductor' is a conductor where the resistivity drops away following Matthiessen's law all the way to 0K.

The practical consequences of the Meissner effect? Well for one it means that the suerconducting state is a Thermodynamic state. The state of an ideal conductor depends on B and T and its history. The state of a superconductor just depends on B and T independant of how it got there. So you can do thermodynamics on superconductors because of it.

Current along a superconductor depends on the inductance.
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  • #7
ironhill said:
An 'ideal conductor' is a conductor where the resistivity drops away following Matthiessen's law all the way to 0K.
But even at 0K, an ideal conductor will have a nonzero resistivity from Umklapp scattering.
  • #8
Gokul43201 said:
But even at 0K, an ideal conductor will have a nonzero resistivity from Umklapp scattering.

Of course, but since it's ideal we ignore residual resistivity from impurities and lattice distortions and so on. That is in fact how supercondctivity was discovered. Osanger wanted to see if the resistivity of a metal (mercury) would keep following that smooth curve all the way to 4K. The reason he used mercury was because he could distil it and get it extremely pure so it would closely approximate an ideal conductor.
  • #9
Raze2dust said:
superconductor has zero resistivity. So what happens when we apply a potential difference at the ends of a superconductor? Surely infinite current does not flow

Zero resistance in this case means that a finite current can flow with zero potential difference across it (from this definition of resistance: V=IR). Also a current can persist in a superconducting ring as the potential difference is (necessarily) zero if you go all the way around the ring.

FAQ: Ideal conductor vs superconductor

What is the difference between an ideal conductor and a superconductor?

An ideal conductor is a material that has zero electrical resistance and can conduct electricity without any loss of energy. A superconductor, on the other hand, is a material that not only has zero resistance, but also exhibits zero resistance at very low temperatures, called the critical temperature.

What is the critical temperature of a superconductor?

The critical temperature of a superconductor is the temperature below which it exhibits zero resistance and perfect conductivity. This temperature varies for different materials, with some superconductors having critical temperatures as low as -269 degrees Celsius.

What are some real-life applications of superconductors?

Superconductors have a wide range of applications, including in medical imaging devices such as MRI machines, high-speed trains, and particle accelerators. They also have potential uses in power transmission and storage, as they can carry electricity without any loss.

Why are superconductors not used more widely?

Despite their numerous advantages, superconductors are expensive to produce and require extremely low temperatures to function. This makes them impractical for many applications. Additionally, some superconductors can only function at very low temperatures, which limits their use in everyday life.

Can superconductors be used to make faster computers?

Yes, superconductors have the potential to make computers run faster and more efficiently. However, the challenge lies in creating superconducting materials with a high critical temperature that can operate at room temperature. Researchers are currently working on developing such materials for practical use in computing technology.

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