Ideal Gas Compression Homework: T(cylinder) = 298K

In summary, the problem involves finding the temperature of nitrogen gas being released from a compressed cylinder at room temperature, given the pressure and moles of gas. Using the adiabatic expansion equation and the ideal gas law, a temperature of 79 K is calculated, but it is unclear if this value is accurate due to the lack of consideration for the number of moles of gas.
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Homework Statement

A compressed cylinder holds nitrogen gas at room temperature. How cold is the gas that is escaping from the cylinder?

T(cylinder) = 298 K
P(cylinder) = 1.034e7 Pa
n = 1

Homework Equations

PV = nRT

The Attempt at a Solution

So since I was not given either the volume of the container or its final volume, I assumed that the initial and final volumes were approximately the same. This may be a fatal flaw to my line of reasoning.

Assuming the above is correct, I said:

P/V = constant , and therefore:

P1/T1 = P2/T2 , where P1 and T1 are the pressure and temperature in the cylinder.

I am not sure if I need the adiabatic exponent of f+2/2 in there somewhere or not. Also, I used P2 = 101.3 kPa and yes I put that into Pa before doing the algebra.

Without the adiabatic exponent, I went through the algebra and found the temperature of the escaping gas is 2.94 K. This to me doesn't seem like a reasonable answer since that is really cold. However, I do not have a good understanding of what is reasonable since I do not know much about gas temperatures.

Any comments on whether or not this is correct or flawed would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
In addition to above, there are two equations that I know of but neither of them contain both pressure and volume. They are:

VT^(f/2) = constant

PV^(f+2/2) = constant

I don't know how to get P and T together.
  • #3
Look at it as an adiabatic expansion. That'll give you a relationship between two of the variables. With that relationship along with the ideal gas law, you can solve for the final temp.
  • #4
Okay, I rearranged the equation for adiabatic expansion to get that P^(1-gamma)*T^(gamma) = constant.

Going through the algebra for this, I get that the temperature of the gas being released is about 79 K.

The only thing that is still throwing me off a bit is that the problem explicitly states that the calculation should be for one mole of gas. However, nowhere in my calculations is that value relevant. This makes me think I'm not including everything.

Can anybody confirm this number as correct? Thanks for the advice vela.
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  • #5

Your approach is correct, but there are a few things to consider. First, assuming the initial and final volumes are the same may not be a valid assumption. It is possible that the gas is being compressed in the cylinder, meaning the final volume would be smaller than the initial volume.

Secondly, the adiabatic exponent is only necessary if the process is adiabatic, meaning there is no heat exchange with the surroundings. In this case, the problem does not state whether the process is adiabatic or not, so it is safe to assume it is not.

Finally, the temperature you calculated (2.94 K) is indeed very cold, but it is not unreasonable. Nitrogen gas can be liquefied at temperatures below 77 K, so it is possible for the escaping gas to reach such low temperatures. It is always important to check if the result makes sense in the context of the problem, and in this case, it does.

FAQ: Ideal Gas Compression Homework: T(cylinder) = 298K

What is an ideal gas?

An ideal gas is a theoretical gas that follows the ideal gas law, which states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature and number of moles, and inversely proportional to its volume. It also assumes that there are no intermolecular forces between gas particles.

What is the ideal gas law?

The ideal gas law, also known as the universal gas law, is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of ideal gases. It is written as PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is temperature.

What does the subscript "cylinder" mean in the equation T(cylinder) = 298K?

The subscript "cylinder" refers to the specific gas cylinder or container in which the gas is contained. This is important because the temperature of the gas may vary depending on the container it is in.

How is temperature measured in gas compression homework?

Temperature is typically measured in Kelvin (K) in gas compression homework. This is because the ideal gas law uses Kelvin as its unit of temperature, and it is the most commonly used unit in scientific calculations.

Why is the temperature of the gas cylinder given as 298K in this equation?

The temperature of 298K is commonly used as a reference temperature in gas compression calculations. It is also known as standard temperature, and it is used to compare and standardize measurements of gases.
