Ideals of a Residue Class Ring- Ring Isomorphism

In summary: This is the Second Isomorphism Theorem: given an ideal $I$ of a ring $R$, there is a ring isomorphism $x\: R/I \to R/J$ such that $x((r+I) + J/I) = r+J$.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading R. Y. Sharp: Steps in Commutative Algebra.

In Chapter 2: Ideals on page 32 we find Exercise 2.40 which reads as follows:


Let I, J be ideals of the commutative ring R such that \(\displaystyle I \subseteq J \).

Show that there is a ring isomorphism

\(\displaystyle \xi \ : (R/I) \ / \ (J/I) \to R/J \)

for which

\(\displaystyle \xi ((r + I) + J/I ) = r + J \) for all \(\displaystyle r \in R\).


Can someone please help me get started on this exercise.

Also ... problem ... considering J/I ... for a factor ring, J is usually a ring, so what does J/I mean? I assume that since ideals are subgroups under addition, then we can make sense of this by interpreting J/I as a factor group ... Is this the case ... can someone please confirm that my view on this matter is valid ...

As indicated above i would be grateful for some help to get started ...

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  • #2
This is also known as "The Second Isomorphism Theorem" and is a direct analogue of a similar result for groups.

If $J$ is a subring of $R$ containing an ideal $I$ of $R$, it is clear to see that $I$ is also an ideal of $J$. So, yes, $J/I$ is just a "smaller" factor ring, and it should be clear that it is a subring of $R/I$.

You see, every ideal IS a subring (if one stipulates that subrings need not contain unity):

Recall that a subring has to be closed under multiplication. Well if $a\in J$, and $x \in J$, then a fortiori (loosely translated: "all the more so", literally, "from the stronger" an abbreviation of "a fortiori argumento" -from the stronger argument), $a \in R$, and since $J$ is an ideal, $ax \in J$, hence $J$ is closed under multiplication.

However, a subring need not be an ideal: consider the ring $\Bbb Z \times \Bbb Z$ with the multiplication:

$(a,b)(a',b') = (aa',bb')$.

The set $\Delta \Bbb Z = \{(k,k)\}$ is a subring of $\Bbb Z \times \Bbb Z$, but it is NOT an ideal; Let $a,k \neq 0$, then:

$(a,0)(k,k) = (ak,0) \not \in \Delta \Bbb Z$.

Now, we are already given a definition of $\xi$, but as with any mapping defined on a quotient ring via elements of the ring, we must ensure that it is "well-defined", i.e; that it is constant on any coset. Because $\xi$ is defined on a "coset of a coset" we have to do this TWICE:

First: suppose $(r + I) + J/I = (r' + I) + J/I$ (as cosets in $(R/I)/(J/I)$).

This means that $(r + I) - (r' + I) \in J/I$

But also: in $J/I$, we have:

$(r + I) - (r' + I) = (r - r') + I$

so if this coset is in $J/I$, we must have that $r - r' \in J$, so $r + J = r' + J$ in $R/J$.

But THAT means that $\xi((r+I) + J/I)) = r + J = r' + J = \xi((r'+I) + J/I)$

whenever $(r + I) + J/I = (r' + I) + J/I$, that is: $\xi$ is well-defined.

It is then trivial that $\xi$ is surjective, since for every $r + J \in R/J$, we have the pre-image:

$(r + I) + J/I$ in $(R/I)/(J/I)$ (use the same $r$).

It, of course, remains to be seen that $\xi$ is a ring-homomorphism, which I leave to you.

I will address one final point, the kernel of $\xi$. This is, by definition:

$\{(r + I) + J/I \in (R/I)/(J/I): \xi((r + I) + J/I) = J\}$.

Since $r + J = J \iff r \in J$, this is the set:

$\{(r + I) + J/I: r \in J\}$, and this means $r+I \in J/I$, whence:

$\text{ker}(\xi) = \{J/I\}$, the 0-element of $J/I$.

Here is a painfully worked-out example:

Let $R = \Bbb Z$ and let $I = (12), J = (3)$.

Using the canonical isomorphism:

$\Bbb Z/(12) \cong \Bbb Z_{12}$ let's look at what $J/I$ is, explicitly.

To simplify the notation, we will use $[k]_{12}$ for the image of $k$ in $\Bbb Z_{12}$

under the canonical isomorphism.

Then $J/I = {[k]_{12} \in \Bbb Z_9: 3|k} = \{[0]_{12},[3]_{12},[6]_{12},[9]_{12}\}$

Then the possible cosets are:

$[0]_{12} + J/I = J/I = \{[0]_{12},[3]_{12},[6]_{12},[9]_{12}\}$
$[1]_{12} + J/I = \{[1]_{12},[4]_{12},[7]_{12},[10]_{12}\}$
$[2]_{12} + J/I = \{[2]_{12},[5]_{12},[8]_{12},[11]_{12}\}$

(we could, if we so chose, simply this notation even further by representing these cosets with double brackets: $[[k]]$, meaning first we reduce $k$ mod 12, and then reduce the resulting "integer" again mod 3 -this works on the entire cosets because 3|12, which is exactly the necessary condition we must have for (12) to be a ideal contained in (3)).

Here, our isomorphism is:

$\xi([k]_{12} + J/I) = [k]_3$

(which makes sense: $J/I$ is a finite subring of order 4, so the quotient should have order 12/4 = 3).

Sometimes this theorem is called the "freshman's theorem": you just "cancel the $I$'s".
  • #3
Deveno said:
This is also known as "The Second Isomorphism Theorem" and is a direct analogue of a similar result for groups.

If $J$ is a subring of $R$ containing an ideal $I$ of $R$, it is clear to see that $I$ is also an ideal of $J$. So, yes, $J/I$ is just a "smaller" factor ring, and it should be clear that it is a subring of $R/I$.

You see, every ideal IS a subring (if one stipulates that subrings need not contain unity):

Recall that a subring has to be closed under multiplication. Well if $a\in J$, and $x \in J$, then a fortiori (loosely translated: "all the more so", literally, "from the stronger" an abbreviation of "a fortiori argumento" -from the stronger argument), $a \in R$, and since $J$ is an ideal, $ax \in J$, hence $J$ is closed under multiplication.

However, a subring need not be an ideal: consider the ring $\Bbb Z \times \Bbb Z$ with the multiplication:

$(a,b)(a',b') = (aa',bb')$.

The set $\Delta \Bbb Z = \{(k,k)\}$ is a subring of $\Bbb Z \times \Bbb Z$, but it is NOT an ideal; Let $a,k \neq 0$, then:

$(a,0)(k,k) = (ak,0) \not \in \Delta \Bbb Z$.

Now, we are already given a definition of $\xi$, but as with any mapping defined on a quotient ring via elements of the ring, we must ensure that it is "well-defined", i.e; that it is constant on any coset. Because $\xi$ is defined on a "coset of a coset" we have to do this TWICE:

First: suppose $(r + I) + J/I = (r' + I) + J/I$ (as cosets in $(R/I)/(J/I)$).

This means that $(r + I) - (r' + I) \in J/I$

But also: in $J/I$, we have:

$(r + I) - (r' + I) = (r - r') + I$

so if this coset is in $J/I$, we must have that $r - r' \in J$, so $r + J = r' + J$ in $R/J$.

But THAT means that $\xi((r+I) + J/I)) = r + J = r' + J = \xi((r'+I) + J/I)$

whenever $(r + I) + J/I = (r' + I) + J/I$, that is: $\xi$ is well-defined.

It is then trivial that $\xi$ is surjective, since for every $r + J \in R/J$, we have the pre-image:

$(r + I) + J/I$ in $(R/I)/(J/I)$ (use the same $r$).

It, of course, remains to be seen that $\xi$ is a ring-homomorphism, which I leave to you.

I will address one final point, the kernel of $\xi$. This is, by definition:

$\{(r + I) + J/I \in (R/I)/(J/I): \xi((r + I) + J/I) = J\}$.

Since $r + J = J \iff r \in J$, this is the set:

$\{(r + I) + J/I: r \in J\}$, and this means $r+I \in J/I$, whence:

$\text{ker}(\xi) = \{J/I\}$, the 0-element of $J/I$.

Here is a painfully worked-out example:

Let $R = \Bbb Z$ and let $I = (12), J = (3)$.

Using the canonical isomorphism:

$\Bbb Z/(12) \cong \Bbb Z_{12}$ let's look at what $J/I$ is, explicitly.

To simplify the notation, we will use $[k]_{12}$ for the image of $k$ in $\Bbb Z_{12}$

under the canonical isomorphism.

Then $J/I = {[k]_{12} \in \Bbb Z_9: 3|k} = \{[0]_{12},[3]_{12},[6]_{12},[9]_{12}\}$

Then the possible cosets are:

$[0]_{12} + J/I = J/I = \{[0]_{12},[3]_{12},[6]_{12},[9]_{12}\}$
$[1]_{12} + J/I = \{[1]_{12},[4]_{12},[7]_{12},[10]_{12}\}$
$[2]_{12} + J/I = \{[2]_{12},[5]_{12},[8]_{12},[11]_{12}\}$

(we could, if we so chose, simply this notation even further by representing these cosets with double brackets: $[[k]]$, meaning first we reduce $k$ mod 12, and then reduce the resulting "integer" again mod 3 -this works on the entire cosets because 3|12, which is exactly the necessary condition we must have for (12) to be a ideal contained in (3)).

Here, our isomorphism is:

$\xi([k]_{12} + J/I) = [k]_3$

(which makes sense: $J/I$ is a finite subring of order 4, so the quotient should have order 12/4 = 3).

Sometimes this theorem is called the "freshman's theorem": you just "cancel the $I$'s".
Thanks for the help Deveno!

Just carefully working through this now.


FAQ: Ideals of a Residue Class Ring- Ring Isomorphism

1. What are the ideals of a residue class ring?

The ideals of a residue class ring are subsets of the ring that are closed under addition and multiplication by elements of the ring. They can be thought of as generalizations of the concept of divisibility in the integers.

2. How do you define a residue class ring?

A residue class ring is a quotient ring obtained by dividing a ring by one of its ideals. The elements of the residue class ring are the cosets of this ideal, and the ring operations are defined by the operations on the original ring.

3. What is a ring isomorphism?

A ring isomorphism is a bijective homomorphism between two rings, meaning it preserves the ring structure and is both injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto). In simpler terms, it is a function that maps elements and operations from one ring to another in a way that maintains the ring's properties.

4. How do you determine if two residue class rings are isomorphic?

To determine if two residue class rings are isomorphic, you can look for a bijective homomorphism between the two rings. This can be done by constructing a map between the elements and operations of the two rings and showing that it is both injective and surjective.

5. What is the significance of ideals and ring isomorphisms in mathematics?

Ideals and ring isomorphisms are important concepts in mathematics because they allow for the study of algebraic structures beyond just the integers. They also have applications in fields such as cryptography, coding theory, and algebraic geometry.

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