Ideas for engineering/physics based MATLAB program.

In summary, the student is having trouble coming up with a problem that they could solve in MATLAB. They are looking for help from others, preferably involving a root finding method.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So, as part of a numerical methods module that I'm taking I have to write a report and MATLAB program which deals with some sort of engineering/physics based problem. The report essentially just outlines and discusses the problem. It's the initial idea which I'm looking for a bit of help with. We've covered a number of different topics such as root-finding, interpolation, optimisation, approximation and differentiation. Our MATLAB code should make use of one of the preceding topics.

I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with a problem that I could solve. I'm either thinking up of something far too easy, and really doesn't require MATLAB at all, or something far too difficult that I wouldn't have the skill to implement it in MATLAB.

We've taken introductory courses in fluid mechanics/dynamics, thermodynamics ,some introductory structural mechanics, general mechanics, physics (both classical and electro-magnetics) as well as some linear algebra and calculus. The report is only to be 2 pages long and the project in general isn't to be in too much detail. Thus, I'd like to come up with a semi-challenging problem although nothing too ridiculous.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Some initial ideas I had were to write a program capable of solving the Colebrook-White equation, which can be used to find the friction factor of a pipe for flow with an Re of 4000 or more. However, I found out that this doesn't really require the use of any root finding method (Newton, fixed point iteration , bisection...) and so isn't suitable for this project.

Some other ideas I've had were to solve the hight at which the terminal velocity of a sky diver occurs taking into account drag, but this, once again, doesn't require MATLAB to solve.

Does anybody have any ideas, preferably involving some sort of root finding method?
Physics news on
  • #2
We use MATLAB a lot here at work in designing communication modem algorithms. You could look at various modulation schemes (BPSK, QPSK, OOFDM, etc.), and see if simulating a TX/RX modem pair in MATLAB might fit what you are looking for. We follow up our simulations with actual hardware designs, and go back and forth between hardware and MATLAB to refine and improve the modem's performance against various noise impairments. The hardware is faster to work with, but the MATLAB simulations offer better insights into how different optmization ideas are working...
  • #3
Or maybe write a MATLAB program to control a large deformable mirror telescope in real time, based on atmospheric sensor data... There might be some interesting optimization code involved (but I don't know that much about such telescopes).

Or maybe write a MATLAB program for optimized engine control for a car engine. You have lots of sensor inputs, including maybe a variable driver preference setting for performance versus fuel economy. Hopefully there is a lot of existing data on ICE efficiency and power versus all of the different possible sensor inputs that a modern engine can have...
  • #4
berkeman said:
We use MATLAB a lot here at work in designing communication modem algorithms. You could look at various modulation schemes (BPSK, QPSK, OOFDM, etc.), and see if simulating a TX/RX modem pair in MATLAB might fit what you are looking for. We follow up our simulations with actual hardware designs, and go back and forth between hardware and MATLAB to refine and improve the modem's performance against various noise impairments. The hardware is faster to work with, but the MATLAB simulations offer better insights into how different optmization ideas are working...

I have absolutely do idea how I'd even begin to go about doing that. I've just begun 2nd year Process Eng. so my knowledge of that sort of stuff would be limited. Like I said, it's only to be a very short project. We have 1-2 weeks to do it. Thanks for the input though. Any simpler, less involved ideas?
  • #5

One idea could be to create a program that models the trajectory of a projectile, such as a cannonball, taking into account factors such as initial velocity, angle of launch, air resistance, and gravitational force. This would require the use of interpolation and optimization techniques to accurately plot the trajectory and determine the optimal angle for maximum distance or height. Additionally, you could incorporate the effects of wind and varying atmospheric conditions to make the program more complex and challenging. This project would demonstrate your understanding of both physics and numerical methods in MATLAB.

Related to Ideas for engineering/physics based MATLAB program.

1. How can I come up with original ideas for engineering/physics based MATLAB programs?

There are several ways to generate ideas for engineering/physics based MATLAB programs. You can start by identifying a problem or challenge in your field of interest and think about how MATLAB can be used to solve it. You can also browse through existing MATLAB programs and modify them to fit your specific needs. Another approach is to brainstorm with colleagues or attend workshops and conferences to gather inspiration.

2. What are some important considerations when designing a MATLAB program for engineering or physics?

When designing a MATLAB program for engineering or physics, it is important to clearly define the problem you are trying to solve and what your desired outcome is. It is also crucial to consider the accuracy and efficiency of your program, as well as any potential limitations or constraints. Additionally, it is important to thoroughly test and debug your program to ensure its functionality.

3. How can I improve the performance of my engineering/physics based MATLAB program?

To improve the performance of your engineering/physics based MATLAB program, you can try optimizing your code by using vectorization, preallocating variables, and avoiding unnecessary loops. You can also consider using built-in MATLAB functions and toolboxes to streamline your code. Additionally, using parallel computing techniques can significantly speed up execution time for large datasets.

4. Are there any resources or tutorials available for learning how to code engineering/physics based MATLAB programs?

Yes, there are numerous resources and tutorials available for learning how to code engineering/physics based MATLAB programs. The official MATLAB website offers a variety of tutorials, documentation, and examples to help you get started. There are also many online courses and YouTube channels that provide step-by-step instructions and demonstrations for creating MATLAB programs.

5. Can I use MATLAB for projects outside of engineering and physics?

Absolutely! While MATLAB is commonly used for engineering and physics applications, it can also be applied to a wide range of fields and industries. It can be used for data analysis, machine learning, image and signal processing, and much more. With its powerful mathematical and programming capabilities, MATLAB can be a useful tool for any project that involves data and algorithms.

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