Identifying Unknown Solutions in Chem Lab: NH3 + CuSO4 and NaI + CuSO4 Reactions

In summary, the unknown solutions in the chem lab were copper(II)sulphate and copper(II)nitrate. The first reaction resulted in a blue percipitate while the second resulted in a clear solution with a white precipitate of CuI(s).
  • #1
Chem Lab "ID of Unknowns"

I had to find 5 unknown solutions in a recent chem lab and now I am doing the equations, but I am not sure about two of them:

Deep blue percipitate
NH3 (aq) + CuSO4 (aq) -------> Cu(NH3)4 SO4 (s)

brown heavy percipitate
4NaI (aq) + 2CuSO4 (aq) -------> 2CuI (s) + I2 (s) + 2Na2SO4 (aq)

Are these reactions correct? I got percipitates for both of them.
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  • #2
Copper(II)Sulphate is a blue color, crystalises and often used to grow crystals. As is Copper(II)Nitrate.

looks good :)

You should show the oxidation states of the elements ( the metals ) because it is the key to the color. Metals in different oxidation states are often different colors. This is why they are used extensivley for titrations as dyes & indicators.
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  • #3
Deep blue percipitate
NH3 (aq) + CuSO4 (aq) -------> Cu(NH3)4SO4 (s)

Should there be a + between the Cu(NH3)4 and SO4?

brown heavy percipitate
4NaI (aq) + 2CuSO4 (aq) -------> 2CuI (s) + I2 (s) + 2Na2SO4 (aq)

Is the I2 solid or aqueous? What gives the brown color?
  • #4
No, i don't think so. Its a crystalline salt of copper, and its solid. The ions are packed in a lattice.

Iodine is brown (and i think aqueous? I think you have mis-balenced that equation, not sure), the color comes from the metals electronic structure, absorption of photons of certain energies and not others means that it appears brown, it acts like a color filter.

Changing the oxidation state of the metal or the electronic configuration through complex formation changes the frequency of photons that it absorbs, and so too its color.
  • #5
3trQN said:
No, i don't think so. Its a crystalline salt of copper, and its solid. The ions are packed in a lattice.

Iodine is brown (and i think aqueous? I think you have mis-balenced that equation, not sure), the color comes from the metals electronic structure, absorption of photons of certain energies and not others means that it appears brown, it acts like a color filter.

Changing the oxidation state of the metal or the electronic configuration through complex formation changes the frequency of photons that it absorbs, and so too its color.

Iodine is brown, actually a very deep brown liquid. You are correct
  • #6
Stevedye56 said:
Iodine is brown, actually a very deep brown liquid. You are correct

isn't iodine some kinda indicator like phenothayleine (mind the spelling) ?
  • #7
For the first reaction: you should not be expecting any precipitation - tetra-amino cuprate is indeed deep blue in colour but water soluble. The blue precipitate observed was a side reaction of Cu2+ with OH- as the solution become more and more basic on the addition of NH3:

Cu2+(aq) + OH-(aq) -----> Cu(OH)2(s)

Which is a also blue in colour.For the latter reaction:

Something's werid... You should not expect a brown colour because none of the species in the reaction is brown. Iodine is purple, not brown (well, bromine is brown...). There should have been nothing more than a clear solution with white precipitate of CuI(s).
  • #8
Where did you get the OH- from? So the neither one of these reactions should be a percipitate?

FAQ: Identifying Unknown Solutions in Chem Lab: NH3 + CuSO4 and NaI + CuSO4 Reactions

1. What is the purpose of identifying unknown chemicals in a chemistry lab?

The purpose of identifying unknown chemicals in a chemistry lab is to determine the composition and properties of the substance. This information is important for safety precautions, as well as for understanding the potential reactions and uses of the chemical.

2. How do you identify unknown chemicals in a chemistry lab?

There are several methods for identifying unknown chemicals, including physical and chemical tests, spectroscopy, and chromatography. These methods involve observing characteristics such as color, melting point, boiling point, reactivity, and spectral patterns in order to determine the identity of the unknown substance.

3. What are some common techniques used for identifying unknown chemicals?

Some common techniques for identifying unknown chemicals include flame tests, solubility tests, pH tests, and thin layer chromatography. Each of these methods provides different information about the substance and can help narrow down the possibilities for identification.

4. What safety precautions should be taken when identifying unknown chemicals?

When identifying unknown chemicals, it is important to follow proper safety precautions. This includes wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, working in a well-ventilated area, and using proper handling and disposal methods. It is also important to consult safety data sheets and follow all instructions carefully.

5. What are some challenges that may arise when identifying unknown chemicals?

There are several challenges that may arise when identifying unknown chemicals, including limited availability of testing materials, potential hazards of the unknown substance, and the complexity of the identification process. It is important to approach the identification process with caution and to seek assistance from a trained professional if necessary.

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