If a bond breaking absorbs energy, why does ATP hydrolysis release it?

In summary, the energy released during ATP hydrolysis is due to the breaking of the Pi-ADP bond and the formation of new P-OH and P-O-H bonds.
  • #1
Hi. We know that bond formation releases energy and bond break absorbs energy. I still don't figure out why ATP hydrolysis (that breaks a bond between oxygen and phosphorous) releases energy, and it releases a LOT.
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is bond breakage the only thing that occurs during the hydrolysis of ATP? Consider the other reactants involved in the reaction.
  • #3
Hello @Ygggdrasil
You mean the hydroxyl group formation?
I would say the reaction is something like this (I suppressed part of the molecule, and I don't know if Pi and ADP are ionized)
P-O-P + H-O-H -> P-O-H + H-O-P
I really forgot the other reactants. So there is 2 P-O and 2 O-H broken,, and 2 P-O and 2 O-H formed. That confused me even more rsrsrsrs. Didnt the energy released have to be near zero?
Also majority of the books says that there is a huge amount of energy "stored" in the Pi-ADP bound. Is that correct to say? For me bounds don't store energy, they require energy to be broken.
  • #4
Essentially, there are two effects going on.
1) Breaking a phosphodiester bond between the Pi and ADP to form a new P-OH bond. Although the bonds being broken are somewhat chemically similar, this step is enthalpically favorable in large part because you are relieving the electrostatic repulsion between the negative charge on the terminal gamma phosphate and the neighboring two negatively charged phosphate groups in ATP.

2) The reaction is also entropically favorable because the cell maintains a relatively high ATP/ADP ratio.

I would agree with you that it is incorrect to say that the Pi-ADP bond stores energy. It is more correct to say that the Pi-ADP bond is a very unstable bond (high potential energy), so breaking that bond and replacing it with another more stable bond (low potential energy) results in the release of energy. In organic chemistry terms, the gamma phosphate is a good leaving group.
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Likes jim mcnamara
  • #5
You would need a bond to store energy well.
You might accumulate even more energy by breaking bonds completely.
This might give you a free radical of .PO(OH)2.
But the problem with completely breaking bonds is that free radicals are too reactive and too easily liable to spontaneous and unwanted reactions.
The weak P-O-P bond hampers spontaneous formation of new bonds. Hydrolysis releases a lot of energy by forming new and stronger bonds, but the initial weaker bond hampers spontaneous formation of new bonds, so that ATP hydrolyses under influence of catalysts but not spontaneously.

FAQ: If a bond breaking absorbs energy, why does ATP hydrolysis release it?

1. How does ATP hydrolysis release energy?

ATP hydrolysis releases energy through the breaking of a high-energy bond between the second and third phosphate groups in ATP. This bond is unstable and when broken, releases energy that can be used for cellular processes.

2. Why is ATP hydrolysis considered an exergonic reaction?

ATP hydrolysis is considered an exergonic reaction because it releases energy. This energy is used to drive endergonic reactions, which require energy input, in the cell.

3. What is the role of ATP in cellular processes?

ATP serves as the primary energy currency of the cell. It provides energy for various cellular processes, such as muscle contraction, active transport, and biosynthesis.

4. How is ATP able to store and release energy?

ATP is able to store and release energy due to the unstable bond between the second and third phosphate groups. This bond is easily broken, releasing energy that can be used for cellular processes. ATP can also be reformed through the addition of a phosphate group, storing energy for later use.

5. What is the relationship between ATP hydrolysis and energy coupling?

Energy coupling is the process of using the energy released from exergonic reactions, such as ATP hydrolysis, to drive endergonic reactions. ATP hydrolysis releases energy that can be used to fuel cellular processes, making it an essential part of energy coupling in the cell.
