If a matrix commutes with all nxn matrices, then A must be scalar.

In summary: But u+v=0 tells you u=-v. So u and v are parallel. So if you have two eigenvectors with different eigenvalues, they must be parallel. That's impossible if your vector space is F^n with n>1. So you can't have two different eigenvalues.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove: If a matrix A commutes with all matrices B \in M_{nxn}(F), then A must be scalar - i.e., A=diag.(λ,...,λ), for some λ \in F.

Homework Equations

If two nxn matrices A and B commute, then AB=BA.

The Attempt at a Solution

I understand that if A is scalar, it will definitely commute with all nxn matrices. But I don't get the intuition behind why commuting with more than one matrix implies that A must be scalar. The way I tried to solve it was by comparing an individual entry in the product, (AB)_{ij} = (BA)_{ij} = (AC)_{ij} = (CA)_{ji}, etc. This implies that
Ʃa_{ik}b_{kj} = Ʃb_{ik}a_{kj} = ...
But I'm not sure how that implies that A is scalar.
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  • #2
Think about eigenvectors. Pick special matrices B. Given any vector [itex]v[/itex], extend it to a basis [itex]{v,b_2,b_3,...b_n}[/itex] and define the matrix [itex]B[/itex] by [itex]Bv=v, Bb_k=0[/itex]. Can you show that A commuting with B means that v must also be an eigenvector of A?
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  • #3
I'm trying to figure out what v, b2, b3,..., bn is a basis for. Is it for all nxn matrices?

If Bv=v, then v is an eigenvector of B corresponding to eigenvalue λ=1, and B is the identity operator on the one-dimensional subspace spanned by v.

I know that det(B-I) = 0, so maybe something with determinants?


-> det(AB) = det(BA)

and det(B-I) = 0
det(AB - BI) = 0
det(AB - B) = 0

I'm sorry, that's as far as I've gotten with that. Please let me know if I'm on the right track. Thanks!
  • #4
The vectors are just supposed to be a basis for F^n, the vector space your matrices act on. But, yes, the point is that the eigenvectors of B with eigenvalue 1 are a one dimensional subspace of F^n spanned by v! Now forget about the det's. BAv=ABv put together with Bv=v tells you B(Av)=(Av). So Av is an eigenvector of B with eigenvalue 1. It must lie in the same one dimensional subspace as v. So?
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  • #5
So since Av is in the same one-dimensional subspace as v, we know that Av is a scalar multiple of v, and so A is a scalar nxn matrix!

But does this apply to any nxn matrix B? Or does it have something to do with the specific B that we defined, such that we have to generalize it further to prove for all cases?
  • #6
fishshoe said:
So since Av is in the same one-dimensional subspace as v, we know that Av is a scalar multiple of v, and so A is a scalar nxn matrix!

But does this apply to any nxn matrix B? Or does it have something to do with the specific B that we defined, such that we have to generalize it further to prove for all cases?

No. You don't have to show anything for all matrices B. You can pick any specific ones you want. A has to commute with all of them. What you have so far is that Av is a multiple of v for ANY v. So ANY vector v is an eigenvector of A. So A is a diagonal matrix in any basis. You haven't shown it's a scalar matrix yet. To do that you have to show all of the eigenvectors of A have the same eigenvalue. Keep going.
  • #7
So if A is a diagonal matrix in any bases β and γ, then

[itex][A]_β = diag(a_1,..., a_n)[/itex]
[itex][A]_γ = diag(b_1,..., b_n) [/itex]

And for the eigenvectors in any basis,

[itex] [A]_βe_i = a_ie_i [/itex]

But I'm stuck there. How do I show that

[itex] a_1 = a_2 = ... = a_n [/itex]?
  • #8
fishshoe said:
So if A is a diagonal matrix in any bases β and γ, then

[itex][A]_β = diag(a_1,..., a_n)[/itex]
[itex][A]_γ = diag(b_1,..., b_n) [/itex]

And for the eigenvectors in any basis,

[itex] [A]_βe_i = a_ie_i [/itex]

But I'm stuck there. How do I show that

[itex] a_1 = a_2 = ... = a_n [/itex]?

Suppose A has two linearly independent eigenvectors with two different eigenvalues. We know every vector is an eigenvector of A. See if you can find a contradiction.
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  • #9
So if I have A = [itex]diag(a_1,...,a_n)[/itex], then

[itex]A\vec{e_1} = a_1\vec{e_1} [/itex]
[itex]A\vec{e_2} = a_2\vec{e_2} [/itex]
[itex]A\vec{e_n} = a_n\vec{e_n} [/itex]

But a vector of all 1's should also be an eigenvector of A.

[itex]A * (1,1,...,1)^T = (a_1, a_2, ..., a_n)^T [/itex]

And therefore this can only be an eigenvector if all the diagonal elements of A are equal! Is that right?
  • #10
fishshoe said:
So if I have A = [itex]diag(a_1,...,a_n)[/itex], then

[itex]A\vec{e_1} = a_1\vec{e_1} [/itex]
[itex]A\vec{e_2} = a_2\vec{e_2} [/itex]
[itex]A\vec{e_n} = a_n\vec{e_n} [/itex]

But a vector of all 1's should also be an eigenvector of A.

[itex]A * (1,1,...,1)^T = (a_1, a_2, ..., a_n)^T [/itex]

And therefore this can only be an eigenvector if all the diagonal elements of A are equal! Is that right?

That's right. Put a little more simply, if u and v are eigenvectors with different eigenvalues then u+v can't be an eigenvector.

FAQ: If a matrix commutes with all nxn matrices, then A must be scalar.

1. What does it mean for a matrix to commute with all nxn matrices?

A matrix A commutes with another matrix B if the product AB is equal to the product BA. In other words, the order of multiplication does not affect the result.

2. Why is it important for a matrix to commute with all nxn matrices?

When a matrix commutes with all nxn matrices, it is considered a scalar matrix. This provides useful properties in mathematical operations, making it easier to calculate and analyze various systems.

3. Can a non-scalar matrix commute with all nxn matrices?

No, a non-scalar matrix cannot commute with all nxn matrices. This is because a non-scalar matrix has at least two different eigenvalues, which means it can be diagonalized and its eigenvectors can be used to construct a matrix that does not commute with it.

4. How can I prove that a matrix is scalar if it commutes with all nxn matrices?

To prove that a matrix A is scalar, you can show that it has only one distinct eigenvalue and that its eigenspace is the entire vector space. This means that every vector is an eigenvector of A, making it a multiple of the identity matrix and therefore a scalar matrix.

5. What are the practical applications of a matrix commuting with all nxn matrices?

A matrix commuting with all nxn matrices has various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. For example, in quantum mechanics, commuting matrices represent observables that can be measured simultaneously. In computer graphics, scalar matrices are used to scale and rotate objects. They also have applications in solving systems of linear equations and studying dynamical systems.
