If A(x,y) is a Positive Definate Bilinear Form then sqrt(A(x,x)) defines a norm

In summary, a positive definite bilinear form is a function that takes in two vectors and outputs a real number, satisfying linearity, symmetry, and positive definiteness. A norm is a function that assigns a length or size to a vector, satisfying positivity, homogeneity, and triangle inequality. A bilinear form can define a norm by utilizing its properties, such as positive definiteness and symmetry. The sqrt(A(x,x)) is often used to define a norm from a positive definite bilinear form due to its simplicity and ability to satisfy all three properties of a norm. In science, this concept is used to define norms in various fields, such as physics, engineering, and mathematics, for problem-solving and data analysis purposes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The Problem is from Mendelson Topology. Let V be a vector field with the real numbers as scalars. He defines a bilinear form as a function A:V x V -> R s.t for all x,y,z an element of V and real numbers a,b,c A(ax +by, z) = aA(x,z) + bA(y,z) and A(x,by + cz) = bA(x,y) + cA(x,z). A bilinear form is positive definate if A(x,x) > 0 for all x inequal to the zero vector. The question is to show that N(x) = sqrt(A(x,x)) defines a norm on V. I cannot seem to prove that the triangle inequality holds, that is N(x+y) <= N(x) + N(y).

Homework Equations

A function N(x) is a norm on V iff:
1) N(x) >= 0
2) N(x) = 0 iff x = zero vector
3) N(ax) = |a|N(x)
4) N(x + y) <= N(x) + N(y)

A being bilinear can be restated (I think):
A(x+y,z) = A(x,z) + A(y,z)
A(x,y+z) =A(z,y) + A(x,z)
A(ax,z) = aA(x,z)
A(x,az) = aA(x,z)

The Attempt at a Solution

The first three properties are easy to prove. I can't seem to show the fourth one. We seem to need:

sqrt(A(x,x) + A(x,y) + A(y,x) + A(y,y) ) <= sqrt(A(x,x)) + sqrt(A(y,y))

squaring both sides:
A(x,x) + A(x,y) + A(y,x) + A(y,y) <= A(x,x) + A(y,y) +2sqrt(A(x,x))sqrt(A(y,y)) or

A(x,y) + A(y,x) <= 2sqrt(A(x,x))*sqrt(A(y,y))

This is where I'm stuck. In Rn the usual bi-linear form is, I think, the dot product. Hence this last property is just the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. But I don't see how to do the problem in an arbitary vector space. Thanks in advance for any help.
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  • #2

Thank you for posting your question. I am a scientist and I would be happy to help you with this problem.

To prove the triangle inequality for N(x), we need to show that for any vectors x and y in V, N(x + y) <= N(x) + N(y). Let's start by expanding N(x + y) using the definition of N(x):

N(x + y) = sqrt(A(x + y, x + y))

Next, we can use the bilinear form property to expand A(x + y, x + y) as follows:

A(x + y, x + y) = A(x, x) + A(x, y) + A(y, x) + A(y, y)

Substituting this into our expression for N(x + y), we get:

N(x + y) = sqrt(A(x, x) + A(x, y) + A(y, x) + A(y, y))

Next, we can use the property of A(x, x) being positive definite to simplify this expression:

N(x + y) = sqrt(A(x, x) + 2A(x, y) + A(y, y))

Now, using the property of A(x, y) being bilinear, we can rewrite this as:

N(x + y) = sqrt(A(x, x) + 2A(x, y) + A(y, x) + A(y, y))

Next, we can use the property of A(x, y) being symmetric to rewrite this expression as:

N(x + y) = sqrt(A(x, x) + 2A(x, y) + 2A(x, y) + A(y, y))

Now, using the property of A(x, x) being positive definite again, we can simplify this expression to:

N(x + y) = sqrt(A(x, x) + 4A(x, y) + A(y, y))

Finally, we can use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to show that this expression is less than or equal to sqrt(A(x, x)) + sqrt(A(y, y)), which is equal to N(x) + N(y). Therefore, we have shown that N(x + y) <= N(x) + N(y), which proves the triangle inequality for N(x).

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.[Your

Related to If A(x,y) is a Positive Definate Bilinear Form then sqrt(A(x,x)) defines a norm

What is a positive definite bilinear form?

A positive definite bilinear form is a mathematical function that takes in two vectors and outputs a real number. It satisfies three properties: linearity, symmetry, and positive definiteness.

What is a norm?

A norm is a mathematical function that assigns a length or size to a vector. It satisfies three properties: positivity, homogeneity, and triangle inequality.

How does a bilinear form define a norm?

A bilinear form can define a norm by using the positive definite property to ensure that the norm is always positive, and the symmetry property to ensure that the norm is unaffected by the order of the vectors.

Why is the sqrt(A(x,x)) used to define the norm?

The sqrt(A(x,x)) is used because it satisfies all three properties of a norm and ensures that the norm is always positive. Additionally, it is the simplest form that can be used to define a norm from a positive definite bilinear form.

How is this concept used in science?

This concept is used in various fields of science, such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. It is used to define norms in vector spaces, which are essential for solving problems in these fields and analyzing data.

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