If an object rolls off a tabletop is the vertical velocity initially 0?

In summary, the question is asking if the table is level when the object leaves it. There is a possibility that the object could roll on the edge for a period of time before losing contact with the table. In this case, the object's vertical velocity would not be zero at the moment it loses contact. It is safe to assume that the initial vertical velocity of the object is zero, but it would be helpful to provide more context or information for a more accurate answer.
  • #1
Please explain!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is the table level at the point the object departs?
  • #3
There's a period of time where the object could "roll" on the edge, and its vertical veloctiy would not be zero at the moment it loses contact with the table.
  • #4
If you are asking because you have seen it in a homework question then yes, they probably do mean (or it's safe to assume) the initial vertical velocity is zero.

To be sure you would have to post the question in case there is more to it.
  • #5
Henrybar said:
Please explain!

How about you explain what you think, and tell us the context of the question, before asking us to do your thinking for you? ;)

Related to If an object rolls off a tabletop is the vertical velocity initially 0?

What is vertical velocity?

Vertical velocity is the speed at which an object is moving in a vertical direction.

What is a tabletop?

A tabletop is a flat surface that is typically used to place objects on.

What factors affect vertical velocity?

The factors that affect vertical velocity include gravity, air resistance, and initial speed.

If an object rolls off a tabletop, will the vertical velocity be 0?

No, the vertical velocity will not be 0 if an object rolls off a tabletop. The object will have a non-zero velocity due to the force of gravity pulling it downwards.

Can an object's vertical velocity change while it is rolling off a tabletop?

Yes, an object's vertical velocity can change while it is rolling off a tabletop. The velocity can increase due to the force of gravity or decrease due to air resistance.
