If anyone needs motivation to keep an active life

In summary, the conversation discusses various examples of individuals excelling in physical activities regardless of age or physical limitations. These examples serve as motivation to maintain an active lifestyle and prevent obesity. The conversation also touches on the responsibility of parents in preventing childhood obesity. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of physical fitness and the negative impacts of obesity on quality of life.
  • #1
If anyone needs motivation to keep an active life, or work shoulder to shoulder with his/her children to prevent them from ending as adolescent fat slobs, here is something to think about:

story of a 11 year double amputee excelling at wrestling:


Fred Peterson , aged 70, deadlifts 640 lbs.


So here they are. A child and a "old" man.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
My wife ran 100 miles last summer.

That's not too shabby.

(Yes, in a single race, 28 hours)

(and "run" is loosely defined here)
  • #3
Chi Meson said:
My wife ran 100 miles last summer.

That's not too shabby.

(Yes, in a single race, 28 hours)

(and "run" is loosely defined here)

She is into Ultraendurance ?
  • #4
DanP said:
She is into Ultraendurance ?
She married him didn't she? :smile:

jk - Chi is a great guy.
  • #5
Holy crap that 640 lb deadlift is just completely so far beyond what I thought was possible, that is mind blowing.
  • #6
Phyisab**** said:
Holy crap that 640 lb deadlift is just completely so far beyond what I thought was possible, that is mind blowing.

The record for a raw deadlift (without compression suit) is 939 lbs. With suit 1009 lbs.

Tire dead lift like in strongman contest is ~1100 lbs.

What makes the 640lbs figure so great is the age of the competitor.

Truth is, a man is not considered strong (as in max-strength) until he is able to squat at least 2x is body weight. This is the gateway to advanced levels. That is, for 100kg man, a squat with 200kg on the bar. It's a figure pretty much required for most competitors in power based sports.

Any man (yes, even regulars and white collar paper pushers) who is not involved in a endurance sport should be able to squat at least 1.5x his body weight. It's an easy to reach target, and the minimum necessary level of strength to make your life enjoyable :devil:
  • #7
DanP said:
The record for a raw deadlift (without compression suit) is 939 lbs. With suit 1009 lbs.

Tire dead lift like in strongman contest is ~1100 lbs.

What makes the 640lbs figure so great is the age of the competitor.

Truth is, a man is not considered strong (as in max-strength) until he is able to squat at least 2x is body weight. This is the gateway to advanced levels. That is, for 100kg man, a squat with 200kg on the bar. It's a figure pretty much required for most competitors in power based sports.

Any man (yes, even regulars and white collar paper pushers) who is not involved in a endurance sport should be able to squat at least 1.5x his body weight. It's an easy to reach target, and the minimum necessary level of strength to make your life enjoyable :devil:

Yea I know I have been very into lifting at various times in my life, particularly squatting. And I have squatted over 1.5 my body weight. :-p Just never knew that anybody was that strong at 70.
  • #8
Phyisab**** said:
Yea I know I have been very into lifting at various times in my life, particularly squatting. And I have squatted over 1.5 my body weight. :-p

Most excellent ! I also enjoy squatting more than any other lift. My second fav is power clean.

Phyisab**** said:
Just never knew that anybody was that strong at 70.

Impressive, aint it ? It just shows that age has a serious mental component. You feel old, you are old. You got the attitude and the balls, you will do things which humiliate a lot of youngsters.

I also found this video great, it showcases Serge Nubret training at 70 years old. This is bodybuidling , yeah, but , just check the size of that man at 70.

And let's not forget outstanding performances in endurance as well. Chi Meson's wife for example and her ultra marathon. It's just awesome.
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  • #9
That story about the 11 year old doesn't motivate anything. It just makes you sad.
  • #10
Werg22 said:
That story about the 11 year old doesn't motivate anything. It just makes you sad.

Perhaps it doesn't motivate anything in you. I for myself, when I see such a will to enjoy life and to perform in a though sport like wrestling in spite of ultimate adversity, I find a lot of motivation.

In the end, what excuse have 30% of the population to be obese ? Able bodied, but lazy and lacking will. This kid doesn't make any excuses. And yes, he could be 100% understood if he would make excuses. He just performs instead.
  • #11
DanP said:
what excuse have 30% of the population to be obese ?
What excuse do you have to demand excuses?

Moderate obesity reduces life expectancy 3 years. It's not exactly at the top of the things-to-do list with drinking and breathing. Some people just don't give a ****, good for them. Breaking a bone while jogging could have far worse consequences than fat.
  • #12
Negatron said:
What excuse do you have to demand excuses?

None. But more than demanding excuses, this thread is a call to action.
Negatron said:
Moderate obesity reduces life expectancy 3 years. It's not exactly at the top of the things-to-do list with drinking and breathing. Some people just don't give a ****, good for them.

3 years of life is a huge boon. But it's not about life expectancy being longer with 3 years.
It's about quality of life. IMO, many obese ppl will give the appearance that they don't give a ****. But they do. Deep inside, they are not happy with themselves. I don't think life quality is good for a person which slightest of efforts makes them out of breath. Who is at high risk of CV disease and diabetes. Life expectancy could be only 3 years shorter, but living with diabetes for decades ain't funny. Increased risks of ED in men, this is also not something which you relate to high quality of life. And the list can go on for pages.

Then we have the responsibility towards our children. Children obesity is a crime. And the
key to stop this is in the hand of parents.

Negatron said:
Breaking a bone while jogging could have far worse consequences than fat.

I always hinted ppl on internet to check with their MD before embarking on a exercise program, and choose a sensible, progressive and tailored to individual needs course of action.

But besides that, your phrase saddens me. There was a time not so long ago when men where men. Today we have ppl who seem to perceive the slightest physical effort as a mortal threat. Way to go.
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  • #13
DanP said:
Deep inside, they are not happy with themselves.
The largest people I've known were some of the happiest I've ever met. If they're not happy they have a remarkable talent for hiding it. Also, how do you define lazy? From my experience large people work just as hard as small people. Their work may be far more mentally involved than physically, but considering how adverse society is to hard thinking, this would make a learned obese man far less lazy than the average fit one. In principle, moving your legs in rapid succession is far easier than reading a math book.

Don't get me wrong, it would be to their general advantage to maintain a lower body weight, but in reality a fit person's outlook on life can be just as horribly flawed, only in a different manner. On a normal distribution there will be excessively large people, excessively stupid people and excessively judgmental people. I find it's best to simply avoid people who's character faults don't align with yours, rather than flaunting your superior outlook on life.

DanP said:
But besides that, your phrase saddens me.
Your ideology saddens me. I can think of no terror worse than a world full of pretty lean people who have an authoritative stance on how a person should go about life.
  • #15
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  • #16
Negatron said:
The largest people I've known were some of the happiest I've ever met. If they're not happy they have a remarkable talent for hiding it.

The wake-up call comes sooner or later. Usually accompanied with metabolic disturbances diabetes and CV disease. You can read the happiness on their faces soon after :P

Negatron said:
In principle, moving your legs in rapid succession is far easier than reading a math book.

This is only in principle. In practice it seems that enormous % of population fails to move it's legs in any way whatsoever. I am sure they also fail at reading math books.

Negatron said:
On a normal distribution there will be excessively large people, excessively stupid people and excessively judgmental people. I find it's best to simply avoid people who's character faults don't align with yours, rather than flaunting your superior outlook on life.

Obesity is becoming a worldwide health issue. You can choose to bury your head in sand and pretend you don't see it, or you can choose to fight against it. I couldn't care less about normal distribution. I care about healthy populations.

Negatron said:
Your ideology saddens me. I can think of no terror worse than a world full of pretty lean people who have an authoritative stance on how a person should go about life.

I can think of no worse terror than legions of fat kids and adolescents, pushed in this directions by behaviors learned from their (equally obese) parents.
  • #17
Obesity was a blessing in the Middle Ages.
  • #18
As a fat guy, I fail to see how any of those things is considered motivation to keep an active life.

I already lead a pretty busy life. I'm either at work or at school 7 days a week. Exercise is not enjoyable to me. Somebody once told me that exercise is addicting, and once you start, you love doing it. I tried it for a month. Went to the gym 3 times a week for 4 weeks, and I hated it.

So, screw that, I'm going to subject myself to even more "work" on top of my full-time job and full-time education. Watching some 70 year old musclehead doesn't motivate me in the least.

FAQ: If anyone needs motivation to keep an active life

1. How can I stay motivated to keep an active life?

One way to stay motivated is to set specific, achievable goals for yourself. This will give you something to work towards and a sense of accomplishment when you reach them. Additionally, find activities that you enjoy and make exercise a regular part of your routine.

2. What are some benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle?

An active lifestyle can improve both physical and mental health. It can help prevent chronic diseases, boost energy levels, improve mood and sleep, and increase overall quality of life.

3. How often should I exercise to maintain an active life?

The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week to maintain an active lifestyle. This can be broken down into smaller increments throughout the week, such as 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.

4. What are some ways to incorporate exercise into a busy schedule?

There are many ways to fit exercise into a busy schedule. Some options include waking up earlier to exercise, taking a walk during lunch breaks, or finding small pockets of time throughout the day to do quick workouts. It's important to prioritize exercise as a part of your daily routine.

5. How can I stay motivated to exercise when I am feeling tired or unmotivated?

It's normal to have days where you don't feel like exercising, but remember that consistency is key. Find an accountability partner or join a fitness group to stay motivated. Also, remind yourself of your goals and the benefits of staying active. Sometimes, just getting started with a workout can help boost your energy and motivation.

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