If C is the Cantor set, C+C contains an open set.

  • Thread starter WHOAguitarninja
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    Cantor Set
In summary, the speaker shares a statement made by their professor regarding C containing a Hamel basis. After doing some research, they found that C+C equals [0,2], but were not provided with an explanation. The speaker proposes a solution involving decomposing base 3 numbers into a sum of two cantor numbers.
  • #1
This is a statement my professor made in class some time ago (as a means to show that C contains a Hamel basis) that seemed fairly innocent, but it's bothered me for awhile. I did some searching online, and it seems that C+C=[0,2]. There it was again stated that this is fairly easy to show, but they neglected to give any insight as to how one might show it. Is there something simple I'm missing?
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  • #2
my rough guess is that any base 3 number (between 0 and 2) can be decomposed into a sum of two cantor numbers. if the digit is a zero, or a two, leave it alone. if its a 1, break it onto a sum of 2's that add up to 1.

e.g. if its 0.12, then 0.0222...+0.02

FAQ: If C is the Cantor set, C+C contains an open set.

1. What is the Cantor set?

The Cantor set is a perfect, self-similar fractal set that is constructed by repeatedly removing the middle third of a line segment. It is named after mathematician Georg Cantor who first described it in the late 19th century.

2. How is the Cantor set related to mathematics?

The Cantor set has significant implications in mathematics, particularly in the study of topology and measure theory. It is an example of a set that is uncountable, meaning it has an infinite number of elements, but cannot be put in one-to-one correspondence with the set of natural numbers.

3. What does it mean for C+C to contain an open set?

This statement means that if you take the Cantor set and add it to itself, the resulting set will contain at least one open set. An open set is a set of points that does not include its boundary, and is often a fundamental concept in topology and analysis.

4. How is it proven that C+C contains an open set?

The proof for this statement is based on the fact that the Cantor set is a perfect set, meaning it has no isolated points. This allows for the construction of open intervals within the Cantor set, which can then be used to show that C+C contains an open set.

5. What implications does the statement have in mathematics?

The statement has significant implications in the field of analysis, as it provides an example of a set that is "small" in terms of measure, but still contains an open set. This challenges our intuition about the relationship between measure and topological properties, and has led to further research and developments in these areas of mathematics.

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