If Dark Matter does not exist, would string/SUSY/GUT be falsified?

In summary, the conversation discusses the discrepancies between computer simulations of galaxy formation with dark matter and the observed properties of galaxies. These discrepancies include a lower level of angular momentum, smaller galaxy size, and clumping of dark matter at the center of galaxies, which is not observed. The existence of dark matter is also questioned, with implications for theories such as MSSM, SUSY, and string theory. R-parity, a concept in particle physics, is also discussed in relation to the viability of MSSM without dark matter.
  • #1
I'm looking at this thread, https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=403472
Dark Matter, On the Ropes?

Saul said:
Computer simulations of galaxy formation with Dark Matter do not match how galaxies are observed to form and do not match the observed properties of galaxies.

The simulations for example have half the observed angular momentum as compared to observations of spiral galaxies and the galaxies that form in simulation are significantly smaller than observed. The problem is dark matter thermalizes the motion of the gas clouds which causes them to clump earlier before forming large galaxies and reducing the angular momentum of the resultant galaxy. In addition the thermalization causes in the simulations a larger galaxy bulge than is observed.

A third problem is how the angular momentum (rotational velocity) changes as one approaches the center of the simulated galaxy as compared to observational data. The computer simulations show dark matter should clump at the galaxy's center which should reduce the total angular momentum (rotational velocity) at the center of the galaxy. This is not observed. The spiral galaxy continues to rotate as one moves to the center of the spiral. This clumping of dark matter in the center of galaxy's also breaks up the bars in spiral galaxy in simulations, which makes it difficult to even form bar, which does not make sense as the observational data indicates spiral bars form and have a long lifetime.

The dark matter detection experiments have not been able to detect dark matter. The point of the dark matter detection is to determine if dark matter does or does not exist.

It is telling that there multiple very fundamental observations that dark matter cannot explain and no one has been able to detect dark matter.

If there is no dark matter, could the neutralino of MSSM, SUSY and string theory, or the axion of GUT's exist? IF there is no dark matter, doesn't this imply there are no neutralinos or other SUSY-partners, falsifying MSSM, SUSY and MSSM, and possibly higher dimensional kaluza-klein tower modes? If there is no dark matter, does this imply only SM particles exist (i.e only SM particles can be experimentally detected, particles that cannot be detected by any experiment could conceivably exist in the equally undetectable multiverse)?

Dark matter would not prove MSSM since they could be say particles of a yet unknown theory, or perhaps microblack holes are stable, or geons, but no dark matter at all wouldn't that falsify string/MSSM/SUSY/GUT?
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  • #2
ensabah6 said:
IF there is no dark matter, doesn't this imply there are no neutralinos or other SUSY-partners, falsifying MSSM, SUSY and MSSM, and possibly higher dimensional kaluza-klein tower modes?
I believe one requires R-parity in order to get LSPs in the MSSM and other SUSY theories. R-parity is not a 'built in' symmetry of the theory. As for the KK tower, the resonant masses depend on the scale of the extra dimensions. This can be tuned so that the KK modes are not relevant cosmologically. Also, keep in mind that many popular models of KK dark matter are based on 'universal extra dimensions', a model that can not (as far as I know) be embedded in string theory.
Dark matter would not prove MSSM since they could be say particles of a yet unknown theory, or perhaps microblack holes are stable, or geons, but no dark matter at all wouldn't that falsify string/MSSM/SUSY/GUT?
I know physicists that would need both a direct detection of DM and the production of an LSP at the LHC (that were the same particle) in order to be convinced that DM is a SUSY particle. But I would say no, that a lack of DM would not falsify anything.
  • #3
bapowell said:
I believe one requires R-parity in order to get LSPs in the MSSM and other SUSY theories. R-parity is not a 'built in' symmetry of the theory. As for the KK tower, the resonant masses depend on the scale of the extra dimensions. This can be tuned so that the KK modes are not relevant cosmologically. Also, keep in mind that many popular models of KK dark matter are based on 'universal extra dimensions', a model that can not (as far as I know) be embedded in string theory.

I know physicists that would need both a direct detection of DM and the production of an LSP at the LHC (that were the same particle) in order to be convinced that DM is a SUSY particle. But I would say no, that a lack of DM would not falsify anything.

Wouldn't the lack of DM falsify R-parity, and if so, doesn't this make MSSM models disagree with experiment?

So if DM does not exist (i.e no detection at LSP at LHC and no direct detection, inability to explain spiral halo galaxie formation) then for MSSM to be viable, there cannot be R-parity. If there is no R-parity, could the MSSM still be viable, with known experimental evidence?

Isn't R-parity required so as to prevent SUSY-partners from interacting with SM particles in a way that disagrees with experiment ? Since baryon number and lepton number conservation has been tested, how could MSSM account for them without R-parity (i.e baryon number and lepton number conservation would be violated in MSSM without R-parity)

R-parity is a concept in particle physics. In the supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model, baryon number and lepton number are no longer conserved by all of the renormalizable couplings in the theory. Since baryon number and lepton number conservation have been tested very precisely, these couplings need to be very small in order not to be in conflict with experimental data. R-parity is a Z2 symmetry acting on the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) fields that forbids these couplings and can be defined as:

R = (-1)2j+3B+L.

With spin j, baryon number B, and lepton number L. All Standard Model particles have R-parity of 1 while supersymmetric particles have R-parity -1.

Possible origins of R-parity

While on the face of it, R-parity is an ad hoc imposition upon the MSSM, it can arise as an automatic symmetry in SO(10) grand unified theories. This natural occurrence of R-parity is possible because in SO(10) the Standard Model fermions arise from the 16-dimensional spinor representation, while the Higgs arises from a 10 dimensional vector representation. In order to make an SO(10) invariant coupling, one must have an even number of spinor fields (i.e. there is a spinor parity). After GUT symmetry breaking, this spinor parity descends into R-parity so long as no spinor fields were used to break the GUT symmetry.
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  • #4
I suppose as well that SUSY can be broken at a higher scale than the inflation reheat temperature. In this case, no SUSY partners are generated after inflation.
  • #5
bapowell said:
I suppose as well that SUSY can be broken at a higher scale than the inflation reheat temperature. In this case, no SUSY partners are generated after inflation.

Nature could turn out this way, but then would SUSY explain EW-stabilization and Higgs against radiative correction? How would it be possible to experimentally verify SUSY in this scenario?

Related to If Dark Matter does not exist, would string/SUSY/GUT be falsified?

1. What is Dark Matter and why is it important?

Dark Matter refers to a hypothetical type of matter that does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible to traditional telescopes. Its existence is inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter and the large-scale structure of the universe. Understanding Dark Matter is important because it makes up about 85% of the total matter in the universe and plays a crucial role in the formation and evolution of galaxies.

2. How do string theory, SUSY, and GUT relate to Dark Matter?

String theory, Supersymmetry (SUSY), and Grand Unified Theory (GUT) are all theoretical frameworks that attempt to unify the fundamental forces and particles of the universe. They also propose the existence of new particles, such as the neutralino, which could potentially be candidates for Dark Matter. If Dark Matter does not exist, these theories would be falsified as they would no longer be able to explain the existence of these particles.

3. What evidence supports the existence of Dark Matter?

The evidence for Dark Matter comes from a variety of sources, including observations of the rotation of galaxies, gravitational lensing, and the cosmic microwave background. These observations all point to the presence of invisible mass that cannot be explained by the known particles and forces in the universe.

4. What are the implications if Dark Matter does not exist?

If Dark Matter does not exist, it would mean that our current understanding of the universe is incomplete. It would also call into question the validity of certain theories, such as string theory, SUSY, and GUT, that rely on the existence of Dark Matter. It would also require a new explanation for the observed gravitational effects that are currently attributed to Dark Matter.

5. How are scientists attempting to prove or disprove the existence of Dark Matter?

Scientists are using a variety of techniques and experiments to search for evidence of Dark Matter. These include underground detectors, particle colliders, and astronomical observations. So far, no definitive proof of Dark Matter has been found, but ongoing research and advancements in technology offer promising opportunities for further investigation.

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