If f(x) = 0 for every bounded linear map f, is x = 0?

In summary, if you know that for some x in a normed vector space X, you have f(x) = 0 for every linear map on X, you can conclude that x = 0.
  • #1
Suppose you're looking at a complex vector space X, and you know that, for some x in X, you have f(x) = 0 for every linear map on X. Can you conclude that x = 0? If so, how?

This seems easy, but I can't think of it for some reason.

(EDIT: Assume it holds for every CONTINUOUS (i.e., bounded) linear map on X. This may, or may not, make a difference.)
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  • #2
The identity map is linear and bounded. :smile:
  • #3
Well, you can take f the identity map on X. Then f(x)=0 means that x=0. But I'm quite sure that this is not what you meant...
  • #4
Well the identity function is a bounded linear map, so yes.

If you mean bounded linear functional, this is still true by Hahn-Banach, because we can send x to ||x||, and send each vector of the form ax to a||x||, where a is in C. By Hahn-Banach, this extends to a bounded linear functional.
  • #5
ebola1717 said:
Well the identity function is a bounded linear map, so yes.

If you mean bounded linear functional, this is still true by Hahn-Banach, because we can send x to ||x||, and send each vector of the form ax to a||x||, where a is in C. By Hahn-Banach, this extends to a bounded linear functional.

Yes, perhaps I've phrased it badly. I'm talking about X being a normed space, and I'm talking about f(x) = 0 for every bounded linear functional [itex]f: X \to \mathbb C[/itex].

Perhaps I screwed up by writing "map" instead of "functional"...sorry, guys :frown:
  • #6
ebola1717 said:
Well the identity function is a bounded linear map, so yes.

If you mean bounded linear functional, this is still true by Hahn-Banach, because we can send x to ||x||, and send each vector of the form ax to a||x||, where a is in C. By Hahn-Banach, this extends to a bounded linear functional.

So, just following up...if one has [itex]f(x) = 0[/itex] for every bounded linear functional [itex]f: X \to \mathbb C[/itex], then we have [itex]x = 0[/itex], but one has to invoke Hahn-Banach to show that? Ok...no wonder I couldn't think of it :redface:
  • #7
I didn't think of it either, but it's a really nice solution. Definitely the simplest one. I have a more complicated one that only works for Hilbert spaces, if you're interested. It's based on the fact that there's a unique vector [itex]x_f[/itex] such that the map [itex]y\mapsto\langle x_f,y\rangle[/itex] is equal to f (the Riesz representation theorem). I'm also using that [itex](\ker f)^\perp=\mathbb Cx_f[/itex].

Edit: I thought of a way to avoid the Hahn-Banach theorem, but it requires an inner product. Ebola's solution goes like this: Suppose that [itex]x\neq 0[/itex]. Then [itex]ax\mapsto a\|x\|[/itex] is a bounded linear functional on the 1-dimensional subspace [itex]\mathbb Cx[/itex]. Let's call this functional [itex]f_0[/itex]. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, there's a linear functional [itex]f:X\rightarrow\mathbb C[/itex] such that [itex]f|_{\mathbb Cx}=f_0[/itex] and [itex]\|f\|=\|f_0\|[/itex]. Since [itex]f(x)=f_0(x)=\|x\|\neq 0[/itex], we have a contradiction.

If there's an inner product, we don't have to invoke Hahn-Banach. We just define f explicitly: [itex]f(y)=\langle x,y\rangle[/itex].
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  • #8
It shouldn't come as a surprise that Hahn-Banach is needed. For an arbitrary normed vector space, it isn't even clear a priori that the dual spaces is non-trivial. If it were, then your condition would be satisfied trivially! You use Hahn-Banach to show that the dual space is non-trivial.
  • #9
this seems non trivial as hahn banach uses the axiom of choice as i recall.
  • #10
Yes, it's definitely not trivial if we're dealing with an arbitrary normed space or Banach space. However, if there's an inner product on the space, we can use the inner product instead of the Hahn-Banach theorem.

If we're dealing with an arbitrary normed space X, I guess we would have apply the argument based on the Hahn-Banach theorem to the completion of X.

The proof I've seen of the Hahn-Banach theorem relies on Zorn's lemma, which is equivalent to the AoC.
  • #11
@Fredrik: Hahn-Banach is already a result about normed vector spaces, not necessarily complete. So no need to consider the completion.

Hahn-Banach is strictly weaker than AoC: in ZF, AoC implies H-B, but not the other way around.

FAQ: If f(x) = 0 for every bounded linear map f, is x = 0?

1. What is the definition of a bounded linear map?

A bounded linear map is a function between two vector spaces that is both linear and satisfies a certain boundedness condition. This condition ensures that the output of the function does not grow too quickly as the input increases.

2. What does it mean for f(x) to equal 0 for every bounded linear map f?

If f(x) equals 0 for every bounded linear map f, it means that x is a zero element in the vector space. In other words, x is the additive identity element and any operation performed on it results in the same value.

3. Why is it important for x to equal 0 in this scenario?

If x does not equal 0, then there exists a bounded linear map f that does not produce an output of 0 when applied to x. This contradicts the original statement that f(x) equals 0 for every bounded linear map f, so x must equal 0 for this statement to hold true.

4. Can you give an example of a bounded linear map where x does not equal 0?

Yes, consider the function f(x) = 2x. This is a bounded linear map because it is linear and the output is always bounded by a constant (in this case, 2). However, if we let x = 1, then f(x) = 2, which is not equal to 0. Therefore, x must equal 0 for f(x) to equal 0 for every bounded linear map f.

5. How does this statement relate to the concept of a zero vector in linear algebra?

The statement "If f(x) = 0 for every bounded linear map f, is x = 0?" is essentially asking if x is the zero vector. In linear algebra, the zero vector is the additive identity element, meaning that any vector added to it results in the same vector. This aligns with the idea that x must equal 0 for every bounded linear map f in order for f(x) to equal 0.

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