If L is diagonalizable, algebraic & geometric multiplicities are equal

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  • Thread starter JD_PM
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In summary, we have a n-dimensional vector space ##V## and a linear operator ##L:V \to V## with a characteristic polynomial that factorizes into first-degree products over ##\Bbb R## and has a collection of eigenvalues ##\{\lambda_1, \lambda_2,..., \lambda_k\}##. If ##L## is diagonalizable, each eigenvalue has algebraic multiplicity equal to its geometric multiplicity. This is because the geometric multiplicity is at least the algebraic multiplicity, which cannot exceed the algebraic multiplicity.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I want to prove that if ##L## is diagonalizable then each eigenvalue ##\lambda_i## has algebraic multiplicity equal to its geometric multiplicity (i.e. ##a(\lambda_i ) =g(\lambda_i ))##.

I am not used to write down formal mathematical proofs so any advice on that is very much welcomed!
Given a n-dimensional vector space ##V## (where n is a finite number) and a linear operator ##L## (which, by definition, implies ##L:V \to V##; reference: Linear Algebra Done Right by Axler, page 86) whose characteristic polynomial (we assume) can be factorized out as first-degree products over ##\Bbb R## and whose collection of eigenvalues is ##\{\lambda_1, \lambda_2,..., \lambda_k\}##. If ##L## is diagonalizable then each eigenvalue ##\lambda_i## has algebraic multiplicity equal to its geometric multiplicity (i.e. ##a(\lambda_i ) =g(\lambda_i )##

First off, we assume that the matrix ##L## is diagonalizable. That implies that there is a basis of ##V## consisting of eigenvectors of ##L##. We made no assumption regarding the degeneracy of the spectrum so let's keep it general. Let us label ##a_1## as the collection of all eigenvectors with eigenvalue ##\lambda_i## and we do the same up to ##a_k##. Now we construct the basis ##\beta## of eigenvectors of ##L## i.e.

\beta = \{ a_1, a_2, ..., a_k\}

Thus ##D=P^{-1} A P##, where ##D## is a diagonal matrix, (with respect to the ##\beta## basis) containing the eigenvalues of ##L## i.e.

We now build up the matrix ##P## as a row matrix containing the columns of ##P##

P=(p_1 p_2 ... p_k)

We note that

&AP=PD \Rightarrow \\
&\Rightarrow (Ap_1 Ap_2 ... Ap_k) = A(p_1 p_2 ... p_k) = (p_1 p_2 ... p_k)D=(\lambda_1 p_1 \lambda_2 p_2 ... \lambda_k p_k)

So we see that each of the columns of the matrix ##P## satisfies the eigenvector equation i.e. ##Ap_i = \lambda_i p_i##.

What I do not see is how to show that ##a(\lambda_i) = g(\lambda_i)## from here.

Thank you! :biggrin:
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  • #2
The sum of the algebraic multiplicities is ##n##. Since ##L## is diagonalizable, the sum of the geometric multiplicities is also ##n##. Since ##a(\lambda)\geq g(\lambda)## for each eigenvalue ##\lambda##, these sums can only be equal if we always have ##a(\lambda)=g(\lambda).##
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Likes JD_PM
  • #3
Infrared said:
The sum of the algebraic multiplicities is ##n##.

Alright I see this is because we are given that the characteristic polynomial completely factorizes in first degree products over ##\Bbb R##

Infrared said:
Since ##L## is diagonalizable, the sum of the geometric multiplicities is also ##n##.

Naïve question: why?
  • #4
Since ##L## is diagonalizable, ##V## is the direct sum of the eigenspaces for ##T.## The dimension of each eigenspace is the geometric multiplicity of the corresponding eigenvalue.
  • #5
More concretely, suppose that the algebraic multiplicity of eigenvalue ##\lambda## is ##m##. Since ##A## is diagonalizable, then (permuting the rows and columns if necessary) we may assume that there is a matrix ##D## such that the first ##m## diagonal entries of ##D## are ##\lambda##, and that there is an invertible matrix ##P## such that ##PD = AP##.

If ##e_j## denotes the column vector with ##1## in the ##j##'th entry and zeros everywhere else, then for ##1 \leq j \leq m## we have ##De_j = \lambda e_j##. Also, if ##p_j## denotes the ##j##'th column of ##P##, then ##Pe_j = p_j##. Therefore:
$$PDe_j = P(\lambda e_j) = \lambda Pe_j = \lambda p_j$$
$$APe_j = Ap_j$$
Since the LHS's of the above two equations are equal, so are the RHS's:
$$Ap_j = \lambda p_j$$
which shows that ##p_j## is an eigenvector of ##A## associated with ##\lambda##.

This holds for ##1 \leq j \leq m##, which shows that the geometric multiplicity of ##\lambda## is at least ##m##; here we are using the fact that ##p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_m## are linearly independent since ##P## is invertible.

Since the geometric multiplicity cannot exceed the algebraic multiplicity, which is also ##m##, the conclusion follows.
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Likes JD_PM and jim mcnamara

Related to If L is diagonalizable, algebraic & geometric multiplicities are equal

1. What does it mean for a matrix to be diagonalizable?

Diagonalizability refers to the ability to transform a matrix into a diagonal matrix through a similarity transformation. This means that the matrix can be written as a product of three matrices: A = PDP^-1, where P is an invertible matrix and D is a diagonal matrix.

2. What are the algebraic and geometric multiplicities of a matrix?

The algebraic multiplicity of an eigenvalue is the number of times it appears as a root of the characteristic polynomial of the matrix. The geometric multiplicity of an eigenvalue is the dimension of the eigenspace corresponding to that eigenvalue.

3. How do you determine the algebraic and geometric multiplicities of a matrix?

The algebraic multiplicity can be determined by finding the degree of the eigenvalue in the characteristic polynomial. The geometric multiplicity can be found by calculating the nullity of the matrix A - λI, where λ is the eigenvalue in question.

4. Why is it important for the algebraic and geometric multiplicities to be equal?

If the algebraic and geometric multiplicities are equal, then the matrix is said to be fully diagonalizable. This means that there exists a basis of eigenvectors for the matrix, making it easier to perform calculations and understand its properties.

5. Can a matrix have different algebraic and geometric multiplicities?

Yes, it is possible for a matrix to have different algebraic and geometric multiplicities. In this case, the matrix is not fully diagonalizable and may have complex eigenvectors. This can make it more difficult to perform calculations and analyze the matrix.

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