If neutrinos are everywhere, why isn't Cherenkov's Radiation?

In summary, neutrinos do not interact much with ordinary matter and therefore do not produce a blue glow in water. They can only be detected through rare interactions with other particles, and even then it is difficult to detect due to their lack of charge. While it is possible to detect neutrinos in the deep ocean, it would be costly and difficult to set up such an experiment. However, similar experiments have been done using ice in the South Pole.
  • #1
Why isn't all water being infiltrated by neutrinos and giving off a blue glow?

P.S: I know they're not literally everywhere.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Ralphonsicus said:
Why isn't all water being infiltrated by neutrinos and giving off a blue glow?

P.S: I know they're not literally everywhere.

There is no interaction (almost) between the neutrinos and water. More important, they are uncharged.
  • #3
Neutrinos react very weakly with ordinary matter and usually pass through virtually unaffected.


Main article: Neutrino detector

Neutrinos cannot be detected directly, because they don't ionize the materials they are passing through (they don't carry electric charge and other proposed effects, like the MSW effect, do not produce traceable radiation).

  • #4
Did not realize this volume:

Most neutrinos passing through the Earth emanate from the Sun. About 65 billion (6.5×1010) solar neutrinos per second pass through every square centimeter perpendicular to the direction of the Sun in the region of the Earth.

  • #5
Ralphonsicus said:
Why isn't all water being infiltrated by neutrinos and giving off a blue glow?

P.S: I know they're not literally everywhere.

Actually, they ARE, pretty much. See the post directly above.
  • #6

So is this video completely wrong then?!
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  • #7
No. The Cerenkov radiation only happens when a neutrino actually interacts with another particle, and comes from an electron given off by the interaction that moves faster than light in the water. These interactions are very rare. All water would give off occasional blue glows, but so few they're not noticeable without special detectors.
  • #8
The standard understanding of Cherenkov radiation is that it is produced when a (electrically) CHARGED particle passes through a medium at a speed faster the the speed of light in that medium. So neutrinos do not produce this type of radiation simply because they are not charged.

Interestingly however one of the more favoured arguments for why the supposed observation of superluminal neutrinos by the OPERA experiment is wrong is the argument by Cohen and Glashow that if neutrinos did move superluminally they would then emit a kind of cherenkov radiation and thus lose energy and would therefore not arrive at the OPERA experiment with the observed energy. However note that this is not really the same as cherenkov radiation as the dominant radiation is to electron-positron pairs. The details of all this are in the original short paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1109.6562 and also there is a really nice review of all this by Matt Strassler here.
  • #9
AdrianTheRock said:
No. The Cerenkov radiation only happens when a neutrino actually interacts with another particle, and comes from an electron given off by the interaction that moves faster than light in the water. These interactions are very rare. All water would give off occasional blue glows, but so few they're not noticeable without special detectors.

Could you put a really good telescope in the deep ocean and detect it? If it's deep enough wouldn't photons/cosmic rays/etc be blocked leaving only neutrinos? Volcanoes and strange glowing creatures might be a problem. Could they be avoided?

Google search shows I'm not quite as dumb as I think I am:


And this:


Interesting stuff!
  • #10
mal4mac said:
Could you put a really good telescope in the deep ocean and detect it? If it's deep enough wouldn't photons/cosmic rays/etc be blocked leaving only neutrinos? Volcanoes and strange glowing creatures might be a problem. Could they be avoided?

Google search shows I'm not quite as dumb as I think I am:


And this:


Interesting stuff!

But one also needs to consider the logistic when designing an experiment, and also one other important factor: how much it will cost! If we live in an ideal world, I can easily tell you a bunch of amazing experiments that we can do. But we are not living in that world.

For example, the DUESL lab at the Homestake mine is already having issues with getting funding for LBNL experiment. And this is in a place that's already built (pre-existing mine deep underground) with some existing infrastructure. Think of the hurdle to do such a thing in some place new.

  • #11
Actually, they're doing a not-all-that-dissimilar experiment at the south pole, but using a stretch of ice-cap rather than liquid water. See http://icecube.wisc.edu/.

FAQ: If neutrinos are everywhere, why isn't Cherenkov's Radiation?

1. If neutrinos are everywhere, why isn't Cherenkov's Radiation?

Cherenkov's Radiation is only produced when a charged particle travels faster than the speed of light in a medium. Neutrinos, on the other hand, travel at or near the speed of light, making it impossible for them to produce Cherenkov's Radiation.

2. Can neutrinos ever produce Cherenkov's Radiation?

In theory, yes. If a neutrino were to interact with a medium and produce a charged particle that travels faster than the speed of light in that medium, then Cherenkov's Radiation could be produced. However, this is extremely rare and has not been observed in nature.

3. Why is Cherenkov's Radiation often associated with nuclear reactors and particle accelerators?

Cherenkov's Radiation is produced when high-energy particles (such as those found in nuclear reactors and particle accelerators) travel faster than the speed of light in a medium. This is because these particles have enough energy to create shock waves in the medium, causing the characteristic blue glow of Cherenkov's Radiation.

4. Do all charged particles that travel faster than the speed of light in a medium produce Cherenkov's Radiation?

No, not all charged particles produce Cherenkov's Radiation. The particle must also be traveling at a specific angle relative to the medium, known as the Cherenkov angle. If the particle does not meet this criteria, it will not produce Cherenkov's Radiation.

5. How is Cherenkov's Radiation detected in experiments?

Cherenkov's Radiation can be detected using specialized detectors that are designed to detect the characteristic blue light. These detectors often use photomultiplier tubes, which convert the light into an electrical signal that can be measured and analyzed by scientists.

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